Good lord!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Relatable. Speaking of bittersweet, you supported Bernie. How did you feel about watching Biden be sworn in as president?

Oh my gosh, I cried. I’m 42 and I’ve waited four decades of my life—I’m tearing up just thinking about it—to see a woman be vice president. I wish that she was president, although I think Biden is pretty great. It was so powerful to sit there with my 5-year-old daughter who I love so much and be like, this is where you enter politics, right? We have shielded you from Trump as much as possible. But this is what we want you to see, a wonderful, successful woman and a woman of color in such a powerful position. It was great to share that with her and my partner who’s also a woman, so we’re just a huge feminist household celebrating this momentous occasion.

An educator? Seems more like an opinionated opinionater, from the appropriately named DownTime

“I Think My Gmail Has Crashed”: The Teacher Who Made Bernie Sanders’ Mittens on Watching Them Go Viral
These two women shielded their daughter from Trump. Must be careful that Suzy is not exposed to anything different or of the other.

Yeah I'm tearing up because this smells like child abuse.
kami fly1b.jpg
Women are fully one-half of humanity, but have been fenced out of our political and social institutions generation after generation, so it is good to see us assume our rightful place in the halls of power.

Children should be shielded from the likes of trump, who has bragged that he grabs people's genitals, and his ilk. They think of female humans as farm animals and slabs of meat. If you want a child to grow up into a thoughtful, independent, capable adult with high self-esteem, you shield them from evil influences who wish to indoctrinate them to accept being treated as meat and a source of free labor. Girls are subjected to such indoctrination from a very early age, by people they should be able to trust, like parents, clergy, and teachers, so these women were only looking to protect their daughter.
The party that says we shouldn't judge by race, gender or ancestry celebrate the new Vice President by doing exactly that.

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The fact that we are celebrating "firsts" regarding race, gender, or ancestry demonstrates that discrimination based on race, gender, and ancestry historically has been rampant in our society or people with the same characteristics as these "firsts" would have been in these positions a long time ago. Who were all of the previous vice presidents? Where they all of the same race? Gender? Ancestry?

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