Global Warming or Climate Change?

Well half wit, what does rainfall have to do with my comment that you need co2 to live
Well indirectly, animals need oxygen and plants need CO2. Luckily we (animals) expel CO2 and plants expel oxygen.

What about it? We also need water to live but if someone dropped you in the middle of Lake Superior, you'd be wishing for a little less water.
When NONE of their dire global warming predictions came true and people laughed at them, they simply changed the name to climate change...then told us really cold winters were because of warming.
Did you even look at the data? Oh! You're brainwashed by billionaires, no wonder you can't understand....

Unplug for a couple'll feel much better.
Well indirectly, animals need oxygen and plants need CO2. Luckily we (animals) expel CO2 and plants expel oxygen.
No, humans directly need CO2 to live. You think people don't need co2 to stay alive and here you are obviously parroting climate change when you don't know the 1st thing about co2.

Your body can't live without co2, look it up
Everyone who burns fossil fuels contribute to the problem. Your point?
Not in all, or every case

Numerous companies have developed e.g. ZERO emission Diesel engines. The German governmnet refused to take in a Patent application for such an engine - so the guy applied in France and received an EU patent.

Since the automobile industry has been forced by numerous governments to "only" produce EV's - naturally this Zero emission Diesel engine will most likely never make it.
It's both! Global warming induced climate change.

No .
One is a cause of the other .
But Climate Change itself is just a consequence of the Climate Cycle , with Change being evidence of the Cycle .

And of course Change comes primarily from energy released by the Sun and from our Galaxy Centre .

Tragically as a species we certainly contribute to adverse events but not in the way Deep State wants you to believe -- which is just their brilliant way of moving us toward Total Control .

And in passsing this helps them Deflect from their Weather Manipulation and Geo Engineeering .
ok, so half a million years before humans even appeared on Earth CO2 was higher...what do you think this is evidence of?
The science is accepted by the vast majority of scientists, but I'm sure you understand the data better than they do.

You've been brainwashed by billionaires....wake up man!

Fred Flintstone's farts maybe.
Well actually LA County is a semi-desert averaging 14.5" of rain per year over the last 30 years. 2022 with 24" and 2023 with 22"were wet years in LA,
Your right we get Santa Ana's every year but usually in the fall. I've been here my whole life and I don't remember winds being any stronger than what we had on January 7.

Mud slides much more likely in the Alta Dena area, more brush burned and higher steeper mountains

You've been brainwashed by billionaires...unplug for a couple months.
"Usually". I was born in LA in the 1940s. Your life experiences are very short compared to the life of that region.
You ever been in 60-80 mph winds with gusts to 100? Try spraying a hose in that!
And rain has been falling in the mountains of North Carolina for millions of years but when a hurricane drops rain in extreme amounts Asheville gets washed away.
Yeah, I have. And, unlike you I used to be a wildland firefighter. You know nothing.
After the 2005 slide geologists discovered there was an earthquake fault that contributed to the disaster. A previous slide in '95 was thought to be solely from the 38" of rain that season, more than double the norm of 14.8
Yeah, it's called the Red Mountain Thrust Fault. La Conchita is some of the most rapid rising land in the world. Seven inches per year based on geologic data.
It's both! Global warming induced climate change.

In the 1950's and '60's when scientists noticed carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere due to increasing use of fossil fuels they predicted that the atmosphere would begin to warm. They were right.

They then predicted the increasing atmospheric temperatures would lead to more extreme weather events like heat waves, freezes, heavy rain, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods. Again, they were right.

In 1980 NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration began recording the data on extreme weather events, those in excess of $1 Billion.

Minimum to maximum per year Total per decade Cost per decade $Billions
1980's. 2 - 7 33. $219
1990's. 3 - 11. 57 $335
2000's 3 - 12. 67 $621
2010's. 7 - 21. 131. $994
2020's. 18 - 28.(5 years). 115. $746
The $ are inflation adjusted.
You can check the data NOAA

The science is right and the trend line is devastating, we've gone from a minimum of 2 to a minimum of 18 every year! For the whole decade of the 2020's the losses will easily exceed $100 B. How many billion dollar losses can we sustain before we can't repair fast enough to keep up with new damage? As of 2019 New Orleans still hadn't fully recovered.

The good news is we know what to do and we've made a good start on it.

If you don't care about the Earth, or you don't have kids or enyone else who's future you care about, think about your wallet man! We all pay taxes, even 'you know who' paid $750 in 2016! Do you want your taxes spent on disaster clean up? ( yes, if need be but I can think of better uses)

And of course, if you are the victim of an extreme weather event you may lose everything you've worked for, or even your life!

Climate change disasters can strike where is immune.

Well that's just the facts. Climate change is real and it won't go away on its own .
I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
Yeah, the climate changes, but HUMANS have NOTHING to do with it.
You fucking retarded Marxist ASSHOLES are only concerned with POWER AND CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLE.
Everyone who burns fossil fuels contribute to the problem. Your point?

I made my point.

You climate cultists vilify and try to control my life and everyone else in the US, while CHINA AND INDIA are polluting MANY MANY MANY times worse than the rest of the US.

China is going to build 100 coal burning plants this year.

Get China and India to use wind and solar, then worry about cow farts.

What are you doing to get China and India to stop using fossil fuels? Who is going to build the solar panels and windmills and batteries for the green dream? Are they going to be manufactured using wind and solar?

How will the US power grid accommodate 450 million EVs? How will the power be generated? How will be build the needed infrastructure?

The plan of the climate cultists makes no sense.
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Climate change is a hoax. The same hoax it was in the 70s when it was a new ice age. More people are realizing that.
Ok, your point?

Fred Flintstone's farts maybe.

Yeah, it's called the Red Mountain Thrust Fault. La Conchita is some of the most rapid rising land in the world. Seven inches per year based on geologic data.

I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
Yeah, the climate changes, but HUMANS have NOTHING to do with it.
You fucking retarded Marxist ASSHOLES are only concerned with POWER AND CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLE.

Do you intelligent people see a correlation here? What am I speaking of--------------->

1. 9/11.........politicians decided to begin taking your rights......for your own good you know, put in FISA, etc.........and it is all still there!

2. COVID------> We as politicians know what is best. You do not work unless we say so, you will be vilified if you don't take the jab, we are shutting down schools and most of your lives......but oh by the way....China had zero to do with says we the know it all politicians, and if you don't do what we say, you risk jail time. We are in control, and virtually EVERY LEFTIST on this board screamed at you if you even dared to question the way business was being done.

3. Climate change------>you buy what we tell you to buy, we are the brilliant LEFTISTS. THIS is settled science, (no it is not, in fact it is closer to JUNK SCIENCE) so we have no reason to even have experts from both sides publicly debate. (mainly because many of the MMGW crown may bail once they here facts) It is NOT our fault we cut the budgets to protect Americans, it is YOUR fault for not buying our BULLSH**. Just give us more of your precious American rights, and let US.....the brilliant Leftists decide for you how to live. Just look at our BRILLIANT leaders--------->Chucky Shmucky, Rashida Tahlib, Mamala, Nancy PUNKLOSI, AOC, Sanders, Pocahontas, Tampon Tim, Spacy HiroooooohNO, and let us not forget Shifty Shiff.

Forget the fact that these people have no cred at all, just pretend for a minute they are partially correct.......even 15% correct. Do YOU want people who can't even keep their fire equipment running to put out fires, diverts BILLIONS of gallons of fresh water to an ocean when they need fresh water, or open your borders AGAINST the constitution while lying about it; even having you think about allowing them to attempt to control the weather, lol. These clowns are DECAYING every system we have in this country from the DOJ, to the military on down; why oh why would be put them in charge of anything as important as this....if it is as important as they say is?

The American people just told them what they thought of their governance, guess they weren't listening, lol. Remind them come Monday folks, after Trump throws their Leftist agenda in the Oval Office trash can, writes a new agenda, and most Americans cheer like hell!
Do you intelligent people see a correlation here? What am I speaking of--------------->

1. 9/11.........politicians decided to begin taking your rights......for your own good you know, put in FISA, etc.........and it is all still there!

2. COVID------> We as politicians know what is best. You do not work unless we say so, you will be vilified if you don't take the jab, we are shutting down schools and most of your lives......but oh by the way....China had zero to do with says we the know it all politicians, and if you don't do what we say, you risk jail time. We are in control, and virtually EVERY LEFTIST on this board screamed at you if you even dared to question the way business was being done.

3. Climate change------>you buy what we tell you to buy, we are the brilliant LEFTISTS. THIS is settled science, (no it is not, in fact it is closer to JUNK SCIENCE) so we have no reason to even have experts from both sides publicly debate. (mainly because many of the MMGW crown may bail once they here facts) It is NOT our fault we cut the budgets to protect Americans, it is YOUR fault for not buying our BULLSH**. Just give us more of your precious American rights, and let US.....the brilliant Leftists decide for you how to live. Just look at our BRILLIANT leaders--------->Chucky Shmucky, Rashida Tahlib, Mamala, Nancy PUNKLOSI, AOC, Sanders, Pocahontas, Tampon Tim, Spacy HiroooooohNO, and let us not forget Shifty Shiff.

Forget the fact that these people have no cred at all, just pretend for a minute they are partially correct.......even 15% correct. Do YOU want people who can't even keep their fire equipment running to put out fires, diverts BILLIONS of gallons of fresh water to an ocean when they need fresh water, or open your borders AGAINST the constitution while lying about it; even having you think about allowing them to attempt to control the weather, lol. These clowns are DECAYING every system we have in this country from the DOJ, to the military on down; why oh why would be put them in charge of anything as important as this....if it is as important as they say is?

The American people just told them what they thought of their governance, guess they weren't listening, lol. Remind them come Monday folks, after Trump throws their Leftist agenda in the Oval Office trash can, writes a new agenda, and most Americans cheer like hell!
Using crisises to normalize radical changes is Marxism 101.
Using crisises to normalize radical changes is Marxism 101.

Yes it is. Remind all these nice people who/whom, and from which party a certain POLITICIANS proclaimed that "they had never seen a crisis they couldn't take advantage of" or something very similar to that, lol. Of course, Leftists will close their ears as they can NOT stand when we play back to them what their own leaders have said to prove our point, but hey............come Monday, they will be whining like stuck pigs.....or should I say DONKEYS; and it will be music to most Americans ears; so much so, we should bring back Hee-Haw to celebrate-)
The science is accepted by the vast majority of scientists,
And you came to that "coclusion" HOW

Are the Socialist Demon Rats "scientists"?

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Bringing Truth to Light in Vegas

By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
September 7, 2022

The 40th Annual Meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness was held in Las Vegas, August 14 – 16, 2022 at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa. The “doctors” in this group include scientists, physicians, engineers, and experts in various fields.

Yet they concluded that GLOBULL WARMING IS A HOAX

Am I to understand that you understand the climate data better than they do?

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