Global Warming Is Becoming Global Cooling

Cry it all out, guys. Mean old liberals, running all the science and arts and academia and...
It seems that way

libs only hiring and promoting other libs

NPR for instance

it certainly does not represent the majority of America
Fuckin' liar.

Time and Newsweek are in business to sell magazines. Not publish scientifically accurate material.
They flip-flopped between global warming and global cooling a few times before being shamed into calling it climate change. That way you don't have to pick a side to steal taxpayer money.

I prefer "climate hysteria" or "give me a fuck ton of your money and I'll fix the weather for you".....
Another example of Dunning-Kruger. No, that is simply not true. You absolutely know nothing about this subject, are speaking from abject ignorance, and are too stupid to realize it.
A case study in activist illiteracy. I'll guess you are also proud of your ignorance. No matter what the science shows, full steam ahead with the cause.
LOL Now look, you silly dumb fuck, you state science shows exactly the opposite of what it actually shows. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. That is what science says.
I’m sorry that you are miserable. Yes man can absolutely effect Mother Nature. We can preserve our environment or destroy it. I’m all for preserving it in the best way we can. How about you?
Oh, so you are going to China after all?
Not to worry anymore about global warming. It has now become global cooling. Now that we have to worry about the Earth cooling down too much, we no longer have to worry about the Earth warming up too much. Whatever are the activists going to do now, encourage the use of greenhouse gases and fossil fuels? Is Greta going to go out there demanding we increase global temps to save the planet?

I figured that would happen: that's why the Leftists changed the name to "Climate Change" --- so they could do a little sideslip if they couldn't pull off the "global warming" thing.
I figured that would happen: that's why the Leftists changed the name to "Climate Change" --- so they could do a little sideslip if they couldn't pull off the "global warming" thing.
I figure you are one pretty stupid individual not to be able to see what is happening. And to say that you know far more about climate than all the scientists that have studied it for decades.
Time and Newsweek are in business to sell magazines. Not publish scientifically accurate material.
I didn't check, but a lot of such supposed covers are not real, and are photoshopped. Hardly matters, takes only a few seconds to see that such fools have never done the slightest reading of articles from real scientists.
LOL Now look, you silly dumb fuck, you state science shows exactly the opposite of what it actually shows. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. That is what science says.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, no. That is not what EVERY science says. There are many scientific professionals who dispute the activist versions of Climate Change.
Cry it all out, guys. Mean old liberals, running all the science and arts and academia and...
You simply have to love how these stupid "Conservatives" really think that their third grade, or less, scientific education enables them to understand science better than those that have spent decades in scientific research. Classic Dunning-Kruger, to fucking ignorant to even begin to realize how ignorant they truly are.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, no. That is not what EVERY science says. There are many scientific professionals who dispute the activist versions of Climate Change.
What the hell do you mean, every science? The Scientific Societies are made up of scientists, and every one of them states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. The American Geophysical Union has more scientists doing research on climate than any other scientific society, and nearly their whole lecture series last December was devoted to the increasing warming and climatic effects of that warming. Against that we have the college dropouts at Faux News spewing ignorance and lies. Lies you choose to repeat. Sad.
We are #2 polluter after China. And when it comes to total amount of GHGs put into the atmosphere, we are #1 by a huge margin.
The US doesn't even crack the top 50 polluted cities in the world.


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