Getting Rid of RINOs is Very Important in 2022.

This article hits the nail right on the head of the hammer. It's right on. Getting rid of the RINOs has to be a priority.
Getting rid of RHINO's and the Trump cult should be.
---This Primary Season Will Be More Important for Conservatives Than the Actual Midterms---
Hmmmmm.................I'm not aware of any conservatives that are running for office.
Could you list a few.................they'll get my vote.
I stopped reading after the into claimed the republicans wanted to repeal and replace. They never proposed a replace just a repeal sending 10% of Americans back to uninsured status.
Today's saviors are tomorrow's
That's very possible. RINOs are phony rat bastards just like Democrats. They're chameleons who change with the political tide. They always put politics and self enrichment first, just like Democrats again. They're definitely not America first. Just look at Lindsay Graham. His nose has been up a lot of asses.
This article hits the nail right on the head of the hammer. It's right on. Getting rid of the RINOs has to be a priority.

---This Primary Season Will Be More Important for Conservatives Than the Actual Midterms-
So, you do not believe in a democratic, constitutional, representative republic? You think it's best that citizens do NOT have Representatives, that represent them in Congress and their will? You believe citizens that don't walk LOCK STEP with your authoritarian Party, should have zero representation?

Thanks for letting us know your true colors, commie!
You are doing it in Georgia. And you are going to guarantee that Stacy Abrams is our next Governor. Idiots.
So, you do not believe in a democratic, constitutional, representative republic? You think it's best that citizens do NOT have Representatives, that represent them in Congress and their will? You believe citizens that don't walk LOCK STEP with your authoritarian Party, should have zero representation?

Thanks for letting us know your true colors, commie!

You just described the Trumpers. You know that. Right?
That's very possible. RINOs are phony rat bastards just like Democrats. They're chameleons who change with the political tide. They always put politics and self enrichment first, just like Democrats again. They're definitely not America first. Just look at Lindsay Graham. His nose has been up a lot of asses.
As long as you like the guy whose ass his nose is up...all is well.

What always tickles me about republicans is that lifelong republicans with a pedigree of supporting guns, prayer in schools, school vouchers, strong military spending are suddenly seen as RINOs because they don't believe the Big Lie of election fraud. It's comical.
That's very possible. RINOs are phony rat bastards just like Democrats. They're chameleons who change with the political tide. They always put politics and self enrichment first, just like Democrats again. They're definitely not America first. Just look at Lindsay Graham. His nose has been up a lot of asses.
Naaaah, I love Lindsay. He's not a RINO!!!!! He's pretty far right. He's experimental and quick on his feet --- he's been a good friend to Trump and I'd like to see him run as Trump's vice president in 2024.
I agree getting rid of RINOS is MY priority politically for 2022 and 2024.

There was an article just this morning saying the Maryland GOP is pressuring Hogan to run for Senator: he's a bad RINO but both our senator are Dems. No WAY I will ever vote for this guy for prez, which is what Hogan is drooling for, and the state GOP may well know that real Republicans hate Hogan. They've already stopped Michael Steele from running for Gov. and he's black so he'd have a good chance if Trump didn't primary him --------- but Steele, like Hogan, is an awful anti-Trump RINO. And Trump is already primarying the gubernatorial candidates (and we'll both vote for the one Trump wants, too).

So I think they are pushing what little GOP talent we have in Maryland to go after the Democrat van Hollen seat, and though I really hate mandate-crazed Hogan, I would vote for him just to get another Republican Senator in the Senate, even if he is a RINO.

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