Get your imaginary 'pause' off me, you damn delusional deniers

Calgary 2 weeks ago........

Winter in Calgary 100 years ago:


So. Your point?
One of the major propaganda memes being used by the fossil fuel industry and their dupes and stooges to try to fool the public about both the reality and the still accelerating pace of anthropogenic global warming and the associated climate changes is this denier cult myth, about "no warming in 16 years". As I pointed out in the OP, this myth has been debunked repeatedly from many angles, one of which is the statistical deception involved in picking 1997/1998 as the arbitrary start point for the denier cult temperatures graphs. Because 1998 was an unusually hot year due to the confluence of a number of factors, it rose far above the ongoing warming trend in global average temperatures so following years that are still on the trend line seem to be cooler if your start point is 1998.

Here is a good, clear explanation of just why that is deliberately deceptive cherry-picking from a well known national meteorologist and founder of an internet weather service, Dr. Jeff Masters, who also studies and writes about climate science.

Global warming continues with no slow down
By: Dr. Jeff Masters
March 27, 2013
One often hears the statement in the media that global warming stopped in 1998, or that there has been no global warming for the past 16 years. Why pick 16 years? Why not some nice round number like 20 years? Or better yet, 30 years, since the climate is generally defined as the average weather experienced over a period of 30 years or longer? Temperatures at Earth's surface undergo natural, decades-long warming and cooling trends, related to the La Niña/El Niño cycle and the 11-year sunspot cycle. The reason one often hears the year 1998 used as a base year to measure global temperature trends is that this is a cherry-picked year. An extraordinarily powerful El Niño event that was the strongest on record brought about a temporary increase in surface ocean temperatures over a vast area of the tropical Pacific that year, helping boost global surface temperatures to the highest levels on record (global temperatures were warmer in both 2005 and 2010, but not by much.) But in the years from 2005 - 2012, La Niña events have been present for at least a portion of every single year, helping keep Earth's surface relatively cool. Thus, if one draws a straight-line fit of global surface temperatures from 1998 to 2012, a climate trend showing little global warming results. If one picks any year prior to 1998, or almost any year after 1998, a global warming trend does result. The choice of 1998 is a deliberate abuse of statistics in an attempt to manipulate people into drawing a false conclusion on global temperature trends.

There is no statistical dishonesty here. When you describe A CURRENT EVENT -- you choose the appropriate time span leading back to the START of that event.. Just like you would chose appropriate span years for "unemployment being consistently over 6%." or "Detroit Lions seasons below 0.500".. As long as you LABEL the event accurately, without any game-playing --- there simply aint a foul...

Lots of whining tho -- about the ACCURATE description of the event.. Because it's painful for some to witness the numbers not complying with their theories..
Now your OP for THIS THREAD --- is calculated to mislead. Because the screaming titles make it appear that Global Warming GOT WORSE over the past decade or so.. Rather than titling it to be a debate about 3 different temperature histories in which the 3rd digit to the right of the decimal point is being debated. AND --- it's not fair to claim a 2:1 error when it's NOT 2:1 for ALL the other studies.

AND --- when you're methods that you so proudly announce are just invented to have your way with a data set that is INHERENTLY INFERIOR to the others..

Now THERE'S your statistical dishonesty...
So, global warming causes high temperatures and low temperatures?

Sounds like climate to me. Wake me when there is something to really get upset over.

Ah, if only it was possible to "wake" up bewildered retards like you, ProdFcked. Unfortunately, the insanity of reality denial that you cultists display, coupled with the severe retardation and complete ignorance that you also display, leaves you poor cretins in a cess pit of mental darkness and confusion from which there is no 'awakening'.
I don't know rollingthunder, but I'll bet he's a proponent of evolution as well (so am I btw).

His argument is identical to the argument that many creationists make. Like this:
Creationism is true because the bible says so.
Global Warming is true because global warming scientists say it is.
So, global warming causes high temperatures and low temperatures?

Sounds like climate to me. Wake me when there is something to really get upset over.

Ah, if only it was possible to "wake" up bewildered retards like you, ProdFcked. Unfortunately, the insanity of reality denial that you cultists display, coupled with the severe retardation and complete ignorance that you also display, leaves you poor cretins in a cess pit of mental darkness and confusion from which there is no 'awakening'.

Lol, yeah you got nothing retard.
So...if AGW is real what can we do about it?

The Left has the world socialist government headed by a small power elite. That is enough proof for me to believe AGW is a bunch of made up bull shit. Made up to empower the Left.

But many weak minded people continually fall for the lies of the Left and the Left knows it.
According to Rollingthunder:

Global Warming is real because scientists who are getting paid to study it says its real. Nothing self serving about that is there? And the moron has the nerve to call skeptics morons.
You say "Deniers" like it's a bad thing to deny something false.

Global warming is a religion and those who deny their religion get treated like it's the Spanish Inquisition. Trying to tell these people they are wrong is like trying to convince a Catholic priest there is no God. Don't waste your time and just let them look like the over reactionary fools they are.
So...if AGW is real what can we do about it?

The Left has the world socialist government headed by a small power elite. That is enough proof for me to believe AGW is a bunch of made up bull shit. Made up to empower the Left.

But many weak minded people continually fall for the lies of the Left and the Left knows it.

Erm, expecting industry and power companies not to trash the planet and being more responsible for their actions is calling for a "one world socialist government'? Wow, that is a breathtaking slippery slope you have there, gipper.
So...if AGW is real what can we do about it?

The Left has the world socialist government headed by a small power elite. That is enough proof for me to believe AGW is a bunch of made up bull shit. Made up to empower the Left.

But many weak minded people continually fall for the lies of the Left and the Left knows it.

Erm, expecting industry and power companies not to trash the planet and being more responsible for their actions is calling for a "one world socialist government'? Wow, that is a breathtaking slippery slope you have there, gipper.

.............just industry and power companies eh?? Think YOU'RE gonna get out of this blameless? Or the farmers that feed you?

CO2 is not pollution.. If by trash the planet -- you're referring to CO2 --- then you're on your own here. HOWEVER -- if you want to ponder REAL pollution and trash -- I'm available..
So...if AGW is real what can we do about it?

The Left has the world socialist government headed by a small power elite. That is enough proof for me to believe AGW is a bunch of made up bull shit. Made up to empower the Left.

But many weak minded people continually fall for the lies of the Left and the Left knows it.

Erm, expecting industry and power companies not to trash the planet and being more responsible for their actions is calling for a "one world socialist government'? Wow, that is a breathtaking slippery slope you have there, gipper.

You mean energy companies in China and India, right?
I don't know rollingthunder, but I'll bet he's a proponent of evolution as well (so am I btw).

His argument is identical to the argument that many creationists make. Like this:
Creationism is true because the bible says so.
Global Warming is true because global warming scientists say it is.'re unconsciously hilarious, ProdFcked.

Equating citing the Bible with citing modern scientific research just shows what an insane anti-science retard you actually are.
so...if agw is real what can we do about it?

The left has the world socialist government headed by a small power elite. That is enough proof for me to believe agw is a bunch of made up bull shit. Made up to empower the left.

But many weak minded people continually fall for the lies of the left and the left knows it.

erm, expecting industry and power companies not to trash the planet and being more responsible for their actions is calling for a "one world socialist government'? Wow, that is a breathtaking slippery slope you have there, gipper.

.............just industry and power companies eh?? Think you're gonna get out of this blameless? Or the farmers that feed you?

Co2 is not pollution.. If by trash the planet -- you're referring to co2 --- then you're on your own here. However -- if you want to ponder real pollution and trash -- i'm available..

Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.
Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

How do you know how much solar energy were we receiving 150 years ago

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