The Co2 Fraud for Dummies....


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
OK, so maybe not everyone is proficient at basic science.... OK.

But most of you can understand some things.

The Co2 FRAUD aka "Global Warming" aka "the gas Co2 is the cause of Earth climate change" has never had any real evidence to support it. By "real" we mean FROM THE INSTRUMENTS THAT RECORDED THE DATA. Take, for example, atmospheric temps. The "increasing Co2" is in the atmosphere, so if increasing Co2 warms anything, it would first warm atmosphere...

But what did the ACTUAL DATA say...

We have two and only two instruments that measure atmospheric temps, satellites and weather balloons...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

aka the ACTUAL DATA showed that when atmospheric Co2 increases, the temperature DID NOT GO UP AT ALL, NOTHING.... NO WARMING


The Co2 FRAUD said FUDGE THE DATA and KEEP BILKING the taxpayer....

and interestingly enough, 2005, the year of the fudge job, was also the same year of an absolutely fascist local government sponsored attack on one of the Co2 FRAUD's leading critics... the local government being a big hub of Co2 FRAUD fudge and lies, especially regarding the oceans.

So what is "fudge?" Fudge is when the actual data doesn't "validate" the fraudulent reason for the government spending to continue. The Co2 FRAUD needed atmospheric warming, because nobody disputes Co2 in atmosphere is increasing. But the instruments clearly showed temperature was NOT INCREASING, refuting "global warming" completely. And that's what they did in 2005, they took 2 data series showing no warming and fudged both with laughable excuses that did not justify what the fudge job did to the actual data.

The Co2 FRAUD also has big problems with definitions. The definition of "ice age" used by Co2 FRAUD and most of the general public is completely wrong and deliberately so to make it "scary." Movies show an "ice age" burying the US in 3 days. And my favorite from that one.... "global warming can cause an ice age" which is about as dumb as everything else from Co2 FRAUD.

The true definition of ice age has been right in our faces since before the wheel was invented. Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages. Ice ages are continent specific events (that have a planetary effect).

and once you understand what an ice age is and what causes it, everything else falls into place...

The first time the Co2 FRAUD was going to face Federal charges was in 2007. Then W fired 7 US attorneys, and every single replacement attorney, including Trump's pick for CIA, is a traitor who deliberately scuttled cases regarding primarily 911 but also Co2 FRAUD and other major criminal activity INSIDE GOVERNMENT. In fact, since 2007, almost no government corruption has been busted or prosecuted at all.

In came Ms. Barack, and it took some time to think it over...

End decision was always the same for Ms. Barack, hide the truth IN THE CLOSET.

When Trump took office in 2017, many remember he tried to shut off Co2 FRAUD completely, claiming it was fraud. But he picked Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray, and Ms. Barack and W were very very happy with those two...

It is a fraud. Earth is not warming...

1. they cannot show us one single photo of "ocean rise"
2. there is no breakout in cane activity per the data, showing 1940s the strongest decade for canes on record, second place 1890s...

3. the entire concept of "warming and ongoing net ice melt" is destroyed by the fact that Surface Air Pressure has been trending slightly down the past 60 years...

In short, the only actual "warming" on Earth is called Urban Heat Island Effect, when grass and trees are converted into major cities, it warms right there.... which oh by the way is where most of the "temperature data" originates.... and they have known that all along.

And they cannot answer very basic climate questions.... that for some reason the entire media will never ask them....

So, if you are a dummy in science, ask your questions here. Let's get rid of Co2 FRAUD, which has bilked America $20 trillion and counting....
OK, so maybe not everyone is proficient at basic science.... OK.

But most of you can understand some things.

The Co2 FRAUD aka "Global Warming" aka "the gas Co2 is the cause of Earth climate change" has never had any real evidence to support it. By "real" we mean FROM THE INSTRUMENTS THAT RECORDED THE DATA. Take, for example, atmospheric temps. The "increasing Co2" is in the atmosphere, so if increasing Co2 warms anything, it would first warm atmosphere...

But what did the ACTUAL DATA say...

We have two and only two instruments that measure atmospheric temps, satellites and weather balloons...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

aka the ACTUAL DATA showed that when atmospheric Co2 increases, the temperature DID NOT GO UP AT ALL, NOTHING.... NO WARMING


The Co2 FRAUD said FUDGE THE DATA and KEEP BILKING the taxpayer....

and interestingly enough, 2005, the year of the fudge job, was also the same year of an absolutely fascist local government sponsored attack on one of the Co2 FRAUD's leading critics... the local government being a big hub of Co2 FRAUD fudge and lies, especially regarding the oceans.

So what is "fudge?" Fudge is when the actual data doesn't "validate" the fraudulent reason for the government spending to continue. The Co2 FRAUD needed atmospheric warming, because nobody disputes Co2 in atmosphere is increasing. But the instruments clearly showed temperature was NOT INCREASING, refuting "global warming" completely. And that's what they did in 2005, they took 2 data series showing no warming and fudged both with laughable excuses that did not justify what the fudge job did to the actual data.

The Co2 FRAUD also has big problems with definitions. The definition of "ice age" used by Co2 FRAUD and most of the general public is completely wrong and deliberately so to make it "scary." Movies show an "ice age" burying the US in 3 days. And my favorite from that one.... "global warming can cause an ice age" which is about as dumb as everything else from Co2 FRAUD.

The true definition of ice age has been right in our faces since before the wheel was invented. Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages. Ice ages are continent specific events (that have a planetary effect).

and once you understand what an ice age is and what causes it, everything else falls into place...

The first time the Co2 FRAUD was going to face Federal charges was in 2007. Then W fired 7 US attorneys, and every single replacement attorney, including Trump's pick for CIA, is a traitor who deliberately scuttled cases regarding primarily 911 but also Co2 FRAUD and other major criminal activity INSIDE GOVERNMENT. In fact, since 2007, almost no government corruption has been busted or prosecuted at all.

In came Ms. Barack, and it took some time to think it over...

End decision was always the same for Ms. Barack, hide the truth IN THE CLOSET.

When Trump took office in 2017, many remember he tried to shut off Co2 FRAUD completely, claiming it was fraud. But he picked Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray, and Ms. Barack and W were very very happy with those two...

It is a fraud. Earth is not warming...

1. they cannot show us one single photo of "ocean rise"
2. there is no breakout in cane activity per the data, showing 1940s the strongest decade for canes on record, second place 1890s...

3. the entire concept of "warming and ongoing net ice melt" is destroyed by the fact that Surface Air Pressure has been trending slightly down the past 60 years...

In short, the only actual "warming" on Earth is called Urban Heat Island Effect, when grass and trees are converted into major cities, it warms right there.... which oh by the way is where most of the "temperature data" originates.... and they have known that all along.

And they cannot answer very basic climate questions.... that for some reason the entire media will never ask them....

So, if you are a dummy in science, ask your questions here. Let's get rid of Co2 FRAUD, which has bilked America $20 trillion and counting....

Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies.

Fucktard. The data that said warming wasn't happening was wrong.
During covid the world was shut down for two years.

Has anything changed? Is that a viable future for humanity, to not manufacture anything?
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Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies.

Fucktard. The data that said warming wasn't happening was wrong.

Once again the Co2 FRAUD's resident "faux skeptic" stands up for FUDGE over DATA....

Let's analyze the claims of "faulty analyses." For 3 decades the satellite and balloon data was highly correlated, both showing a cooler than normal atmosphere in 1998, the first time Bill Clinton claimed "warmest year ever."

The claim on the satellites is "orbit wobble." Would a few feet of "orbit wobble" affect the IR readings by the satellites..... NO.

But they used "orbit wobble" to FUDGE a flat line into an upward slope.

The claim on the balloons was a "shade issue" that was constant during the entire tenure of the balloons. If that was actually true, the "correction" would be adding or subtracting a constant value to the series, which would keep a flat line a flat line.... but magically that was used to change a flat line into an upward slope.

This topic is really for novice science people, not taxpayer funded Co2 FRAUD "faux skeptic" Mossad officers....
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During covid the world was shut down for two years.

Has anything changed? Is that a viable future for humanity, to not manufacture anything?

Covid is another example where "the science" was complete fraud and we, the American taxpayers, were bilked for $$ trillions over treasonous lies and the fact that our "elected leaders" took our money and funded bio labs in Ukraine and China that were and are trying to create viruses to murder us. And, of course, our media can never notice that.

Who voted for the bio labs?

Answer = the 911 crowd and the Democrats
Once again the Co2 FRAUD's resident "faux skeptic" stands up for FUDGE over DATA....

Let's analyze the claims of "faulty analyses." For 3 decades the satellite and balloon data was highly correlated, both showing a cooler than normal atmosphere in 1998, the first time Bill Clinton claimed "warmest year ever."

The claim on the satellites is "orbit wobble." Would a few feet of "orbit wobble" affect the IR readings by the satellites..... NO.

But they used "orbit wobble" to FUDGE a flat line into an upward slope.

The claim on the balloons was a "shade issue" that was constant during the entire tenure of the balloons. If that was actually true, the "correction" would be adding or subtracting a constant value to the series, which would keep a flat line a flat line.... but magically that was used to change a flat line into an upward slope.

This topic is really for novice science people, not taxpayer funded Co2 FRAUD "faux skeptic" Mossad officers....

Come on EMH, find your balls, find your brain and post real data that supports your claims.

Whining like a little baby doesn't help your case.
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Come on EMH, find your balls, find your brain and post real data that supports your claims.

Whining like a little baby doesn't help your case.

and like flies to shit you cannot stay away from a topic for DUMMIES....
the fact that every climate prediction in the last 40 years fell flat on it's face is evidence enough for this 'dummy' EMH......~S~
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Reactions: EMH
the fact that every climate prediction in the last 40 years fell flat on it's face is evidence enough for this 'dummy' EMH......~S~

Yeah, the "ice free Arctic" prediction is, well, not exactly going to plan...

And Venice isn't underwater either....
Warming is happening but it’s a question mark in terms of how much is attributable to man.

That is completely wrong.

There is actually no warming outside of the surface of growing urban areas.

No warming in the atmosphere as documented in the OP.

No warming in the oceans, otherwise we would observe an increase in hurricanes, and that has not happened, not at all. In 1938, a cat 5 hit Martha's Vineyard, and no Cat 5 has gotten that far north since.

SAP proves Earth is neither warming nor experiencing an ongoing net ice melt.

What is your "evidence" of "warming?"

An "expert" on Faux said so...
That is completely wrong.

There is actually no warming outside of the surface of growing urban areas.

No warming in the atmosphere as documented in the OP.

No warming in the oceans, otherwise we would observe an increase in hurricanes, and that has not happened, not at all. In 1938, a cat 5 hit Martha's Vineyard, and no Cat 5 has gotten that far north since.

SAP proves Earth is neither warming nor experiencing an ongoing net ice melt.

What is your "evidence" of "warming?"

An "expert" on Faux said so...
Just personal anecdotal experience. At the very least the weather seems to have shifted in MA. May isn’t that warm. Sept is very warm. Was different when I was a kid.
Boston's record low temperature was -18°F on February 9, 1934. Here are some other record-breaking cold temperatures in Boston:

  • February 4, 2023: Boston's temperature dropped to -10°F, breaking the previous record of -2°F set in 1886. The wind chill was -39°F, the coldest ever recorded in Boston since at least 1944.

  • Christmas, 1872: Boston's temperature dropped to -8°F, the record low for Christmas

Here are some of the snowiest storms and seasons in Boston's history:
  • 2015
    Boston's snowiest season ever, with 110.3 inches of snow. The season included four storms with over a foot of snow each.

  • February 17–18, 2003
    Known as "snowmaggedon", this storm brought 27.6 inches of snow and wind gusts up to 60 mph

OK, so maybe not everyone is proficient at basic science.... OK.

But most of you can understand some things.

The Co2 FRAUD aka "Global Warming" aka "the gas Co2 is the cause of Earth climate change" has never had any real evidence to support it. By "real" we mean FROM THE INSTRUMENTS THAT RECORDED THE DATA. Take, for example, atmospheric temps. The "increasing Co2" is in the atmosphere, so if increasing Co2 warms anything, it would first warm atmosphere...

But what did the ACTUAL DATA say...

We have two and only two instruments that measure atmospheric temps, satellites and weather balloons...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

aka the ACTUAL DATA showed that when atmospheric Co2 increases, the temperature DID NOT GO UP AT ALL, NOTHING.... NO WARMING


The Co2 FRAUD said FUDGE THE DATA and KEEP BILKING the taxpayer....

and interestingly enough, 2005, the year of the fudge job, was also the same year of an absolutely fascist local government sponsored attack on one of the Co2 FRAUD's leading critics... the local government being a big hub of Co2 FRAUD fudge and lies, especially regarding the oceans.

So what is "fudge?" Fudge is when the actual data doesn't "validate" the fraudulent reason for the government spending to continue. The Co2 FRAUD needed atmospheric warming, because nobody disputes Co2 in atmosphere is increasing. But the instruments clearly showed temperature was NOT INCREASING, refuting "global warming" completely. And that's what they did in 2005, they took 2 data series showing no warming and fudged both with laughable excuses that did not justify what the fudge job did to the actual data.

The Co2 FRAUD also has big problems with definitions. The definition of "ice age" used by Co2 FRAUD and most of the general public is completely wrong and deliberately so to make it "scary." Movies show an "ice age" burying the US in 3 days. And my favorite from that one.... "global warming can cause an ice age" which is about as dumb as everything else from Co2 FRAUD.

The true definition of ice age has been right in our faces since before the wheel was invented. Greenland and Antarctica are ice ages. Ice ages are continent specific events (that have a planetary effect).

and once you understand what an ice age is and what causes it, everything else falls into place...

The first time the Co2 FRAUD was going to face Federal charges was in 2007. Then W fired 7 US attorneys, and every single replacement attorney, including Trump's pick for CIA, is a traitor who deliberately scuttled cases regarding primarily 911 but also Co2 FRAUD and other major criminal activity INSIDE GOVERNMENT. In fact, since 2007, almost no government corruption has been busted or prosecuted at all.

In came Ms. Barack, and it took some time to think it over...

End decision was always the same for Ms. Barack, hide the truth IN THE CLOSET.

When Trump took office in 2017, many remember he tried to shut off Co2 FRAUD completely, claiming it was fraud. But he picked Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray, and Ms. Barack and W were very very happy with those two...

It is a fraud. Earth is not warming...

1. they cannot show us one single photo of "ocean rise"
2. there is no breakout in cane activity per the data, showing 1940s the strongest decade for canes on record, second place 1890s...

3. the entire concept of "warming and ongoing net ice melt" is destroyed by the fact that Surface Air Pressure has been trending slightly down the past 60 years...

In short, the only actual "warming" on Earth is called Urban Heat Island Effect, when grass and trees are converted into major cities, it warms right there.... which oh by the way is where most of the "temperature data" originates.... and they have known that all along.

And they cannot answer very basic climate questions.... that for some reason the entire media will never ask them....

So, if you are a dummy in science, ask your questions here. Let's get rid of Co2 FRAUD, which has bilked America $20 trillion and counting....
Co is the symbol for the metal Cobalt you dumb shit. BTW the rest of your post is a load of shit to.

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