Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

I would prefer no guns too. But since your system doesn't work, and criminals are armed whether I am or not, then I'm going to be armed.

I realize you leftist live in a fantasy world, where if you are helpless and defenseless, then criminals will just hold hands and sing songs.

But I have a friend who was raped in her own home, and she was unable to do anything. Completely helpless. Why? Because she bought the leftist crap you spew. She's not helpless anymore. She has hired full time security Smith, and his friend Wesson.

She's dumped the leftardian crap you spew. Sad that she had to be harmed to learn the leftist fantasy world isn't true.
1. I own guns.
2. Who was she raped by?

She would not tell me because I told her I planned to go beat him within an inch of life. She still won't tell me to this day.
Which means she knew him, like most women who are raped, and wouldn't have shot him then, or now, so the gun helped her not a fucking damn, as expected.

You are a complete and total idiot. You deserve to be shot yourself. She absolutely would have shot him. In fact, I know two women that would have shot their attackers if they had not being brainwashed by your leftardian stupidity.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility eh? Your friend let her rapist in correct? Is the rape on him, you bet your ass it is but would the gun have stopped him, not a chance in hell. Guns don't stop rape, if they did, with all the guns we have, there would no rapes.

Don't blame me for your friends nor being armed. They are well within their rights to own guns, and what do you know, the rapist gets a free gun as well because women get raped by men they know and let into their lives, The gun isn't going to change that, not a chance.

Yes moron...guns are the most effective way to actually stop violent rape.....

Here are 4 articles on how guns stop rape.....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

*********************** Ownership Stops Rape/

And for 19.95 you can read Southwick's 2000 study on guns that talk about rape.....

Self-defense with guns The consequences

This one gives the actual percentages of how rapes are stopped...guns come out on top...

Thanks make my case...

Judge says Texas school funding still unconstitutional - CBS News

AUSTIN, Texas - A judge declared Texas' school finance system unconstitutional again Thursday, finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly among school districts in wealthy and poor areas.

What did it say.....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

Only a moron lefty would say an extra 3 billion dollars...meaning they already paid for their schools...and put in 3 billion not funding schools...

How do you morons manage to hold jobs and drive cars....?
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
More like I tell you the cost is 100 dollars, but since you plan to have a complete stranger pay for that bill, you insist I charge 500 dollars to fund the work and if I don't, you claim I'm underfunded...
I would prefer no guns too. But since your system doesn't work, and criminals are armed whether I am or not, then I'm going to be armed.

I realize you leftist live in a fantasy world, where if you are helpless and defenseless, then criminals will just hold hands and sing songs.

But I have a friend who was raped in her own home, and she was unable to do anything. Completely helpless. Why? Because she bought the leftist crap you spew. She's not helpless anymore. She has hired full time security Smith, and his friend Wesson.

She's dumped the leftardian crap you spew. Sad that she had to be harmed to learn the leftist fantasy world isn't true.
1. I own guns.
2. Who was she raped by?

She would not tell me because I told her I planned to go beat him within an inch of life. She still won't tell me to this day.
Which means she knew him, like most women who are raped, and wouldn't have shot him then, or now, so the gun helped her not a fucking damn, as expected.

You know actual research has been done on this topic of guns stopping rape and shows you are a moron on this topic as well......
How many rapes? How many guns? It's a myth. You think strangers follow women down the street to rape them, with so much time that the women have a chance to pull a gun, which isn't how women get raped. They get raped, unfortunately, by men they know and trust. Look it up.

Yes, women are dragged from bus stops, raped in office buildings at night, in college campus bathrooms, and on El lefties really do hate women....

Thanks make my case...

Judge says Texas school funding still unconstitutional - CBS News

AUSTIN, Texas - A judge declared Texas' school finance system unconstitutional again Thursday, finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly among school districts in wealthy and poor areas.

What did it say.....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

Only a moron lefty would say an extra 3 billion dollars...meaning they already paid for their schools...and put in 3 billion not funding schools...

How do you morons manage to hold jobs and drive cars....?
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
You understand that "they dont fund their schools" and "they dont fund their schools as they should" are two completely different things, right?
Maybe when you get done with 6th grade again this time you'll understand the difference.
Give it a fuckin' rest. No adult believes I said they don't fund the schools, at all, literal version, versus they don't fund their schools sufficiently. Grow the fuck up people.

Thanks make my case...

Judge says Texas school funding still unconstitutional - CBS News

AUSTIN, Texas - A judge declared Texas' school finance system unconstitutional again Thursday, finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly among school districts in wealthy and poor areas.

What did it say.....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

Only a moron lefty would say an extra 3 billion dollars...meaning they already paid for their schools...and put in 3 billion not funding schools...

How do you morons manage to hold jobs and drive cars....?
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
More like I tell you the cost is 100 dollars, but since you plan to have a complete stranger pay for that bill, you insist I charge 500 dollars to fund the work and if I don't, you claim I'm underfunded...
This is site is nothing but utter fucking morons.
1. I own guns.
2. Who was she raped by?

She would not tell me because I told her I planned to go beat him within an inch of life. She still won't tell me to this day.
Which means she knew him, like most women who are raped, and wouldn't have shot him then, or now, so the gun helped her not a fucking damn, as expected.

You know actual research has been done on this topic of guns stopping rape and shows you are a moron on this topic as well......
How many rapes? How many guns? It's a myth. You think strangers follow women down the street to rape them, with so much time that the women have a chance to pull a gun, which isn't how women get raped. They get raped, unfortunately, by men they know and trust. Look it up.

Yes, women are dragged from bus stops, raped in office buildings at night, in college campus bathrooms, and on El lefties really do hate women....
Some are, and chances are that even if armed they never would have had a chance but women mostly get raped by men they know, and wouldn't shoot in the first place, and no one is stopping them from being armed now are they? That is on them.
Thanks make my case...

Judge says Texas school funding still unconstitutional - CBS News

AUSTIN, Texas - A judge declared Texas' school finance system unconstitutional again Thursday, finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly among school districts in wealthy and poor areas.

What did it say.....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

Only a moron lefty would say an extra 3 billion dollars...meaning they already paid for their schools...and put in 3 billion not funding schools...

How do you morons manage to hold jobs and drive cars....?
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
You understand that "they dont fund their schools" and "they dont fund their schools as they should" are two completely different things, right?
Maybe when you get done with 6th grade again this time you'll understand the difference.
Give it a fuckin' rest. No adult believes I said they don't fund the schools, at all, literal version, versus they don't fund their schools sufficiently. Grow the fuck up people.
Post #61:
Ironic as usual. Texas won't fund the schools, but you can take a gun there.

You lose. Again.
Thanks make my case...

Judge says Texas school funding still unconstitutional - CBS News

AUSTIN, Texas - A judge declared Texas' school finance system unconstitutional again Thursday, finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly among school districts in wealthy and poor areas.

What did it say.....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

Only a moron lefty would say an extra 3 billion dollars...meaning they already paid for their schools...and put in 3 billion not funding schools...

How do you morons manage to hold jobs and drive cars....?
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
More like I tell you the cost is 100 dollars, but since you plan to have a complete stranger pay for that bill, you insist I charge 500 dollars to fund the work and if I don't, you claim I'm underfunded...
This is site is nothing but utter fucking morons.
yes, every since you started, the IQ had dropped significantly
Again, we've tried it your way, and your way is a total and complete failure. Private schools spend half as much per student, and end up with way better results.
I only wish that were true, their results are usually just as bad, unless, they can do what the public schools aren't allowed to do and that is pick their kids. I can make a school that kicks ass on all others, just let me pick the kids. if I have to deal with the dummies you morons produce I'm fucked, and that is what the public schools are forced to deal with including kids too stupid to even be in school. That is the harsh reality, that no one wants to deal with.
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
You understand that "they dont fund their schools" and "they dont fund their schools as they should" are two completely different things, right?
Maybe when you get done with 6th grade again this time you'll understand the difference.
Give it a fuckin' rest. No adult believes I said they don't fund the schools, at all, literal version, versus they don't fund their schools sufficiently. Grow the fuck up people.
Post #61:
Ironic as usual. Texas won't fund the schools, but you can take a gun there.

You lose. Again.
Stop being a child, meaning literal, if you know what that means which I now doubt.
Yeah, it's more money into a still underfunded and unconstitutional system you dumbass.

You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
More like I tell you the cost is 100 dollars, but since you plan to have a complete stranger pay for that bill, you insist I charge 500 dollars to fund the work and if I don't, you claim I'm underfunded...
This is site is nothing but utter fucking morons.
yes, every since you started, the IQ had dropped significantly
I am about the only one with a decent IQ here. You people are fucking morons.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Because the additional guns won't be owned by crazies.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

It seems you have a patten of making things up. Just the other day you made up a bunch of crap about gun violence and now you are lying again. As for your present claim, only a certified idiot would believe that any state would allow anyone, in any condition, to carry a gun. Am I calling you an idiot? You bet your ass I am. There is nothing in your link which said or even suggested that the law would allow “any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses.” In fact, the article said the very opposite. This is the part of your own link which you either didn't bother to read or you lack the minimal comprehension required to understand things you read.

“Gun advocates say there will likely be very few concealed weapons on campus because most students won't qualify for one. The state's concealed weapons law requires license holders to be 21. Texas has about 850,000 concealed handgun license holders.”

In other words, only those who qualify for a concealed weapon's permit will be allowed to carry. Although the link does not go into detail, there are restrictions even for those who have such permits.

You obviously have a gun phobia and you are willing to sacrifice your integrity to advance your agenda. May God help those who are so ignorant they actually believe your dishonest bullshit.

To everyone else: If you bother to read this fool's link, you will know with certainty that what he said was nothing but lies. Watch out for this guy and don't believe anything he tells you.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

It seems you have a patten of making things up. Just the other day you made up a bunch of crap about gun violence and now you are lying again. As for your present claim, only a certified idiot would believe that any state would allow anyone, in any condition, to carry a gun. Am I calling you an idiot? You bet your ass I am. There is nothing in your link which said or even suggested that the law would allow “any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses.” In fact, the article said the very opposite. This is the part of your own link which you either didn't bother to read or you lack the minimal comprehension required to understand things you read.

“Gun advocates say there will likely be very few concealed weapons on campus because most students won't qualify for one. The state's concealed weapons law requires license holders to be 21. Texas has about 850,000 concealed handgun license holders.”

In other words, only those who qualify for a concealed weapon's permit will be allowed to carry. Although the link does not go into detail, there are restrictions even for those who have such permits.

You obviously have a gun phobia and you are willing to sacrifice your integrity to advance your agenda. May God help those who are so ignorant they actually believe your dishonest bullshit.

To everyone else: If you bother to read this fool's link, you will know with certainty that what he said was nothing but lies. Watch out for this guy and don't believe anything he tells you.
21 eh? So, the 18-year-old girl who supposedly is the John Wayne of stopping rapists won't even be allowed to have a gun? Big help there eh boys, I guess she'd better be walked everywhere with an older armed friend or wear her Texas-approved chastity belt.
You know people, open carry isn't the road to safety, nor is the road to danger.

The vast majority of gun owners have never killed anyone, and most of those would probably hesitate when faced with lethal threats.

PS, please spare me your phony tough individual responses about "well I wouldn't hesitate blah blah"

I dont think you're going to see a lot of open carry.
The main thing this does is it stops you from losing your CHL if your concealed handgun accidentally gets exposed or it's imprinting.
You say Texas doesn't fund it's schools, and link to this....

finding that even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer

And then call me the dumb ass......

Look...I get graduated from a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat can't help being ignorant when it comes to truth and controlled schools don't want you to have any idea what those things are.....but please....educate yourself....break away from the former slave owning a free person.......
That's correct, it doesn't fund them as they should be. Learn to think like a grownup. If I tell you the bill is $100 and you hand me $50, and then I say the bill is still $100 so you hand me $5 more than doesn't mean you paid the bill you fucking moron.
More like I tell you the cost is 100 dollars, but since you plan to have a complete stranger pay for that bill, you insist I charge 500 dollars to fund the work and if I don't, you claim I'm underfunded...
This is site is nothing but utter fucking morons.
yes, every since you started, the IQ had dropped significantly
I am about the only one with a decent IQ here. You people are fucking morons.
Thanks for the laugh.....
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

Because there was no guns in that school, so that Adam Lanza was able to kill that many kids.

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