One Reason for School Shootings: Three Letters - MDR

Or not be tiny, weak, cowards who are afraid of children.

I have taught for over 30 years in situations where I haven't a second to spare to type on this message board, nor any other.

Unlike you
What is an MDR?

1. What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?
a. The MDR is a meeting that is held to discuss whether a child’s behavior is
related to his/her disability.
2. Why does the School hold an MDR?
a. Students with disabilities are protected from improper discipline for
behavior that results because of their disabilities.
b. The School holds the MDR to find out whether it can use the same
discipline for the student with a disability as it uses for other students.

We do an MDR every time we sent a student to DAEP, or to ISS for ten days or more, as a total of all ISS assignments for the year.

As my campus' behavior specialist, I've sat in on more than a hundred MDR's over the years. My district is relatively conservative, so the MDR's usually go well. Unless it were something like a kid with Tourettes being disciplined for cursing, the committee decides that it is not a manifestation of the disability and the punishment stands.

This year, and it is only November, we have had a rash of students threatening teachers when a teacher does something the student doesn't like. People my age know that if we had done that, we would have limped into school the next day and ask permission to stand up in classes. Different world, and I suppose to some, a better one.

The first one, the AP wasn't sure if he should give detention or ISS. He called the District Dean of Students, who told him to send the little guy to DAEP, the district doesn't tolerate its teachers beeing threatened. We went to MDR and the committee determined that it was not ADHD that caused the behavior.

That happened three more times, each time the kid acting surprised at being so misunderstood. Then the first kid, having served his time, threatened a teacher again. This time, Mom - a member of the committee - objected to the punishment, claiming that the kid made the threat due to impulsiveness caused by ADHD.

Now, he will likely come back after only nine days (he was given thirty). He is sure to feel that mommy rescued him from the unfair meanies at school who don't realize that sometimes a boy just has to tell a teacher that her life is in danger if she doesn't stop looking at him.

All in the name of "rights of people with disabilities."

Remember that the next time there is a school shooting and the district says there was no indication of any propensity to violence. They are not allowed to say if the kid had a disability or had been i trouble before. Not to cover up their own incompetence, but in the name of privacy. And stuff.
How many kids were being disciplined that was involved in a school shooting versus those not being disciplined that did commit to a school shooting?
Yer example showed no actions like a school shooting.
I would throw them out of the school entirely. Without delay.
As a teacher, you don't have that power. Neither do principles thanks to fear of litigation. You know this, unless you are a complete idiot.

Again, intellectual dishonesty.

You are one more dodged question away from ignore land.
I am told, on this forum, that it's stupid to be afraid of elementary children.

I weigh well less than 100 lbs.

I have a male student, an older one, that is prone to violence and could probably kill me, not kidding. Special needs. I was told he only "shoves teachers" so not to worry about it. He is massive, well over 200 lbs.
Sounds like you may need "The Equalizer".

Smith & Wesson markets the Equalizer as their best-performing micro-compact to date. Next-generation EZ technology, low recoil impulse, and versatile magazine capacity, all in a compact footprint, make the Equalizer an ideal concealed carry weapon.
As a teacher, you don't have that power. Neither do principles thanks to fear of litigation. You know this, unless you are a complete idiot.

Again, intellectual dishonesty.

You are one more dodged question away from ignore land.
Can a teacher kick such a kid out of his/her classroom?
What is an MDR?

1. What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?
a. The MDR is a meeting that is held to discuss whether a child’s behavior is
related to his/her disability.
2. Why does the School hold an MDR?
a. Students with disabilities are protected from improper discipline for
behavior that results because of their disabilities.
b. The School holds the MDR to find out whether it can use the same
discipline for the student with a disability as it uses for other students.

We do an MDR every time we sent a student to DAEP, or to ISS for ten days or more, as a total of all ISS assignments for the year.

As my campus' behavior specialist, I've sat in on more than a hundred MDR's over the years. My district is relatively conservative, so the MDR's usually go well. Unless it were something like a kid with Tourettes being disciplined for cursing, the committee decides that it is not a manifestation of the disability and the punishment stands.

This year, and it is only November, we have had a rash of students threatening teachers when a teacher does something the student doesn't like. People my age know that if we had done that, we would have limped into school the next day and ask permission to stand up in classes. Different world, and I suppose to some, a better one.

The first one, the AP wasn't sure if he should give detention or ISS. He called the District Dean of Students, who told him to send the little guy to DAEP, the district doesn't tolerate its teachers beeing threatened. We went to MDR and the committee determined that it was not ADHD that caused the behavior.

That happened three more times, each time the kid acting surprised at being so misunderstood. Then the first kid, having served his time, threatened a teacher again. This time, Mom - a member of the committee - objected to the punishment, claiming that the kid made the threat due to impulsiveness caused by ADHD.

Now, he will likely come back after only nine days (he was given thirty). He is sure to feel that mommy rescued him from the unfair meanies at school who don't realize that sometimes a boy just has to tell a teacher that her life is in danger if she doesn't stop looking at him.

All in the name of "rights of people with disabilities."

Remember that the next time there is a school shooting and the district says there was no indication of any propensity to violence. They are not allowed to say if the kid had a disability or had been i trouble before. Not to cover up their own incompetence, but in the name of privacy. And stuff.
It's not one reason, it's the reason, and it's actually four characters -

2ndA? Are you insane?

The 2ndA does not cover a right to threaten others. Period.
What is an MDR?

1. What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?
a. The MDR is a meeting that is held to discuss whether a child’s behavior is
related to his/her disability.
2. Why does the School hold an MDR?
a. Students with disabilities are protected from improper discipline for
behavior that results because of their disabilities.
b. The School holds the MDR to find out whether it can use the same
discipline for the student with a disability as it uses for other students.

We do an MDR every time we sent a student to DAEP, or to ISS for ten days or more, as a total of all ISS assignments for the year.

As my campus' behavior specialist, I've sat in on more than a hundred MDR's over the years. My district is relatively conservative, so the MDR's usually go well. Unless it were something like a kid with Tourettes being disciplined for cursing, the committee decides that it is not a manifestation of the disability and the punishment stands.

This year, and it is only November, we have had a rash of students threatening teachers when a teacher does something the student doesn't like. People my age know that if we had done that, we would have limped into school the next day and ask permission to stand up in classes. Different world, and I suppose to some, a better one.

The first one, the AP wasn't sure if he should give detention or ISS. He called the District Dean of Students, who told him to send the little guy to DAEP, the district doesn't tolerate its teachers beeing threatened. We went to MDR and the committee determined that it was not ADHD that caused the behavior.

That happened three more times, each time the kid acting surprised at being so misunderstood. Then the first kid, having served his time, threatened a teacher again. This time, Mom - a member of the committee - objected to the punishment, claiming that the kid made the threat due to impulsiveness caused by ADHD.

Now, he will likely come back after only nine days (he was given thirty). He is sure to feel that mommy rescued him from the unfair meanies at school who don't realize that sometimes a boy just has to tell a teacher that her life is in danger if she doesn't stop looking at him.

All in the name of "rights of people with disabilities."

Remember that the next time there is a school shooting and the district says there was no indication of any propensity to violence. They are not allowed to say if the kid had a disability or had been i trouble before. Not to cover up their own incompetence, but in the name of privacy. And stuff.
My experience with such kids (1945-1958) is that they were removed from the classroom, and never returned, much to the relief of everyone. Now that there is real zero tolerance. :omg:
It's not stupid, it's ridiculously weak and cowardly.
She's a woman under 100 pounds. My daughter who is 18, can demolish her.

Don't be stupid just because you think you're special.
You said she blocked the board. What is the question? If they were scared of 3rd graders, they should have found different jobs.
A friend has a son who is profoundly autistic. He is immensely strong, thankfully he isn't violent. He's 12 years old, and weighs in at 180 pounds and increasing, and it's all muscle.

The kid would be a monster of a football lineman. I don't care how tough you think you are, if he took a disliking to you, you would be smart to vacate the premises, because he would hurt you, badly.
What is an MDR?

1. What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?
a. The MDR is a meeting that is held to discuss whether a child’s behavior is
related to his/her disability.
2. Why does the School hold an MDR?
a. Students with disabilities are protected from improper discipline for
behavior that results because of their disabilities.
b. The School holds the MDR to find out whether it can use the same
discipline for the student with a disability as it uses for other students.

We do an MDR every time we sent a student to DAEP, or to ISS for ten days or more, as a total of all ISS assignments for the year.

As my campus' behavior specialist, I've sat in on more than a hundred MDR's over the years. My district is relatively conservative, so the MDR's usually go well. Unless it were something like a kid with Tourettes being disciplined for cursing, the committee decides that it is not a manifestation of the disability and the punishment stands.

This year, and it is only November, we have had a rash of students threatening teachers when a teacher does something the student doesn't like. People my age know that if we had done that, we would have limped into school the next day and ask permission to stand up in classes. Different world, and I suppose to some, a better one.

The first one, the AP wasn't sure if he should give detention or ISS. He called the District Dean of Students, who told him to send the little guy to DAEP, the district doesn't tolerate its teachers beeing threatened. We went to MDR and the committee determined that it was not ADHD that caused the behavior.

That happened three more times, each time the kid acting surprised at being so misunderstood. Then the first kid, having served his time, threatened a teacher again. This time, Mom - a member of the committee - objected to the punishment, claiming that the kid made the threat due to impulsiveness caused by ADHD.

Now, he will likely come back after only nine days (he was given thirty). He is sure to feel that mommy rescued him from the unfair meanies at school who don't realize that sometimes a boy just has to tell a teacher that her life is in danger if she doesn't stop looking at him.

All in the name of "rights of people with disabilities."

Remember that the next time there is a school shooting and the district says there was no indication of any propensity to violence. They are not allowed to say if the kid had a disability or had been i trouble before. Not to cover up their own incompetence, but in the name of privacy. And stuff.
The main reason for school shootings is that this is just the way things are now. Just another indicator of a sick and dying society. :(

Not the school’s fault

Quit blaming the schools for shitty parenting
A friend has a son who is profoundly autistic. He is immensely strong, thankfully he isn't violent. He's 12 years old, and weighs in at 180 pounds and increasing, and it's all muscle.

The kid would be a monster of a football lineman. I don't care how tough you think you are, if he took a disliking to you, you would be smart to vacate the premises, because he would hurt you, badly.

Yeah, I don't think so.
The main reason for school shootings is that this is just the way things are now. Just another indicator of a sick and dying society. :(
i don't believe it merely coincidence the shooters are mainly younger gender bent Woodz.....~S~

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