Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
They're sexy....along with cow punching and goat roping....
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Why are so many mass shooters democrats?
– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

Read more at Why are all Mass Murderers Democrats
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle
The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses
You still need a TX CCW permit,. This precludes the situation you claim, above.
Thus, you either lied, or spoke from abject ignorance.
Which is it?
You might be waiting a while for a response from him, like forever probably...
It's ironic, because every single time they pass a law allowing people to defend themselves, they claim "get ready for millions of dead!", and then it passes... the law is implemented... people defend themselves... and fewer people get shot.


How many times do you chicken littles lose, before you quit screaming about the end of the world?
It's ironic, because every single time they pass a law allowing people to defend themselves, they claim "get ready for millions of dead!", and then it passes... the law is implemented... people defend themselves... and fewer people get shot.


How many times do you chicken littles lose, before you quit screaming about the end of the world?
I prefer no guns but you mostly shoot each other so have at it.
If a gun is brought on a school campus, there is an 100 percent chance that a murder will occur.

Now that it is legal to bring guns on campus, I predict that for every person who brings a gun on campus, there will be AT LEAST another murder added to America's rising gun crime toll

First, years ago I worked for this old codger. Real 'John Wayne' esk type.

He talked about growing up, they would all bring their rifles on the bus on the way to school, and leave the guns on the bus. After school, they'd get off at the woods, and take their guns out hunting. He never remembered a single murder at school, with all the kids armed.

Second, we have hundreds of gun control laws specifically for schools. We've played it your way, and it hasn't worked.

Saying "oh if we do this, we'll have another shooting", when school shootings are already almost routine, is a joke. Apparently your system doesn't work. Let's try something new. Like.... "Let's allow people to defend themselves" Crazy I know.
It's ironic, because every single time they pass a law allowing people to defend themselves, they claim "get ready for millions of dead!", and then it passes... the law is implemented... people defend themselves... and fewer people get shot.


How many times do you chicken littles lose, before you quit screaming about the end of the world?
I prefer no guns but you mostly shoot each other so have at it.

I would prefer no guns too. But since your system doesn't work, and criminals are armed whether I am or not, then I'm going to be armed.

I realize you leftist live in a fantasy world, where if you are helpless and defenseless, then criminals will just hold hands and sing songs.

But I have a friend who was raped in her own home, and she was unable to do anything. Completely helpless. Why? Because she bought the leftist crap you spew. She's not helpless anymore. She has hired full time security Smith, and his friend Wesson.

She's dumped the leftardian crap you spew. Sad that she had to be harmed to learn the leftist fantasy world isn't true.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
None of the victims had guns, moron.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

Moron....if a shooter decided to go to a college today.....before this was law and shoot up a school....what would keep him from doing it....moron.......this simply allows people who are not going to shoot up the school to commit murder to have the means to defend themselves if it actually happens, or if they are attacked by a rapist 50 ft. from the campus police station, or robbed, or beaten with a baseball bat.....

YOu lefties are batshit crazy......
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

You expect a sharp rise in school shootings. Can you make this more precise? How much of a rise are you confident will happen? Do you expect a rise just in minor incidents or also incidents which result in multiple deaths?

If a gun is brought on a school campus, there is an 100 percent chance that a murder will occur. Case in point: Adam Lanza

Now that it is legal to bring guns on campus, I predict that for every person who brings a gun on campus, there will be AT LEAST another murder added to America's rising gun crime toll

Moron, there are about 12 states that already allow this..........
It's ironic, because every single time they pass a law allowing people to defend themselves, they claim "get ready for millions of dead!", and then it passes... the law is implemented... people defend themselves... and fewer people get shot.


How many times do you chicken littles lose, before you quit screaming about the end of the world?
I prefer no guns but you mostly shoot each other so have at it.

I would prefer no guns too. But since your system doesn't work, and criminals are armed whether I am or not, then I'm going to be armed.

I realize you leftist live in a fantasy world, where if you are helpless and defenseless, then criminals will just hold hands and sing songs.

But I have a friend who was raped in her own home, and she was unable to do anything. Completely helpless. Why? Because she bought the leftist crap you spew. She's not helpless anymore. She has hired full time security Smith, and his friend Wesson.

She's dumped the leftardian crap you spew. Sad that she had to be harmed to learn the leftist fantasy world isn't true.
1. I own guns.
2. Who was she raped by?
Colorado has had campus carry for 12 years.....and no problems......

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