Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

Would you prefer Israel allow them to arm themselves, then wipe out the entire region? They can do that, you know.
I would prefer that they had a fair goddamned chance to fight which Israel will never allow because they are gun-control bullies kicking the shit out of a population which has no chance in hell of fighting back. You want guns to even the odds for people you approve of, and only for people you approve of. You are the bully, and you defend them. If guns were for protection, as you say they are, you'd want everyone to have them which you so obviously do not...
Of course I do. Israel is protected by guns, that's a good thing. Note that they are not trying to eliminate the Palestinians, or anyone else for that matter. The flip side, now, not so much. Apparently, you want those who have sworn total genocide to have the means to accomplish it. Not so smart.
I want a fair fight. Is that what you approve of? No, you want guns only for people you believe should have them. Why, because guns kill. End of story.
Fair fight? Okay, let every nation surrounding Israel acknowledge her right to exist AND demonstrate that Israel has a history of attacking the nations surrounding her and you might have something to stand on. Minus that, they need protection, and her weapons do just that without being used.
How about arming the people they bully right next door, who can't defend themselves, and letting them fight it out? Oh no, we couldn't do that, that would make it a fair fight that your side might lose so gun control it is because, guns kill people and just might kill the people you like instead of the ones you won't let defend themselves. Hypocrite...
This isn't a playground fight where somebody gets a bloody nose and everyone goes home for milk and cookies. This is a very lopsided conflict, in which one tiny nation is surrounded by millions of implacable enemies who want nothing more than to wipe the tiny nation off the face of the earth. Israel has to lose precisely once, and they're just not going to let that happen. You can only have a "fair fight" if both sides have equal levels of animus toward the other. In this case, Israel is always at a disadvantage, because she doesn't want to wipe out all the nations surrounding her while they DO want to totally destroy her. Now, why aren't you addressing the reason Israel annexed the land in the first place?

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