Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

Someone needs to smear Ds. We know the MSM won’t.

Another asshole tries a SPIN......LOL

The Republican Party is now Trump's Corruption Party ... - USA Today 30, 2018 - Trump and Republicans have a massive corruption problem. ... They know our elected officials are beholden to the corrupting power of their ...

Midterms 2018: the 4 Republican scandals that could tip the 2018 ... 5, 2018 - These House Republican corruption scandals have created real ... clear that this arrest is not related to Collins's position as an elected official, ...

The corruption of the GOP is complete: So what's Plan B? - The ...

Oct 8, 2018 - It's not a conservative party, or a small government party or an ... and all senior officials— including the release of 1o years of tax returns.
List of United States federal officials convicted of corruption offenses ... list only includes federal officials convicted of certain select corruption crimes. For a more .... House of Representatives, California, 1976, Bribery, Republican .... 1993). The government declined to prosecute García a third time. U.S. Will Not ...

The challenge of tagging Republicans as 'corrupt' in 2018 - POLITICO 9, 2018 - Democratic leaders further refined the plan in July, rolling out their closing ... “In theelection of 2006, Democrats pointed out the Republicans' ...

The Republican "culture of corruption" might be an election factor ... 25, 2018 - The last time a San Diego Republican was indicted for comical crimes, his party lost control of the House of Representatives. Rep. Randy ...

GOP corruption scandals can Democratic candidates in midterms 10, 2018 - As major corruption scandals rock the GOP, Democrats must decide ... involvement of family members in government business, and failure to ...

Congressional GOP Will Own Unchecked Corruption | RealClearPolitics 24, 2018 - With two months to go before Election Day, Democrats aren't likely to let that ... On Thursday the New York Times reported top GOP leaders are ...

How Democrats Can Target Republican Corruption - Bloomberg 30, 2018 - Not really: Republican losses in the midterm elections of 1874 had far ... of narrowly self-interested officials who return nothing to the public.

Republicans Have List of Trump Scandals They're Covering Up - NYMag
If only the MSM would expose corruption by Ds like they do with Rs.

Then Nat wouldn’t be so uninformed.

Are you so stinking stupid that you think this corruption is on 1 party alone.....................Drink the Kool Aid........... got CAUGHT being an asshole.....Live with it.....

You posted this fucked up thread aiming to smear democrats........and, as it turns out.......

Baloney...............I'm against the establishment who does this......and it is both sides...........

You'd have to be a MORON not to see it......

Oh..........nevermind...forgot who I was posting too........LOL

Oh come now, when have you ever said an ill word about the Repubs?
STFU..............these crimes were under 2 weren't they................

Are you so freaking stupid that you can't see that........

Again.........answer the fucking question.......should HSBC and it's execs been thrown and jail.........and put out of business.......

But hey............let's charge old tax evasion charges to some guy during the same time frame and SCREAM WE ARE SAVING THE COUNTRY.

BS bro............Ray Charles could see this.

Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so.

No matter what the Repubs do or do not do in this case, you and those like you will still vote for them, thus they have no incentive to do the right thing. The same holds true of the Dems, your counterparts on the left wing will vote for them no matter what they do, or do not do.

As long as each of the parties is assured of regaining "control" as is the case with our two party system, there is never any motivation for them to do the right thing.
Also, Trump stiffs many if not most of his contractors. If you drive up and down south Florida, you'll find all sorts of small business people who've done work for Trump who will flat out not pay them, or pay them a portion of what they are owed, then bully them by threatening to sue if they complain.
I'm going to ask you a simple question......or 2.............LOL

Should HSBC have LOST IT'S CHARTER................yes or no........speak into the microphone.

Should those in HSBC been charged for money laundering........yes or no.......

Should those same people have been charged for complicate crimes to laundering money to Drug Cartels who have killed countless people South of the border.............yes or no...............

Now spin or answer.................You are for Justice or not...........I'm gonna enjoy this.......thanks in advance.

Well, you speak into the microphone.

Trump sells his properties to Russian oligarchs who've engaged in theft, fraud and murder. Not only does he sell them, he actively courts them. As I've heard, his buildings have one of the highest, if not the highest, ratio of offshore registered shell corporations than any in New York, i.e. money laundering.

Yet, his worshippers dismiss all this because he is their Orange God.

What do you think? Should we have elected a President who knowingly did business with money launderers, criminals and murderers?
Answer the stinking question.........................Should HSBC have lost their Charter and execs been thrown in Jail for this...........and it wasn't just Drug Cartels they laundered money the dang article.

Answer the question or do you support banks that Launder money to Drug Cartels who kill thousands of people in Mexico..........

Will you...............I doubt it.
The funny thing about Trump supporters complaining about Wall Street is that even with such low morals on Wall Street, most of Wall Street wouldn't deal with Trump because he's such a lowlife cretin. He'd screw anyone out of money, rich or poor.

....and THAT is why "poor, crooked" Trump had to turn to Russian oligarchs' money to finance his schemes......LOL


In fairness, I do know someone who was his banker and was invited to Trump's wedding to Melania. He has known Trump for a long time. He was working for a foreign bank at the time. Trump came to them because no American bank would deal with him. So my colleague agreed to lend Trump money, but charged sky-high interest rates and locked in the collateral. Trump did pay him back.

I speak to him on a semi-regular basis. When the election was on, he told me "Trump's not as crazy as he seems on television." So that was reassuring. Got a lot of interesting insights from him, most which were pretty consistent with what you read.
Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............
Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............

Yes, they massively broke the law, and they also massively finance our politicians.

And since our politicians know that they can just ignore it and give them a fine and the voters of their parties will keep on voting for them, they have no motivation to do the right thing. Why would they bite the hand the feeds them when not doing so will not cost them any votes?
While we are at it.................Answer me will not of course.......LOL

Why the fuck should the Banks be able to gamble on the markets with FDIC BACKED FUNDS...........

Hmmm.........explain that one.........which was outlawed by the Glass Steagal Act..............

You ok with the Tax payers being on the damned hook for your fucking gambling......

I'm gonna enjoy this spin cession..........anyone got popcorn.............I know what they will say.......shit I could answer it for them I've seen it so many times...............LOL
Also, Trump stiffs many if not most of his contractors. If you drive up and down south Florida, you'll find all sorts of small business people who've done work for Trump who will flat out not pay them, or pay them a portion of what they are owed, then bully them by threatening to sue if they complain.
I'm going to ask you a simple question......or 2.............LOL

Should HSBC have LOST IT'S CHARTER................yes or no........speak into the microphone.

Should those in HSBC been charged for money laundering........yes or no.......

Should those same people have been charged for complicate crimes to laundering money to Drug Cartels who have killed countless people South of the border.............yes or no...............

Now spin or answer.................You are for Justice or not...........I'm gonna enjoy this.......thanks in advance.

Well, you speak into the microphone.

Trump sells his properties to Russian oligarchs who've engaged in theft, fraud and murder. Not only does he sell them, he actively courts them. As I've heard, his buildings have one of the highest, if not the highest, ratio of offshore registered shell corporations than any in New York, i.e. money laundering.

Yet, his worshippers dismiss all this because he is their Orange God.

What do you think? Should we have elected a President who knowingly did business with money launderers, criminals and murderers?
Answer the stinking question.........................Should HSBC have lost their Charter and execs been thrown in Jail for this...........and it wasn't just Drug Cartels they laundered money the dang article.

Answer the question or do you support banks that Launder money to Drug Cartels who kill thousands of people in Mexico..........

Will you...............I doubt it.

I know the story. I discussed it once with the father of the woman responsible for blowing that whole case wide open.

Ideally, everyone involved in a crime would face justice - including all the criminals Trump has dealt with, and Trump would be forced to pay off everyone he has fucked over. But the world isn't as cut and dried as you'd like.

The reason why the government settles deals like this and others in finance is because it is very difficult to prove criminal intent. Usually, the prosecutor has enough evidence to implicate the bank but doesn't have enough to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Had the DoJ not cut the deal with HSBC, it would have been difficult to prove in a court of law and HSBC probably would have won. So the government takes a half loaf rather than get nothing.
Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............

Yes, they massively broke the law, and they also massively finance our politicians.

And since our politicians know that they can just ignore it and give them a fine and the voters of their parties will keep on voting for them, they have no motivation to do the right thing. Why would they bite the hand the feeds them when not doing so will not cost them any votes?
No motivation to do the right thing......................No motivation to do the right thing.

Ok.....lets sum that up..........They are GUILTY AS SIN............and are CRIMINALS...........and will never DO A DAY IN JAIL........

Yes..........that is correct................and why the ESTABLISHMENT needs to burn to the ground.........

Was that so hard........LOL
While we are at it.................Answer me will not of course.......LOL

Why the fuck should the Banks be able to gamble on the markets with FDIC BACKED FUNDS...........

Hmmm.........explain that one.........which was outlawed by the Glass Steagal Act..............

You ok with the Tax payers being on the damned hook for your fucking gambling......

I'm gonna enjoy this spin cession..........anyone got popcorn.............I know what they will say.......shit I could answer it for them I've seen it so many times...............LOL

Same reason as above, because our elected officials let them, because they fund our elected officials.

And our elected officials know it will not cost them votes, the faithful will still keep voting for them no matter what.
Also, Trump stiffs many if not most of his contractors. If you drive up and down south Florida, you'll find all sorts of small business people who've done work for Trump who will flat out not pay them, or pay them a portion of what they are owed, then bully them by threatening to sue if they complain.
I'm going to ask you a simple question......or 2.............LOL

Should HSBC have LOST IT'S CHARTER................yes or no........speak into the microphone.

Should those in HSBC been charged for money laundering........yes or no.......

Should those same people have been charged for complicate crimes to laundering money to Drug Cartels who have killed countless people South of the border.............yes or no...............

Now spin or answer.................You are for Justice or not...........I'm gonna enjoy this.......thanks in advance.

Well, you speak into the microphone.

Trump sells his properties to Russian oligarchs who've engaged in theft, fraud and murder. Not only does he sell them, he actively courts them. As I've heard, his buildings have one of the highest, if not the highest, ratio of offshore registered shell corporations than any in New York, i.e. money laundering.

Yet, his worshippers dismiss all this because he is their Orange God.

What do you think? Should we have elected a President who knowingly did business with money launderers, criminals and murderers?
Answer the stinking question.........................Should HSBC have lost their Charter and execs been thrown in Jail for this...........and it wasn't just Drug Cartels they laundered money the dang article.

Answer the question or do you support banks that Launder money to Drug Cartels who kill thousands of people in Mexico..........

Will you...............I doubt it.

I know the story. I discussed it once with the father of the woman responsible for blowing that whole case wide open.

Ideally, everyone involved in a crime would face justice - including all the criminals Trump has dealt with, and Trump would be forced to pay off everyone he has fucked over. But the world isn't as cut and dried as you'd like.

The reason why the government settles deals like this and others in finance is because it is very difficult to prove criminal intent. Usually, the prosecutor has enough evidence to implicate the bank but doesn't have enough to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Had the DoJ not cut the deal with HSBC, it would have been difficult to prove in a court of law and HSBC probably would have won. So the government takes a half loaf rather than get nothing.
They had them dead to rights..............They had enough evidence to put them out of business and under a jail.............That would have sucked for Comey now wouldn't it.

Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............

Yes, they massively broke the law, and they also massively finance our politicians.

And since our politicians know that they can just ignore it and give them a fine and the voters of their parties will keep on voting for them, they have no motivation to do the right thing. Why would they bite the hand the feeds them when not doing so will not cost them any votes?
No motivation to do the right thing......................No motivation to do the right thing.

Ok.....lets sum that up..........They are GUILTY AS SIN............and are CRIMINALS...........and will never DO A DAY IN JAIL........

Yes..........that is correct................and why the ESTABLISHMENT needs to burn to the ground.........

Was that so hard........LOL

Hard no, funny as hell though to watch a partisan loyalist such as yourself say those thing.

Are you now going to quit voting for any Repubs because of this? Of course not...which is why they will keep on doing it.
Then there are the war criminals too politically connected to jail, or even endure a real public hearing of their crimes.
Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............

Yes, they massively broke the law, and they also massively finance our politicians.

And since our politicians know that they can just ignore it and give them a fine and the voters of their parties will keep on voting for them, they have no motivation to do the right thing. Why would they bite the hand the feeds them when not doing so will not cost them any votes?
No motivation to do the right thing......................No motivation to do the right thing.

Ok.....lets sum that up..........They are GUILTY AS SIN............and are CRIMINALS...........and will never DO A DAY IN JAIL........

Yes..........that is correct................and why the ESTABLISHMENT needs to burn to the ground.........

Was that so hard........LOL

Hard no, funny as hell though to watch a partisan loyalist such as yourself say those thing.

Are you now going to quit voting for any Repubs because of this? Of course not...which is why they will keep on doing it.
With no choices otherwise what the fuck am I supposed to do.............If you would remember the Tea Party began to throw these assholes out of office.........

What about the Dems.............for a long time we have wanted these guys out.........but it's rigged...............

Doesn't matter............The lesson here is everyone knows this system is rigged............and that our politicians are criminals...............sponsored by criminals..............who when caught don't go to jail.

But I'm supposed to give a fuck about Mueller and that BS investigation...........

Enjoy the show..........that is all it is..........
While we are at it.................Answer me will not of course.......LOL

Why the fuck should the Banks be able to gamble on the markets with FDIC BACKED FUNDS...........

Hmmm.........explain that one.........which was outlawed by the Glass Steagal Act..............

You ok with the Tax payers being on the damned hook for your fucking gambling......

I'm gonna enjoy this spin cession..........anyone got popcorn.............I know what they will say.......shit I could answer it for them I've seen it so many times...............LOL

Banks shouldn't be allowed to gamble with FDIC funds.

But for decades, conservatives believed that shouldn't be barriers in banking. They argued that Glass Steagall was a hindrance to American banking and put American finance at a competitive disadvantage. The repeal of Glass Steagall was pushed by ideological conservatives and passed in the Republican House by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Senate by Trent Lott.

Free markets, liberty and all that.

That's why it's funny to hear conservatives whine and complain about it today. They either have cognitive dissonance or wilful ignorance about what happened back then.
They had them dead to rights..............They had enough evidence to put them out of business and under a jail.............That would have sucked for Comey now wouldn't it.

Who you digging the holes for...............hmmmm

You need 10,000 of them plus for the people killed by the Drug Cartels who HSBC laundered money too.......You are going to be busy for a long time.................Now tell me how you care for the you look the other way on funding for the very ones they run from

You aren't going to dig that many holes with a shovel bro.........need heavy equipment.......

Now will you spin that you don't care for all those who have died by the Cartel HSBC laundered for...............
Yes, they should have been...but they never will because our elected officials have no need to do so
Have no need to do so...................have no need to do so...............

What the Fuck is that supposed to mean...........did they massively break the law or not........

Please explain no need to do so..............

Yes, they massively broke the law, and they also massively finance our politicians.

And since our politicians know that they can just ignore it and give them a fine and the voters of their parties will keep on voting for them, they have no motivation to do the right thing. Why would they bite the hand the feeds them when not doing so will not cost them any votes?
No motivation to do the right thing......................No motivation to do the right thing.

Ok.....lets sum that up..........They are GUILTY AS SIN............and are CRIMINALS...........and will never DO A DAY IN JAIL........

Yes..........that is correct................and why the ESTABLISHMENT needs to burn to the ground.........

Was that so hard........LOL

Hard no, funny as hell though to watch a partisan loyalist such as yourself say those thing.

Are you now going to quit voting for any Repubs because of this? Of course not...which is why they will keep on doing it.
With no choices otherwise what the fuck am I supposed to do.............If you would remember the Tea Party began to throw these assholes out of office.........

What about the Dems.............for a long time we have wanted these guys out.........but it's rigged...............

Doesn't matter............The lesson here is everyone knows this system is rigged............and that our politicians are criminals...............sponsored by criminals..............who when caught don't go to jail.

But I'm supposed to give a fuck about Mueller and that BS investigation...........

Enjoy the show..........that is all it is..........

There are other choices, but nobody will chose them. You will keep voting for the Repubs to keep the Dems out of office even while admitting the Repubs are just as bad as the Dems.

That is why our system is so corrupt
Banks shouldn't be allowed to gamble with FDIC funds.

With the GOP WHOLLY in charge of government, why not reinstate the Glass-Steagal Act???......THAT would show some real conviction to stop the high-stake gambling by WS with other people's money.
While we are at it.................Answer me will not of course.......LOL

Why the fuck should the Banks be able to gamble on the markets with FDIC BACKED FUNDS...........

Hmmm.........explain that one.........which was outlawed by the Glass Steagal Act..............

You ok with the Tax payers being on the damned hook for your fucking gambling......

I'm gonna enjoy this spin cession..........anyone got popcorn.............I know what they will say.......shit I could answer it for them I've seen it so many times...............LOL

Banks shouldn't be allowed to gamble with FDIC funds.

But for decades, conservatives believed that shouldn't be barriers in banking. They argued that Glass Steagall was a hindrance to American banking and put American finance at a competitive disadvantage. The repeal of Glass Steagall was pushed by ideological conservatives and passed in the Republican House by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Senate by Trent Lott.

Free markets, liberty and all that.

That's why it's funny to hear conservatives whine and complain about it today. They either have cognitive dissonance or wilful ignorance about what happened back then.
Yes, and it gets most comical/incredible/insane (go ahead and pick your adjective) when they claim that (a) the only reasons for the Meltdown were the CRA and Barney Frank, and or (b) that the Meltdown really wasn't that big a deal, which gives them an excuse to go after Obama for the slow-recovering economy.

Ideology is an incredibly powerful affliction, that's for damn sure.

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