Free Speech......


Aug 12, 2009
I recently (and sadly) terminated my association with another message board......
Where I had been very happily exercising whatever remains of my little grey cells for well over three years.

I am now searching for another forum that TOLERATES EVERY ASPECT OF FREE SPEECH, and thus far (given the sampling I have read to date) this board may be capable of brewing my preferred taste in this tolerant tea.
We shall see!

About me...... I am OLD, but not necessarily WISE.
IMNHO...... Wisdom, like beauty, is best left to the eye of the beholder.
My computer skills are scant, and I am a "hunt and peck" typist.
I do not POST quantity.
I am more than content with occassional quality.
I almost never author message board missives unless I am intoxicated with the energy and pleasure I enjoy after drinking rather copious amounts of GOOD cold beer.
My posts tend to be lengthy...... And purposely scribbled in a manner that requires more than a casual effort to decently dissect their intended meaning.

I care not a fig to CONVINCE anyone of anything!
My primary purpose for partaking in modern day message board falderol is to exercise MY little grey cells, and hopefully delay the mental decay that is seldom prevented by any other means save an early death.

There's MORE......
I am never at a lose for MORE on damn near any topic......
But that's enough for now.

this is not entirely a free speech board, but it's fairly free, nevertheless.
this is not entirely a free speech board, but it's fairly free, nevertheless.
...if you don't count the agony of having to read the drivel of the adolescents amongst the fold as payment, yes it's free.

Spinoza said:
Free Speech......
I recently (and sadly) terminated my association with another message board......
Where I had been very happily exercising whatever remains of my little grey cells for well over three years.

I am now searching for another forum that TOLERATES EVERY ASPECT OF FREE SPEECH, and thus far (given the sampling I have read to date) this board may be capable of brewing my preferred taste in this tolerant tea.
We shall see!

About me...... I am OLD, but not necessarily WISE.
IMNHO...... Wisdom, like beauty, is best left to the eye of the beholder.
My computer skills are scant, and I am a "hunt and peck" typist.
I do not POST quantity.
I am more than content with occassional quality.
I almost never author message board missives unless I am intoxicated with the energy and pleasure I enjoy after drinking rather copious amounts of GOOD cold beer.
My posts tend to be lengthy...... And purposely scribbled in a manner that requires more than a casual effort to decently dissect their intended meaning.

I care not a fig to CONVINCE anyone of anything!
My primary purpose for partaking in modern day message board falderol is to exercise MY little grey cells, and hopefully delay the mental decay that is seldom prevented by any other means save an early death.

There's MORE......
I am never at a lose for MORE on damn near any topic......
But that's enough for now.

Welcome, Spinoza. I am Hye Asaratis. Most of the time, you can find intelligent, polite debate on several of the forums here. The bell shaped curve dictates that there will be exceptions to everything.

Watch your spelling, or I shall send the Spelling Police to your door.

...and you should try moderate consumption of single malt scotches rather than copious amounts of beer. It is more pleasing to the physical and mental condition of the imbiber and leaves the brain cells ready to perform complex algorithms even as the rest of the body sleeps it off. It also enables one to dream in technicolor HD...and to jump tall buildings in a single bound.

Cheers! :beer:
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Welcome to the USMB.

By the way, the only message board out there where "free speech" isn't somewhat limited by board rules will be the one you own yourself.

Freedom of speech in the 1st Amendment covers government action, not private. So that when you sign on to a message board, you really have no free speech rights. Just like I wouldn't have, in your home.

All that said, the USMB admin and mods try to stay as "hands off" as possible. But they DO have their rules and they DO pretty much enforce them, albeit with a usually gentle hand. It's not a nanny state like so many other political boards out there.
Watch your spelling, or I shall send the Spelling Police to your door.

Most people's actual complaint isn't the bad spelling and punctuation, but rather the intellectual sloppiness and carelessness which they indicate. So that, if someone is trying to make a persuasive argument, it helps if there's at least some effort to spell and punctuate correctly, perchance to indicate the person's thoughts and stances aren't intellectually sloppy and careless.

If it's worth posting, it really is worth taking a little extra time trying to get it right.
The moderators here are like members of woodstock I love and beer for all.

No but seriously you can speak your mind here without fear of reprisal from those who have power.

Other forums you go in its like the Gastappo is watching your every keystroke, just waiting to banhammer you.

Ask KittenKodder, they were calling her a Nazi this weekend and she didn't ban the jackanapes for it.
The moderators here are like members of woodstock I love and beer for all.

No but seriously you can speak your mind here without fear of reprisal from those who have power.

Other forums you go in its like the Gastappo is watching your every keystroke, just waiting to banhammer you.

Ask KittenKodder, they were calling her a Nazi this weekend and she didn't ban the jackanapes for it.

Well ... to be fair only one of them was serious ... and he's too much of a dope to care about. But really, call me all the names you want ... they're only words to me.

We have a few "off limits" terms and words here, only because we have to. I am a very strong supporter of free speech myself, I believe that it's the only way for people to relieve their problems in a healthy and legal manner ... take it away ... who knows how they would release their pent up anger and hatred?
welcome to the board
as has been pointed out that while this board has few rules, if you try to exert your "freedom of speech" here and disregard the rules, you will be shown the door

but i have a feeling you wont have that problem
Welcome to the playground. Bring any toys? By the way, speech here isn't free. On Wednesday evening between 8:00 pm and 9:30 pm it will cost a quarter everytime you mention Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boxer and anybody else in the Democratic political party. For Republicans, you get a break. Tossing out those names will only cost you 20 cents. If you make fun of homeless, handicapped, nearly blind gophers, you have to pay a nickel per word. Make fun of whales all you want to. Nobody here cares. Well, that's it for now. Welcome to the sandbox.
this is not entirely a free speech board, but it's fairly free, nevertheless.

Are you suggesting......
That this board is very much like the land between our shining seas......
Where the noble principle of FREE SPEECH is tiredlessly touted by virtually every citizen, but all too frequently denied to OTHERS hypocritically, whenever a political or religious or social reality echoes too loudly to be TOLERATED by some subjective interpretation of what FREE SPEECH MUST MEAN if is to actually matter in any allegedly FREE SOCIETY?

Numerous American citizens have voiced and SCREAMED their displeasure with the Obama administration's efforts to legislate health insurance/care for EVERY American.
And mobs of PRETEND "liberals" have ATTACKED their FREE SPEECH with all the gusto of brown shirted fascists at a book burning picnic.

Not so very long ago......
Numerous American citizens voiced and SCREAMED their objections to little george's illegal and costly and brutal war in Iraq.
And mobs or PRETEND "conservatives" ATTACKED their FREE SPEECH with flag waving zeal and pathetic "patriotic" fervor.


TRY THIS......
Imagine a country with the RIGHT to keep and bear arms...... WITHOUT FREE SPEECH!
Imagine a country with the RIGHT to peaceful assembly...... WITHOUT FREE SPEECH!
Imagine a county with FREEDOM of the PRESS...... WITHOUT FREE SPEECH!
Imagine a country with FREEDOM of RELIGION...... WITHOUT FREE SPEECH!
Imagine a country with EVERY FREEDOM America has represented throughout its proud, but sometimes shameful storied history...... BUT WITHOUT FREE SPEECH.

As for this message board......
I have read the RULES and I do UNDERSTAND the preferred protocol.
But what I do not UNDERSTAND......
Is why the gentlemen and/or ladies who CONTROL this board......
Have opted to HONOR the drival of any sophomoric poppycock......
At the expense of ABSOLUTE FREE SPEECH!

um, because this is not a government board
you do not have free speech on a private forum, you have the freedoms allowed on the rules of the board
this is not a complex issue

this board has so few rules that its about as free as you can get without running your own board
There is no such animal as free speech on a message board, where someone else is paying the bills and sticking their butt on the proverbial internet line.

It amazes me that so many people think that just because they are on the internet, they should be able to say and do whatever they want.
There is no such thing as an absolute right without responsibility Spinoza. That has never been the case in this Republic.

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