Frederick Douglass statue ripped from base in upstate New York


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Rochester, N.Y. — A statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, delivered in the city in 1852. Police said the statue was taken on Sunday from Maplewood Park, a site along the Underground Railroad where Douglass and Harriet Tubman helped shuttle slaves to freedom.

No arrests have been made. In a Monday morning tweet, President Trump blamed "anarchists" for the incident.

The statue was found at the brink of the Genesee River gorge about 50 feet from its pedestal, police said. There was damage to the base and a finger.

Now that the close embrace of the Democrats of mob rule on issues related to monuments has validated acts such as these, it seems this statue was a likely target since Douglas' speech about slavery is being used to pretend black Americans are being oppressed when they are not.
He staked his political career around making us all want to kill each other. This is the logical conclusion of that.
:icon_rolleyes: Leftists lost their minds in 2016 and have never gotten them back. I'll go that far in agreement.
It still doesn't explain why Trump is responsible for jerk offs pulling statues down.
Rochester, N.Y. — A statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, delivered in the city in 1852. Police said the statue was taken on Sunday from Maplewood Park, a site along the Underground Railroad where Douglass and Harriet Tubman helped shuttle slaves to freedom.

No arrests have been made. In a Monday morning tweet, President Trump blamed "anarchists" for the incident.

The statue was found at the brink of the Genesee River gorge about 50 feet from its pedestal, police said. There was damage to the base and a finger.

Now that the close embrace of the Democrats of mob rule on issues related to monuments has validated acts such as these, it seems this statue was a likely target since Douglas' speech about slavery is being used to pretend black Americans are being oppressed when they are not.

The radical American left and their democratic party enablers can only blow off so many of their own toes before they're no longer able to "walk". Who's for buying them some more bullets?
He staked his political career around making us all want to kill each other. This is the logical conclusion of that.
:icon_rolleyes: Leftists lost their minds in 2016 and have never gotten them back. I'll go that far in agreement.
It still doesn't explain why Trump is responsible for jerk offs pulling statues down.
You will note that statues were not being pulled down prior to Trump firing on peaceful protesters for his photo op. It's hard to know which straw will break the camel's back.
Rochester, N.Y. — A statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, delivered in the city in 1852. Police said the statue was taken on Sunday from Maplewood Park, a site along the Underground Railroad where Douglass and Harriet Tubman helped shuttle slaves to freedom.

No arrests have been made. In a Monday morning tweet, President Trump blamed "anarchists" for the incident.

The statue was found at the brink of the Genesee River gorge about 50 feet from its pedestal, police said. There was damage to the base and a finger.

Now that the close embrace of the Democrats of mob rule on issues related to monuments has validated acts such as these, it seems this statue was a likely target since Douglas' speech about slavery is being used to pretend black Americans are being oppressed when they are not.
That's a shame. Frederick Douglas was great man. A very impressive orator.
Trump's Amerika
We arent the ones who are cheering the destruction of statues. You democrats are. Yes, you have sparked a war with the few bad apples on the right, but dont worry, there wont be an epidemic of statues coming down at the hands of the right.

You guys dont realize it, but your actions are going to create a future generation of racists. They will feel justified in their hatred by the looting videos and attacks. People are already sick of it. You should not be encouraging BLM. This is going to lead down a bad road for everyone.
Who took down this statue?
Democratic politicians did. By always surrendering to the mobs, they have made lawlessness legal. By using Douglas' speech to suggest black people are still oppressed as they were under slavery, they have made him offensive to many people.
Who took down this statue?
Democratic politicians did. By always surrendering to the mobs, they have made lawlessness legal. By using Douglas' speech to suggest black people are still oppressed as they were under slavery, they have made him offensive to many people.

You have some video or other source which identifies the person/people who took down the statue.
Who took down this statue?
Democratic politicians did. By always surrendering to the mobs, they have made lawlessness legal. By using Douglas' speech to suggest black people are still oppressed as they were under slavery, they have made him offensive to many people.

You have some video or other source which identifies the person/people who took down the statue.
Their pictures are all over the internet. Just google Pelosi pr Schumer.

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