Biden Vows to “Transform” America — Dog Whistle to the Mob?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

The democratic leadership of this country will lose the election for Joe Biden, if he doesnt do so himself.

There is no way anybody who voted for Trump 4 years ago, or a swing undecided voter, will look at this country today and vote democrat. Cities, monuments, American History being destroyed. Democrats either supporting it or turning a blind eye. White American's being shamed to feel guilty about being white.

Joe Biden's liberal base will eat that shit up. The swing votes he needs to win election? No freaking way.
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Well he would certainly transform it alright. He'd transform it into the shithole the communist want it to be completely devoid of free thought and any opportunity for anyone to suceed. A shithole with a population of slaves to the state and drooling morons.
The democratic leadership of this country will lose the election for Joe Biden, if he doesnt do so himself.

There is no way anybody who voted for Trump 4 years ago, or a swing undecided voter, will look at this country today and vote democrat. Cities, monuments, American History being destroyed. Democrats either supporting it or turning a blind eye. White American's being shamed to feel guilty about being white.

Joe Biden's liberal base will eat that shit up. The swing votes he needs to win election? No freaking way.

I 2nd this, bigly!
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Well he would certainly transform it alright. He'd transform it into the shithole the communist want it to be completely devoid of free thought and any opportunity for anyone to suceed. A shithole with a population of slaves to the state and drooling morons.
It`s a shithole now and even Mexico has closed it`s border with Arizona to keep people like you out.
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Well he would certainly transform it alright. He'd transform it into the shithole the communist want it to be completely devoid of free thought and any opportunity for anyone to suceed. A shithole with a population of slaves to the state and drooling morons.

I 2nd this too, even biglier!
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Too many chronic fools believe the lie that after Donald Trump has been vanquished from the White House American life will return to some semblance of normal stability. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. If Biden somehow takes the White House this November, all the radicalized far left groups that have been blooming recently even under the Trump administration will emerge from the sociopathic woodwork and rampage. We've already witnessed this truth. Wherever radical left mayors or governors have backed off and/or stood down or defunded police departments, BLM/Antifa and other domestic terror groups have flourished; but not only that, either. Crime in general has skyrocketed wherever democrat politicians have enacted bail reform, prisoner releases and other similar anti-civilizational bullshit. If Biden wins even his Attorney General will order a general stand down of federal law enforcement, unless they're being used to hunt white Americans for exercising their free speech. A Biden presidency will be a living nightmare for tens and tens of millions of Americans.
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Just move to another country Joe!
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Well he would certainly transform it alright. He'd transform it into the shithole the communist want it to be completely devoid of free thought and any opportunity for anyone to suceed. A shithole with a population of slaves to the state and drooling morons.
It`s a shithole now and even Mexico has closed it`s border with Arizona to keep people like you out.

On the contrary the only shit holes that are found in America are those Blue Planataion cities where we find High crime and murder rates. If you live in one of those my condolences to you....
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Well he would certainly transform it alright. He'd transform it into the shithole the communist want it to be completely devoid of free thought and any opportunity for anyone to suceed. A shithole with a population of slaves to the state and drooling morons.
It`s a shithole now and even Mexico has closed it`s border with Arizona to keep people like you out.
Then why don't you get the fuck out? Then maybe it wouldn't be the shithole you think it is because anywhere your kind goes brings their own shithole along with them.
Joe does not wear white sox anymore. He wears black sox.......Say it ain't so Joe!
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

hitler 1939
Why does America need to be transformed? What happened to “build back better”?
Biden Vows to “Transform” America

Dog Whistle to the Mob?

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said on Twitter Sunday he would “transform” America if he wins the presidency over President Trump this November. Biden’s vow echoes the goals of armed, violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters who have been ‘transforming’ the nation this summer by taking over sections of major cities, killing, looting and setting fires, waging war on law enforcement and toppling statues in cities and towns across the country–including the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.”
The Trump campaign’s Tim Murtaugh responded with a question Biden and photos of the results of liberal mobs attacking statues of George Washington, ““Transform it” like this?”
View attachment 360067

That tears it. Did Obama tell ushe was elected to "Fundamentally Transform America in his ideological image? Has Joey Biden palargerized his mentor Barack Hussein Obama? One would guess that after 8 years to get the findamentals laid now they can move on with the total transformation. And who said Obama left the WH in 2017?
If elected, Biden would be a figurehead. A puppet told when and what to say, just as he isdoing now. He'll be controlled by the unseen hands the Marxist Left in government and among woke corporations. A third Obama term is what the Leftists want. Would Obama hold the string of Joey the puppet? In a rational world, Biden would be laughed off the stage. Due to the amount of ignorance among voters and media, this fool could actually win in November.
Remember, when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say they want to "transform" America, they mean they want to transform our free Republic into a totalitarian dystopian government similar to Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Transforming America is what the current administrations benefactors want.

They already said so, we will transform and that it is going to happen as a statement.
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