FOX:Pope Francis is the Catholic Church’s Obama – God help us


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Well this about does it..

Pope Francis is undergoing a popularity surge comparable to the way Barack Obama was greeted by the world in 2008. And just as President Obama has been a disappointment for America, Pope Francis will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.

My fellow Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in the left-wing media are in love with him.

Much is being made of his ‘compassion’ and ‘humility,’ but kissing babies and hugging the sick is nothing new. Every pope in recent memory has done the same, yet only now are the media paying attention. Benedict XVI and John Paul II refused to kowtow to the liberal agenda, and so such displays of tenderness were under-covered.
Pope Francis is the Catholic Church?s Obama ? God help us | Fox News

FOX:pope Francis is the Catholic Church’s Obama – God help us

Have no fear, GOD is NOT about to help Fox and ya'll.

He's the captain of the OTHER TEAM, honey.
I think the new Pope is interesting. One to watch.

Other than that, I have the same opinion of the current Pope as I have all 3 in my lifetime: I'm sure they were kind, smart and pious (whatever that means). I have nothing bad to say about them, and much good.

On the other hand, I have little to no emotional investment in the Pope's economic rhetoric.
Well this about does it..

Pope Francis is undergoing a popularity surge comparable to the way Barack Obama was greeted by the world in 2008. And just as President Obama has been a disappointment for America, Pope Francis will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.

My fellow Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in the left-wing media are in love with him.

Much is being made of his ‘compassion’ and ‘humility,’ but kissing babies and hugging the sick is nothing new. Every pope in recent memory has done the same, yet only now are the media paying attention. Benedict XVI and John Paul II refused to kowtow to the liberal agenda, and so such displays of tenderness were under-covered.
Pope Francis is the Catholic Church?s Obama ? God help us | Fox News


Also looks like Adam Shaw, who penned that mindless screed, is just not the brightest bulb in the firmament, after all:

Fox News columnist rips Pope Francis, loses Catholic News Service gig | Sacred and Profane

Tony Spence, editor in chief of the wire service, which operates under the aegis of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said he had been “very pleased” with Shaw’s work, which included an analysis of the comics book industry. Spence said he knew that Shaw worked for Fox but it never caused a conflict — until this week. Spence wrote in an email:

“(W)hen he penned the recent piece on Pope Francis, comparing him to President Obama, and presenting it as an op/ed, he seriously compromised his credibility as an objective Catholic journalist for CNS. Had Adam merely reported on the pope’s apostolic exhortation, even citing unflattering sources, there would have been no problem. However, Adam’s caustic condemnation of the exhortation and of Francis himself, one of the key figures we cover daily with objectivity, fairness and certainly charity, left me little choice but to end his service with us.”

Spence wished Shaw well “at and in all his future endeavors.”


I guess that Righties have forgotten that virtually every single Pope has issued social commentary. In fact, for over 1000 years, the only acceptable social commentary was from the pope or one of his designated speakers.

Yepp, the world has really changed...

BTW, the FOX article shows a way for people to let people tell Adam Shaw what they think of his screed.
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I've never seen this Adam Show on any FoxNews broadcast and can't even find where he's ever been considered a contributor.

This is nothing more than Fox picking up on a controversial article.

And, the main thing seems to be that Francis has a spurt in popularity similar to Obama when he first ran.

He even seems to be saying that, somewhere in the future, the pope's popularity will plummet just as Obama's is now.

So, the guy's a jerk and probably an avowed "reformer" that contributes to leftist blogs like Bilgrimage.
I've never seen this Adam Show on any FoxNews broadcast and can't even find where he's ever been considered a contributor.

This is nothing more than Fox picking up on a controversial article.

And, the main thing seems to be that Francis has a spurt in popularity similar to Obama when he first ran.

He even seems to be saying that, somewhere in the future, the pope's popularity will plummet just as Obama's is now.

So, the guy's a jerk and probably an avowed "reformer" that contributes to leftist blogs like Bilgrimage.

Nope. Wrong. He's a Rightie.

Google is YOUR friend!
Well this about does it..

Pope Francis is undergoing a popularity surge comparable to the way Barack Obama was greeted by the world in 2008. And just as President Obama has been a disappointment for America, Pope Francis will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.

My fellow Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in the left-wing media are in love with him.

Much is being made of his ‘compassion’ and ‘humility,’ but kissing babies and hugging the sick is nothing new. Every pope in recent memory has done the same, yet only now are the media paying attention. Benedict XVI and John Paul II refused to kowtow to the liberal agenda, and so such displays of tenderness were under-covered.
Pope Francis is the Catholic Church?s Obama ? God help us | Fox News

This whole thing about the Right and the Pope is fascinating to watch.
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it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

FOX screens what it puts up on it's site.

While it may not totally reflect the opinions of the Saudi state, it probably does reflect the opinions of most of the House of Saud.
it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

FOX screens what it puts up on it's site.

While it may not totally reflect the opinions of the Saudi state, it probably does reflect the opinions of most of the House of Saud.

and CNN puts up opinion pieces all the time and many are controversial, don't hear you bitching about those and blaming CNN.

face it dude, you have a whiny hard on for fox and dishonestly represented that these views are fox views. and your lame rant about saudi shows how ignorant you are or dishonest. the prince actually owns a mere 6 or 7% stake in news corp, which is MORE than just fox news.

i've told you before, you need to start being more honest.
I've never seen this Adam Show on any FoxNews broadcast and can't even find where he's ever been considered a contributor.

This is nothing more than Fox picking up on a controversial article.

And, the main thing seems to be that Francis has a spurt in popularity similar to Obama when he first ran.

He even seems to be saying that, somewhere in the future, the pope's popularity will plummet just as Obama's is now.

So, the guy's a jerk and probably an avowed "reformer" that contributes to leftist blogs like Bilgrimage.

Probably? You don't know. And Fox, the anti-God team, is running his comments.
it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

You are a reactionary, not very honest about it, and Fox ran the opinion piece, kiddo.

You reactionaries of the far right really are the anti-God team.
Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

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