Fox News Poll on Raising Taxes on the Wealthy


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Looks like NOBODY's buying the GOP's BS any more folks...


Thank God for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!


Interviews were conducted January 20-22, 2019 among a random national sample of 1,008registered voters (RV). Landline (315) and cellphone (693) numbers were randomly selected forinclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means telephonenumbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state.

Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of ± 3 percentage points.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) (formerlyknown as Anderson Robbins Research) and Shaw & Company Research (R).

Note: In 2019, the firm Anderson Robbins Research changed its name to Beacon Research; the Fox News bipartisan polling team remains unchanged.
Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.Fox News Polls before 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation.
Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero.Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total”columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts due to rounding...

Fox News Poll document 1/30/19
So, it sure looks like Republicans are the NEW 'liberals' :21:

But to be fair, I stated many years ago, actually several decades ago: When the US starts to go down the path of a third world shit hole country, those with the means to flee the US will flee.

When the folks making $10 million plus per year start getting the idea they are gonna be targeted for a massive tax hit, then you will see flight of wealth leave the nation.

I said it decades ago & maybe we are getting closer.
So, it sure looks like Republicans are the NEW 'liberals' :21:

But to be fair, I stated many years ago, actually several decades ago: When the US starts to go down the path of a third world shit hole country, those with the means to flee the US will flee.

When the folks making $10 million plus per year start getting the idea they are gonna be targeted for a massive tax hit, then you will see flight of wealth leave the nation.

I said it decades ago & maybe we are getting closer.

Say goodbye and never let them return, they can go live in Africa or S. America.
The intelligent and mature thing to do is to emulate the Rich instead of looting the Rich
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Looks like NOBODY's buying the GOP's BS any more folks...


Thank God for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!


Interviews were conducted January 20-22, 2019 among a random national sample of 1,008registered voters (RV). Landline (315) and cellphone (693) numbers were randomly selected forinclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means telephonenumbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state.

Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of ± 3 percentage points.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) (formerlyknown as Anderson Robbins Research) and Shaw & Company Research (R).

Note: In 2019, the firm Anderson Robbins Research changed its name to Beacon Research; the Fox News bipartisan polling team remains unchanged.
Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.Fox News Polls before 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation.
Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero.Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total”columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts due to rounding...

Fox News Poll document 1/30/19

Well, with respect, let's be clear.

That poll simply says 'raising taxes on the rich'. It does not - from what I can see - specify the 70% rate that Ocasio-Cortez is suggesting.

I HIGHLY doubt that 54% of Reps and 71% of Indy's are for a top tax rate of 70%. Dems? Maybe.

And let's also be clear. According to figures from the Social Security Association, the 70% tax rate that Ocasio-Cortez is talking about will only bring in an extra $15 billion per year.

In theory, how much could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70% tax rate bring in?

That is almost literally a drop in the spending bucket of just over a 1/3 of 1% of the over $4 trillion per year federal budget.

This will do almost nothing for the federal deficit and is clearly just an anger tax directed at the mega rich.

You want to do that - fine.

But I think it is important to say what things really are.
Dang, this is really simple shit. Tax those making $10 Million/year at 90% and what happens? Those making $10 Million will cut their businesses so they don't make $10 Million. To make up for the shortfall go after those making $5 Million/year and only have them pay 60%. Guess what, they'll cut back their businesses so they make under $5 Million. Do some of you folks have any fricken common sense?
So, it sure looks like Republicans are the NEW 'liberals' :21:

But to be fair, I stated many years ago, actually several decades ago: When the US starts to go down the path of a third world shit hole country, those with the means to flee the US will flee.

When the folks making $10 million plus per year start getting the idea they are gonna be targeted for a massive tax hit, then you will see flight of wealth leave the nation.

I said it decades ago & maybe we are getting closer.

Say goodbye and never let them return, they can go live in Africa or S. America.
I see you are implying those country's are SHITHOLES.
Let's see who else did that and what did you say about it at the time?

Oh that's's racist!

Well hello RACIST....
So, it sure looks like Republicans are the NEW 'liberals' :21:

But to be fair, I stated many years ago, actually several decades ago: When the US starts to go down the path of a third world shit hole country, those with the means to flee the US will flee.

When the folks making $10 million plus per year start getting the idea they are gonna be targeted for a massive tax hit, then you will see flight of wealth leave the nation.

I said it decades ago & maybe we are getting closer.

Say goodbye and never let them return, they can go live in Africa or S. America.
I see you are implying those country's are SHITHOLES.
Let's see who else did that and what did you say about it at the time?

Oh that's's racist!

Well hello RACIST....

POTUS TrumPutin holds the patent for 'shit hole countries'
The more you make, the less you should pay.

That’s the only way supply side trickle down economics is going to work.
We should be lowering taxes on everyone. Its time that the federal govt do without.

They NEVER cut spending.
The coxuckers only cut taxes and borrow more.
Here is the 2019 Budget. Not much room to cut.

2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1
Looks like NOBODY's buying the GOP's BS any more folks...


Thank God for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!


Interviews were conducted January 20-22, 2019 among a random national sample of 1,008registered voters (RV). Landline (315) and cellphone (693) numbers were randomly selected forinclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means telephonenumbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state.

Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of ± 3 percentage points.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) (formerlyknown as Anderson Robbins Research) and Shaw & Company Research (R).

Note: In 2019, the firm Anderson Robbins Research changed its name to Beacon Research; the Fox News bipartisan polling team remains unchanged.
Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.Fox News Polls before 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation.
Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero.Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total”columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts due to rounding...

Fox News Poll document 1/30/19

I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

WHO'D HAVE GUESSED? Ask people if someone else, people who earn more money in one year than they will earn in their entire life, should pay more taxes to enable them (the folks polled) to get more freebies!

Who could make this up?
Looks like NOBODY's buying the GOP's BS any more folks...


Thank God for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!


Interviews were conducted January 20-22, 2019 among a random national sample of 1,008registered voters (RV). Landline (315) and cellphone (693) numbers were randomly selected forinclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means telephonenumbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state.

Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of ± 3 percentage points.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) (formerlyknown as Anderson Robbins Research) and Shaw & Company Research (R).

Note: In 2019, the firm Anderson Robbins Research changed its name to Beacon Research; the Fox News bipartisan polling team remains unchanged.
Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.Fox News Polls before 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation.
Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero.Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total”columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts due to rounding...

Fox News Poll document 1/30/19

Hardly surprising. You can always count on the support of Paul to rob Peter.
Looks like NOBODY's buying the GOP's BS any more folks...


Thank God for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!


Interviews were conducted January 20-22, 2019 among a random national sample of 1,008registered voters (RV). Landline (315) and cellphone (693) numbers were randomly selected forinclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means telephonenumbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state.

Results based on the full sample have a margin of sampling error of ± 3 percentage points.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) (formerlyknown as Anderson Robbins Research) and Shaw & Company Research (R).

Note: In 2019, the firm Anderson Robbins Research changed its name to Beacon Research; the Fox News bipartisan polling team remains unchanged.
Fieldwork conducted by Braun Research, Inc. of Princeton, NJ.Fox News Polls before 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation.
Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) is used for percentages of less than one-half percent. A dash (-) represents a value of zero.Some percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. In the same way, percentages in “total”columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts due to rounding...

Fox News Poll document 1/30/19
Course that poll is based off of fraud.
Democrats don't want to raise taxes only on the rich. You give them any tax increase and they'll expand it to include the entire Middle - Class. Nevermind the fact that the only reason our economy is doing well is because of tax-cuts. Nazi Pelosi said she wanted her crumbs is how.
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It's amazing to watch people who aren't rich themselves fight tooth and nail to continue to support legislation to make things harder on themselves and aid the richest in this country to take an even bigger piece of the pie, year after year.

They're supplied their talking points such as -

"The reach should get to keep their own money"
"Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?"
"Maybe you should work harder and you can be rich too"
"Why do you want to punish success"
"The reach will just leave if we tax them more"

Yet when challenged on any of these statements, there is no response or actual substance.

You all make good sheep.

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