wireless transmission of power


VIP Member
Nov 24, 2015
Perhaps.... the secret to wireless transmission of power is a telescope(s) added to nikola tesla design? and maybe use telescopes to enhance signals for wireless transmissions? or decrease the power needed to send the signal?
Wardenclyffe was a bold endeavor for Nikola , but J.P. shut him down the minute he knew the design was a giveaway to humanity

It might have worked in say 1905 to energize the stratosphere and just make to earth to complete the circuit, but it would be a complete EMF disaster given the modern world's electrically dependent technology

I think I might test it with a karaeoke machine and binoculars. If it works I'll get back.
Do you mean like microwave antennas, except for visible light? ... I'm not sure the efficiency of this kind of system ... if it was workable, then we'd be using it for more than communications ...

This is a death ray ... so maybe not such a good idea ...
Do you mean like microwave antennas, except for visible light? ... I'm not sure the efficiency of this kind of system ... if it was workable, then we'd be using it for more than communications ...

This is a death ray ... so maybe not such a good idea ...
regular telescopes amplifying radio wave signals. Picking up TV signals from far away by pointing binoculars at the antennae? ChatgPT said it wouldn't wok then I said my experiment with the kareoke machine worked and it said I may have stumbled on something.
Radio telescopes can be used to transmit radio waves ... that's all these microwave antennas are ... (note the parabolic shape) ... these posts we're exchanging use this technology ... for just one's and zero's, we don't need much power ... and radio serves us just fine in these very low power applications ... these are directed beams and not subject to the inverse square of distance law ... which helps the transmission quality ...

AM/FM radio is a good example of radiant sources, these are subject to the inverse square law ...

My apologies ... I didn't read your OP close enough and jumped straight into using visible light for wireless power transmission ... my own narrow-minded idea of what a telescope is ... and how much fun it would be to shoot lasers through an optical telescope ... any hilltops in Northeast Virginia? ... I have some ideas ...
I suspect that wireless power could be accomplished with entanglement.

It might disrupt the universe a bit... but there it is.
I suspect that wireless power could be accomplished with entanglement.

It might disrupt the universe a bit... but there it is.

Your link is behind a paywall ... you're actually paying the Communists for your news? ... sad .. vary sad ...

Go ahead and copy/paste the article here, those goddam Pink-oes don't respect copyrights, so why should we? ...

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