Former SLA Member, Now Paroled Hired by U of IL


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
A former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, James Kilgore, has been hired by the University of Illinois as a professor. He was recently paroled in 2009, after escaping capture for 20 years for the murder of Myrna Opsahl. He escaped a shootout in 1976, which killed six other members of the SLA. The group was also involved in the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, bank robberies,responsible for the murder of Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster, and the attempted bombings of Los Angeles police cars.

When his hiring was first found out, the board de-hired him, then faculty members raised a stink and now he is rehired. A local business man, that had withheld donating to the college until Bill Ayres was gone, made a $6.5 million gift, and has now pulled the $4.5 million left, unless the decision is once again reversed.

What is wrong with this picture? Are people such as this and Bill Ayres, Ward Churchill, Kathy Boudin really who people want their kids taught by? Why is there not more outrage?

Have you, as a parent investigated the professors of your children's schools? How many radicals are hired that are under the radar, from the general public?
What's he going to teach? Escape and evasion? Join the club with Obama adviser and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernie Dohrn.
What's he going to teach? Escape and evasion? Join the club with Obama adviser and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernie Dohrn.
He had escaped capture by fleeing to Australia under an alias of a child that had died in Washington. This is on his employment with U of I -
Following his release from prison, Kilgore soon gained employment at the UI.

A spokeswoman said he started working at the UI in January 2010. Since then, he has held a variety of posts, including lecturer, and academic hourly positions in Urban and Regional Planning, International Studies and the Center for African Studies.

Kilgore currently teaches Global Studies 296, which concerns issues of "wealth and poverty in a globalized world."

In his private life, Kilgore joined Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Freedom, a leftist organization devoted to social justice. Another group he joined, Citizens with Conviction, aims to bolster the rights of formerly incarcerated people.
just another among many it seems, within the so-called progressive movement.
Want to get the whole hauntingly horrific picture of who this man is? Read these 2 links.
Jim Dey In plain sight
Former SLA member James Kilgore paroled - SFGate
Parents that have kids in college, have you checked to see who their college employs , or does it bother you if people with this type background teach your kids? I would love to know. Do you warn your kids that professors may teach against their beliefs and morals and to hang strong or is there no conversation. Should their be?
I am surprised there are not any more comments one way or the other on this subject.
Anybody who'd send their kid to a major university, pay the RANSOM they're asking for tuition, and have to hear what John/Jane learned at holiday dinners should look into a class-action suit. Take a look on the social media and ask yourself what a college degree got most of these kids? Save the money, send your kid to a trade school ie welding, plumbing, electrician....they'll be happier and make more money than these dipshits with a degree in some obsolete field. And yeah, I got a degree I've never used, never really believed I'd use, and frankly wish I hadn't wasted my time and money getting it.
It used to be you could get a quality education in the US. That seems to have gone to the wayside a long time ago.
One of my son's got a scholarship to a liberal arts university, and is not using his degree either, in the 7 years since his graduation.
Anybody who'd send their kid to a major university, pay the RANSOM they're asking for tuition, and have to hear what John/Jane learned at holiday dinners should look into a class-action suit. Take a look on the social media and ask yourself what a college degree got most of these kids? Save the money, send your kid to a trade school ie welding, plumbing, electrician....they'll be happier and make more money than these dipshits with a degree in some obsolete field. And yeah, I got a degree I've never used, never really believed I'd use, and frankly wish I hadn't wasted my time and money getting it.
It used to be you could get a quality education in the US. That seems to have gone to the wayside a long time ago.
One of my son's got a scholarship to a liberal arts university, and is not using his degree either, in the 7 years since his graduation.
Anybody who'd send their kid to a major university, pay the RANSOM they're asking for tuition, and have to hear what John/Jane learned at holiday dinners should look into a class-action suit. Take a look on the social media and ask yourself what a college degree got most of these kids? Save the money, send your kid to a trade school ie welding, plumbing, electrician....they'll be happier and make more money than these dipshits with a degree in some obsolete field. And yeah, I got a degree I've never used, never really believed I'd use, and frankly wish I hadn't wasted my time and money getting it.

They ask for a BS degree for TELEMARKETING JOBS these days....what a fix to be in....knowing you're in crushing debt that the IRS will collect if you try to default (thanks to Obozo taking over the student loan programs), no jobs, and no money available to get a graduate degree. I remember when an MBA was the hot ticket to a career in Companies want a person without a lot of preconceived notions ie a blank slate they can teach and then shepherd through the management ranks. All a college degree means anymore is that you had the endurance to get it and you met a lot of people you grew to despise. :lol:
It used to be you could get a quality education in the US. That seems to have gone to the wayside a long time ago.
One of my son's got a scholarship to a liberal arts university, and is not using his degree either, in the 7 years since his graduation.
Anybody who'd send their kid to a major university, pay the RANSOM they're asking for tuition, and have to hear what John/Jane learned at holiday dinners should look into a class-action suit. Take a look on the social media and ask yourself what a college degree got most of these kids? Save the money, send your kid to a trade school ie welding, plumbing, electrician....they'll be happier and make more money than these dipshits with a degree in some obsolete field. And yeah, I got a degree I've never used, never really believed I'd use, and frankly wish I hadn't wasted my time and money getting it.
I have one still in school, going for a Masters in Marketing so he can find a damned fishbait company to subsidize his fishing.
Anybody who'd send their kid to a major university, pay the RANSOM they're asking for tuition, and have to hear what John/Jane learned at holiday dinners should look into a class-action suit. Take a look on the social media and ask yourself what a college degree got most of these kids? Save the money, send your kid to a trade school ie welding, plumbing, electrician....they'll be happier and make more money than these dipshits with a degree in some obsolete field. And yeah, I got a degree I've never used, never really believed I'd use, and frankly wish I hadn't wasted my time and money getting it.

NO ONE believes you have a college degree.

And this guy should be in prison, not teaching college.
This is the same UIUC that un-hired a professor for speaking askance of Israel.

The University of Illinois board of trustees on Thursday affirmed its refusal to hire a professor who posted a series of harsh anti-Israel tweets this summer.

Fucking idiots. I hate academia.

BTW - son #2 graduated from here and he turned out dandy. Probably because he majored in business.
A former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, James Kilgore, has been hired by the University of Illinois as a professor. He was recently paroled in 2009, after escaping capture for 20 years for the murder of Myrna Opsahl. He escaped a shootout in 1976, which killed six other members of the SLA. The group was also involved in the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, bank robberies,responsible for the murder of Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster, and the attempted bombings of Los Angeles police cars.

When his hiring was first found out, the board de-hired him, then faculty members raised a stink and now he is rehired. A local business man, that had withheld donating to the college until Bill Ayres was gone, made a $6.5 million gift, and has now pulled the $4.5 million left, unless the decision is once again reversed.

What is wrong with this picture? Are people such as this and Bill Ayres, Ward Churchill, Kathy Boudin really who people want their kids taught by? Why is there not more outrage?

Have you, as a parent investigated the professors of your children's schools? How many radicals are hired that are under the radar, from the general public?

So what? We have republican convicted felons serving in congress too. See: Rick Renzi
Obfuscation will not work here, howey. By the way, Renzi is no longer in Congress. He is where he should be-in prison. And I promise you don't want to go there.
Now, wish to comment on the subject?
A former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, James Kilgore, has been hired by the University of Illinois as a professor. He was recently paroled in 2009, after escaping capture for 20 years for the murder of Myrna Opsahl. He escaped a shootout in 1976, which killed six other members of the SLA. The group was also involved in the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, bank robberies,responsible for the murder of Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster, and the attempted bombings of Los Angeles police cars.

When his hiring was first found out, the board de-hired him, then faculty members raised a stink and now he is rehired. A local business man, that had withheld donating to the college until Bill Ayres was gone, made a $6.5 million gift, and has now pulled the $4.5 million left, unless the decision is once again reversed.

What is wrong with this picture? Are people such as this and Bill Ayres, Ward Churchill, Kathy Boudin really who people want their kids taught by? Why is there not more outrage?

Have you, as a parent investigated the professors of your children's schools? How many radicals are hired that are under the radar, from the general public?

So what? We have republican convicted felons serving in congress too. See: Rick Renzi
Obfuscation will not work here, howey. By the way, Renzi is no longer in Congress. He is where he should be-in prison. And I promise you don't want to go there.
Now, wish to comment on the subject?
A former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, James Kilgore, has been hired by the University of Illinois as a professor. He was recently paroled in 2009, after escaping capture for 20 years for the murder of Myrna Opsahl. He escaped a shootout in 1976, which killed six other members of the SLA. The group was also involved in the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, bank robberies,responsible for the murder of Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster, and the attempted bombings of Los Angeles police cars.

When his hiring was first found out, the board de-hired him, then faculty members raised a stink and now he is rehired. A local business man, that had withheld donating to the college until Bill Ayres was gone, made a $6.5 million gift, and has now pulled the $4.5 million left, unless the decision is once again reversed.

What is wrong with this picture? Are people such as this and Bill Ayres, Ward Churchill, Kathy Boudin really who people want their kids taught by? Why is there not more outrage?

Have you, as a parent investigated the professors of your children's schools? How many radicals are hired that are under the radar, from the general public?

So what? We have republican convicted felons serving in congress too. See: Rick Renzi
I already did.

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