Florida is About to Get Tough on Rioters

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The violence and destruction is not going to stop in any city until the local law enforcement and judicial system start applying consequences to rioting, looting, and attacks on the police. Call in the NG if necessary but put enough force on the ground to control the situation and arrest the MFers who break the law. I think what we have here is a covert attempt to threaten and intimidate people into voting for Biden and the Dems. Doubt it that'll work in Red states and hopefully not in Purple ones either. Kudos to the Florida governor.
RICO charges? Republican presidents and governors aren't interested in playing around, while Demonrats are perfectly happy to allow the destrymyction of private and public property. The choice is clear if you have more than a couple brain cells

And..yet another scintillating YouTube post from Fat Wesley Crusher. This guy is like herpes.
So I went looking for any recent rioting in Florida. So far, the perpetrators responsible for the violence have been apprehended.\
Those are from my searches going back to June.

Guess DeSantis is trying to get his Trump on. Beings as the virus is running rampant in his state.
One big problem Florida has is that millions of NewYorkes and people from NJ have fled the destructive policies
of their home states and landed in Republican Florida because they can thrive and prosper in Florida.

So they come to Republican Florida and go "WOW! There's so much opportunity here !!!!!

Then merrily start voting for hard Radical Politicians in Florida like the ones they ran from.
One big problem Florida has is that millions of NewYorkes and people from NJ have fled the destructive policies
of their home states and landed in Republican Florida because they can thrive and prosper in Florida.

So they come to Republican Florida and go "WOW! There's so much opportunity here !!!!!

Then merrily start voting for hard Radical Politicians in Florida like the ones they ran from.

"Then merrily start voting for hard Radical Politicians in Florida like the ones they ran from."

And in so doing they fuck up their new state just like they did the old one. Doesn't help that young people coming out of schools and universities are indoctrinated into progressive liberal socialist ideology.
It’s not enough. We need a “Shoot-looters on Sight” law, which should also apply to any riot protest.

Now we KNOW that would result in lots of innocent shootings.

Hell, hunters would have a field day bagging as many people as they could 24/7 then claiming they were looting etc.....no matter where they actually were.

You're not one of those gun crazies who love to kill are you???
RICO charges? Republican presidents and governors aren't interested in playing around, while Demonrats are perfectly happy to allow the destrymyction of private and public property. The choice is clear if you have more than a couple brain cells

I agree with Governor Ron DeSantis and was thinking the very same thing about people gathering in streets. Streets are for vehicles, sidewalks for people, how hard is it for protesters to understand that unless you preregister your march or protest and request streets blockaded for safety then you have no rights to be blocking traffic and lingering in the vehicular paths.
The drivers are affraid for their lives by the behaviors they see brewing & past incidences in the same standard perps claim they are affraid of Police from past incidences (protesters beaten by their own argument).
I would add more to this like blocking streets and HWYs is blocking emergency vehicles and this include individuals who have emergencies using their car to rush to the hospital or to rescue someone=obstructing essential life sensitive care=attempting harm or murder. Setting fire=attempting murder.
Gathering more then 10 people to protest "during a pandemic"=illegal
If political rallies require permits and safety measures then so too does a protest rally.
Getting within 6 feet of a cop yelling in their face mask or no mask is attempted murder in a pandemic as you are "purposely spewing at risk (because of their gatherings) droplets" in the officer's face.

So go ahead and block the streets in front of this mod vehicle. *L*
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It would be easy to corral and book them on federal charges, then issue arrest warrants for their failure to appear.
This is typical Republican fear mongering. Other than a few incidences after George Floyds’s murder, the protests in Florida has been overwhelmingly peaceful. De Santis and the Repubs need a boogie man. So here they come with this BS to scare there supporters who are constantly hiding under their covers.
This is typical Republican fear mongering. Other than a few incidences after George Floyds’s murder, the protests in Florida has been overwhelmingly peaceful. De Santis and the Repubs need a boogie man. So here they come with this BS to scare there supporters who are constantly hiding under their covers.

The Left has done all the threatening, rioting and looting across the country.....

But 'Republicans are Fear Mongers"

CLASSIC :laughing0301:
This is typical Republican fear mongering. Other than a few incidences after George Floyds’s murder, the protests in Florida has been overwhelmingly peaceful. De Santis and the Repubs need a boogie man. So here they come with this BS to scare there supporters who are constantly hiding under their covers.
Florida's economy has a lot of tourism and senior citizens. A healthy amount of these two things puts money into government coffers. The tourism needs to return and the senior citizens need to stay. What this does is put the onus more on the blue or purplish blue areas of the state if civil unrest occurs.

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