DeSantis is the Best Governor in America


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
People are flocking to Florida and now he has just dropped a bomb on BLM/Antifa and their rioters. A Kenosha won’t happen in Florida.

I. New Criminal Offenses to Combat Rioting, Looting and Violence
A. Prohibition on Violent or Disorderly Assemblies: 3rd degree felony when 7 or more persons are involved in an assembly and cause damage to property or injury to other persons.
B. Prohibition on Obstructing Roadways: 3rd degree felony to obstruct trafc during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly; driver is NOT liable for injury or death caused if eeing for safety from a mob.
C. Prohibition on Destroying or Toppling Monuments: 2nd degree felony to destroy public property during a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Prohibition on Harassment in Public Accommodations: 1st degree misdemeanor for a participant in a violent or disorderly assembly to harass or intimidate a person at a public accommodation, such as a restaurant.
E. RICO Liability: RICO liability attaches to anyone who organizes or funds a violent or disorderly assembly.
II. Increased Penalties
A. Mandatory Minimum Jail Sentence: Striking a law enforcement ofcer (including with a projectile) during a violent or disorderly assembly = 6 months mandatory minimum jail sentence.
B. Offense Enhancements: Offense and/or sentence enhancements for: (1) throwing an object during a violent or disorderly assembly that strikes a civilian or law enforcement ofcer; (2) assault/battery of a law enforcement ofcer during a violent or disorderly assembly; and (3) participation in a violent or disorderly assembly by an individual from another state.
III. Citizen and Taxpayer Protection Measures
A. No “Defund the Police” Permitted: Prohibits state grants or aid to any local government that slashes the budget for law enforcement services.
B. Victim Compensation: Waives sovereign immunity to allow a victim of a crime related to a violent or disorderly assembly to sue local government for damages where the local government is grossly negligent in protecting persons and property.
C. Government Employment/Benets: Terminates state benets and makes anyone ineligible for employment by state/local government if convicted of participating in a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Bail: No bond or bail until rst appearance in court if charged with a crime related to participating in a violent or disorderly assembly; rebuttable presumption against bond or bail after rst appearance.

Simply put. You riot you go to prison. You support Defund the Police you lose state grants.

In terms of COVID

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People are flocking to Florida and now he has just dropped a bomb on BLM/Antifa and their rioters. A Kenosha won’t happen in Florida.

I. New Criminal Offenses to Combat Rioting, Looting and Violence
A. Prohibition on Violent or Disorderly Assemblies: 3rd degree felony when 7 or more persons are involved in an assembly and cause damage to property or injury to other persons.
B. Prohibition on Obstructing Roadways: 3rd degree felony to obstruct trafc during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly; driver is NOT liable for injury or death caused if eeing for safety from a mob.
C. Prohibition on Destroying or Toppling Monuments: 2nd degree felony to destroy public property during a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Prohibition on Harassment in Public Accommodations: 1st degree misdemeanor for a participant in a violent or disorderly assembly to harass or intimidate a person at a public accommodation, such as a restaurant.
E. RICO Liability: RICO liability attaches to anyone who organizes or funds a violent or disorderly assembly.
II. Increased Penalties
A. Mandatory Minimum Jail Sentence: Striking a law enforcement ofcer (including with a projectile) during a violent or disorderly assembly = 6 months mandatory minimum jail sentence.
B. Offense Enhancements: Offense and/or sentence enhancements for: (1) throwing an object during a violent or disorderly assembly that strikes a civilian or law enforcement ofcer; (2) assault/battery of a law enforcement ofcer during a violent or disorderly assembly; and (3) participation in a violent or disorderly assembly by an individual from another state.
III. Citizen and Taxpayer Protection Measures
A. No “Defund the Police” Permitted: Prohibits state grants or aid to any local government that slashes the budget for law enforcement services.
B. Victim Compensation: Waives sovereign immunity to allow a victim of a crime related to a violent or disorderly assembly to sue local government for damages where the local government is grossly negligent in protecting persons and property.
C. Government Employment/Benets: Terminates state benets and makes anyone ineligible for employment by state/local government if convicted of participating in a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Bail: No bond or bail until rst appearance in court if charged with a crime related to participating in a violent or disorderly assembly; rebuttable presumption against bond or bail after rst appearance.

Simply put. You riot you go to prison. You support Defund the Police you lose state grants.

I love it! If I didn't already live in Kristi Noem's state, I'd be nudging my thoughts toward Florida!
Zero to do with the thread. He has very young kids so running for President now is not in his wheel house. Maybe you should listen more and talk less?
Florida has a profound population of Democrat immigrants who ran screaming from their homes in NewYork, New jersey, California and Illinois etc. They ran because of the crime rates, violence, excessive taxation and lack of opportunities that their Democrat politicians embraced snd installed there.

Now, in their new, civilized, orderly, prospering Florida communities they are rallying against Ron DeSantis and vow to topple the "racism and hatred" Ron DeSantis and the Right represents.
They will do this by heavy voting for Democrat leaders in Florida....exactly the same type they ran from.
People are flocking to Florida and now he has just dropped a bomb on BLM/Antifa and their rioters. A Kenosha won’t happen in Florida.

I. New Criminal Offenses to Combat Rioting, Looting and Violence
A. Prohibition on Violent or Disorderly Assemblies: 3rd degree felony when 7 or more persons are involved in an assembly and cause damage to property or injury to other persons.
B. Prohibition on Obstructing Roadways: 3rd degree felony to obstruct trafc during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly; driver is NOT liable for injury or death caused if eeing for safety from a mob.
C. Prohibition on Destroying or Toppling Monuments: 2nd degree felony to destroy public property during a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Prohibition on Harassment in Public Accommodations: 1st degree misdemeanor for a participant in a violent or disorderly assembly to harass or intimidate a person at a public accommodation, such as a restaurant.
E. RICO Liability: RICO liability attaches to anyone who organizes or funds a violent or disorderly assembly.
II. Increased Penalties
A. Mandatory Minimum Jail Sentence: Striking a law enforcement ofcer (including with a projectile) during a violent or disorderly assembly = 6 months mandatory minimum jail sentence.
B. Offense Enhancements: Offense and/or sentence enhancements for: (1) throwing an object during a violent or disorderly assembly that strikes a civilian or law enforcement ofcer; (2) assault/battery of a law enforcement ofcer during a violent or disorderly assembly; and (3) participation in a violent or disorderly assembly by an individual from another state.
III. Citizen and Taxpayer Protection Measures
A. No “Defund the Police” Permitted: Prohibits state grants or aid to any local government that slashes the budget for law enforcement services.
B. Victim Compensation: Waives sovereign immunity to allow a victim of a crime related to a violent or disorderly assembly to sue local government for damages where the local government is grossly negligent in protecting persons and property.
C. Government Employment/Benets: Terminates state benets and makes anyone ineligible for employment by state/local government if convicted of participating in a violent or disorderly assembly.
D. Bail: No bond or bail until rst appearance in court if charged with a crime related to participating in a violent or disorderly assembly; rebuttable presumption against bond or bail after rst appearance.

Simply put. You riot you go to prison. You support Defund the Police you lose state grants.

In terms of COVID

DeathSantis is a criminal who's killing off his voting base in the mistaken belief that it will help.his presidential ambitions.

Nothing more.

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