Flashback, Oct.31st, Biden & Barack: A Picture, Or In This Case, A Video, Is Worth A 1000 Words


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
I remember when I first watched the video clip...I was like, wow....wow, wow, wow

I momentarily, actually felt sorry for Joe...I remember thinking...how sad
Here he is, still making his way out of the gym, while Obama has already left the gym.

It's not like Obama waited for Joe after he took the shot
It's not like after Obama said, "That's what I do", he shouted out to Joe...
"Come on Sleepy Joe", or "Come on man"
It's not like after saying, "That's what I do", Obama shifted the focus from him to Joe by adding...
"but let's not forget why we're here" or "and Joe will take his shot a few days from now"

That speaks volumes

Now that the election has come and gone, the arrogance and contempt from Obama has gotten louder

Interestingly enough, the Tweet Obama posted includes extended audio I didn't hear until today
After Obama says, "That's what I do"..."That's what I do" and walks out of the gym,
a few seconds pass and you hear him shout out..."You just don't understand"

Well, yes...I think I do understand

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) Tweeted:
Shoot your shot. I Will Vote https://t.co/elpBmzu6hV

I haven't seen Joe on 1 magazine cover...I've seen Obama on 3
I will go to my grave knowing this election was rigged and stolen
with the sole purpose of moving forward and picking up where they left off
after being sidelined for 4 years and preventing their treason and corruption from being pursued

As a believer, the implications of what is happening is frightening, to say the least
Obama still owns half of our government...the judicial and the intelligence half....Trump should have changed that...he didn't and so he is having his win stolen from him and us....Trump should have drained the swamp like he promised...
Obama still owns half of our government...the judicial and the intelligence half....Trump should have changed that...he didn't and so he is having his win stolen from him and us....Trump should have drained the swamp like he promised...
After these past 4 years I would think it's obvious...
we are not dealing with a swamp, we are dealing with an abyss

I can't expect Trump to drain an abyss when voters re elected Ted Wheeler
Though, that could be due to who the alternative was
Regardless, that "I am Antifa" nut case who wanted his job got 40+% of the votes
Seriously...Portland residents deserve what they get...and I thought Cali was fucked up
Blacks who are raised assimilated are called Oreos by the black segregationists. Black on the outside, white in the inside (black bigots call assimilated ‘white’).
Obama is what I call a Hydrox. That’s a brand-X, fake Oreo.

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