Finland sees temperatures rise.


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
Helsinki, Finland
Finand has been recording temperatures since 1900 (Helsinki) and 1908 (Sodankylä/Northern Finland).

The hottest years on record are:


Three of the hottest five years on record occured within the past decade.

The coldest years on record;


None of the seven coldest years occured within the past decade.

As you can see from the chart below, average daily temperatures have been rising slightly in both Southern and Northern Finland during the past century. (Red= Helsinki, Blue = Sodankylä)

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Vuositilastot - Ilmatieteen laitos

Because of the extreme nature of Finland's climate, we often view climate on a montly basis, and it is very interesting to take one month and look at that in isolation. I've taken July here, but all months are in the link.

Again, I think anyone can see the gradual rise in temperatures that have taken place in the average temperature since 1951.

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Heinäkuu - Ilmatieteen laitos

Let the whining, sidestepping and denial begin!
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You don't expect any data to actually be deliverd do you? And if it is, it won't be the data originally requested.

I'll also post SS's claim here, as I am sure he will now wish to apologise for it.
Are they downwind from Chernobl? Now the Finns have four weeks of summer instead of three. They should be happy but did you ever see a happy Finn? Why does the left think the world started the last time they waived a thermometer out the window?
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Are they downwind from Chernobl? Now the Finns only have three weeks of summer instead of four? Did the freaking world start in the 30's?

Three weeks summer...what do you think this is, Hawaii?!

Summer lasts about ten minutes...this year we expect it on July 07 at 10.00. Don't miss it!
1900? Seriously? That is as far back as finland's record goes?
1900? Seriously? That is as far back as finland's record goes?

I'll respond to any sensible comments on the science presented.

In other words, this is likely the last response you will receive.

btw, Don't forget to apologise for having claimed the material would not be presented.
ZOMG! It's spring and the temperature is rising! Call the fucking UN!! might want to take a step back and try actually reading the thread.

The figures show an increase in temperature from 1900 - 2013.

and trying to draw conclusions from 113 years of data on a 3 billion year old climate system is like modelling a human life during a sneeze.
The climate doomsday crowd is hilarious. It's hot, ZOMG, we need a carbon tax! :lmao:

Who on this thread suggested a tax?

The fact that I can recognise that temperatures are rising doesn't make me some dope-smoking, sandal-wearing, Buddha-worshipping, brown rice-eating, Al Gore voter. Anyone can see what it happening, and I think any sane adult would be concerned enough to want to know more.
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and trying to draw conclusions from 113 years of data on a 3 billion year old climate system is like modelling a human life during a sneeze.

I do think that is a fair point - but we can also analyze data from ice cores to build up an image of temperatures over some thousands of years, albeit with less accuracy than 20th century measurements.

Personally, given the temperatures in my back garden have risen about 1C in the past 100 years, I am interested to know why. I think it is a cause for concern, especially as this data comes from a very reliable source.
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and on one place in the world...

It is vital that we do this.

It is precisely because countries like Finland conduct independent research and release the results themselves that we know that there is no giant international conspiracy.

The Finnish experts make no claims about the rest of the planet. Let's leave that for other threads.
It might mean something if records went back further than what they do, as it stands it means absolutely nothing.

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