Fanni Willis shot down.....19 defendants won't be tried together....Victory for Trump!


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2021
Victory for Trump! Fanny Whore has been shot down out of the sky!

A judge has decided they cannot try the 19 defendants together.

She is such an idiot! What gave her the idea that would work out?

A Georgia judge shut down the effort by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to have all 19 defendants, including former President Donald Trump, to be tried together in October in the Georgia election subversion case.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee announced Thursday that Trump and 16 co-defendants will move forward on their own schedule, with a trial date yet be announced.

The two remaining co-defendants, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, sought speedy trials and are scheduled to begin in October.

Thursday’s order is a victory for Trump and his fellow co-defendants who did not want to go to trial this October. The schedule laid out by the judge only cemented some of the steps in the pre-trial process, setting up the possibility that the trial itself does not happen until well into 2024, or even later. Trump’s legal calendar during the first half of next year is already clogged with plans for trials in the other criminal cases he faces, and he is juggling those proceedings with his 2024 presidential run.


Wonder if the voters in the county will be happy with the tens of millions of dollars this little adventure is going to cost them.
Their prisons are horror chambers.
The area is dirt poor.
That was the point I was making.
Fani is burning money they don't have to get convictions they won't get.
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Jesus you people are Simps. I don't think even Fani thought trying all 19 was going to be feasible but I give it to her for trying. At the same time the judge ruled Cheesbro and Powel will be tried together as well as anyone else who opts for a speedy trial and he denied Meadows a stay until his appeal for federal court gets ruled on. He's going to have to proceed as a defendant in State court until the appeals court rules otherwise. This is mostly a win for us but MAGA is too stupid to realize it.
Thursday’s order is a victory for Trump and his fellow co-defendants who did not want to go to trial this October. The schedule laid out by the judge only cemented some of the steps in the pre-trial process, setting up the possibility that the trial itself does not happen until well into 2024, or even later.

Umm, I'm not so sure. This is all that significant.
First, it is a small change from the prosecutor's ask. She wanted 19 as a group. She is getting 17.
Just two defendants are separated from the bunch. And each had asked for October trials. And now they'll get 'em.

The shade that throws on the other 17 is that if those two defendants and their attorneys are ready for trial ..... then why can't any others be?
After all, the charges and the alleged criminal behavior is very similar across several 'like'-groups of defendants.
Chesboro and Powell would clearly be in the same 'group' as Trump, or Giuiliani, or Meadows.

Too, the good news/bad news aspect to this could be: Chesboro and Powell are found innocent. THAT...would surely flavor the prospects of the other trials. And make Willis' team's job much harder. (tho they could learn from a trial run on the smaller fry.)

On the other hand, if Chesboro and Powell are found guilty......that makes the simmering pot the others are in all that much hotter.

I think....but dunno for sure....but I think Willis's goal is to move promptly ala' the Constitutional mandate of a speedy trial. And probably throw the net over as many as possible with the goal that one or more will strongly object to being lumped in with Giuiliani, or Meadows, or Trump.......and so, flip on others they don't want to be lumped in with.

So patience, Grasshoppers.
This cake is still baking.
Victory for Trump! Fanny Whore has been shot down out of the sky!

A judge has decided they cannot try the 19 defendants together.

She is such an idiot! What gave her the idea that would work out?

A Georgia judge shut down the effort by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to have all 19 defendants, including former President Donald Trump, to be tried together in October in the Georgia election subversion case.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee announced Thursday that Trump and 16 co-defendants will move forward on their own schedule, with a trial date yet be announced.

The two remaining co-defendants, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, sought speedy trials and are scheduled to begin in October.

Thursday’s order is a victory for Trump and his fellow co-defendants who did not want to go to trial this October. The schedule laid out by the judge only cemented some of the steps in the pre-trial process, setting up the possibility that the trial itself does not happen until well into 2024, or even later. Trump’s legal calendar during the first half of next year is already clogged with plans for trials in the other criminal cases he faces, and he is juggling those proceedings with his 2024 presidential run.

Good news for justice.
Another crooked judge is awarding Fani the consolation prize.

Fani will interpret that as her having the right to demand speedy trials to suit time restraints. She may even interpret it as her being able to choose who goes to trial first.

Fkn uppity is the only word for it!
I suspect it will come a time when that county will say "no mas". From what I gathered having them tried together was a money saving effort to start with.
No question. Sure the constituents in Fulton are not Trump fans. But when it comes down to, "well, we've have to cut bus service in the town in half to pay for these trials" it ain't going to go over well.

Even the Dem opponent in the next election will be hammering her on this
Another crooked judge is awarding Fani the consolation prize.

Fani will interpret that as her having the right to demand speedy trials to suit time restraints. She may even interpret it as her being able to choose who goes to trial first.

Fkn uppity is the only word for it!
The state can't ask for a speedy trial
While I recognize that it ^ was largely a show trial, at least the result was justice in that case.

Less show, more dancing on the line of being ex post facto or "winners" justice.

They were given the ability to defend themselves except using tu quo que.
Jesus you people are Simps. I don't think even Fani thought trying all 19 was going to be feasible but I give it to her for trying. At the same time the judge ruled Cheesbro and Powel will be tried together as well as anyone else who opts for a speedy trial and he denied Meadows a stay until his appeal for federal court gets ruled on. He's going to have to proceed as a defendant in State court until the appeals court rules otherwise. This is mostly a win for us but MAGA is too stupid to realize it.
Wrong. After the first few trials the later ones will see Fani's play book.
Fani is in way over her head, using RICO against Rudy?? Bad idea.
I took the "under" on convictions, are you taking the "over"? Predictions?
19 at bats, so what's Fani's batting average going to be?
I suspect it will come a time when that county will say "no mas". From what I gathered having them tried together was a money saving effort to start with.
True. It was also grossly unfair as others are given many months if not years to prepare for a complicated trial of a crime that does not involve significant risk to the general public.

Due process says all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and the accused must be given every opportunity to disprove the charges against them. The prosecution must furnish the defense with all the evidence against the accused and is allowed no surprises.

The defendants who want a speedy trial should get one via constitutional right. Those who need more time to gather evidence should be allowed that.
Wrong. After the first few trials the later ones will see Fani's play book.
Fani is in way over her head, using RICO against Rudy?? Bad idea.
I took the "under" on convictions, are you taking the "over"? Predictions?
19 at bats, so what's Fani's batting average going to be?
I'm guessing she convicts most if not all of them starting with Cheesy and Team Crazy come Nov. Also if we're talking batting average Rudy lost all his election lawsuits including the defamation one against election workers just last week.

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