facist law forces mom to give birth just to watch the child die 15 minutes later

So if someone is certain 100% another person will die, them making their death painless a couple days before rather than a slow painful death deserves calling them a murderer?

Some people will stoop to saying anything to defend the beliefs of their bureacrats.


Becaue what you propose is euthanasia. It's murdering people before their time on the ass backwards assumption you're doing THEM a favor.

BTW, I'm 100 percent certain that you are going to die.

May I off you now? Save you the grief I know is coming to you?

Lol simply amazing.

Craziest comparison I've ever read.

Are you against medically induced comas? Why not let the person wake up, scream in agony until they die, God would probably prefer that instead of messing with his big plan with silly doctor work.

The purpose of a medically induced coma isn't the patient's death, you brain dead loon.

And it's not a crazy comparison at all. Your original (and stupid) comment is crazy though:

"So if someone is certain 100% another person will die, them making their death painless a couple days before rather than a slow painful death deserves calling them a murderer?"

I'm 100 percent certain you are going to die.

Does that justify killing you? That's your standard, not mine.
The parts (i repeat) that do are the authoritarian and "government knows best" attributes.
-I- repeat:
Only if you have re-defined "authoritarian".

Authoritarian - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"Authoritarian-of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority."

Blind submission being the patients and doctors submitting to the authority (government).

Any other vocabulary games we have to play before we advance the discussion?

Becaue what you propose is euthanasia. It's murdering people before their time on the ass backwards assumption you're doing THEM a favor.

BTW, I'm 100 percent certain that you are going to die.

May I off you now? Save you the grief I know is coming to you?

Lol simply amazing.

Craziest comparison I've ever read.

Are you against medically induced comas? Why not let the person wake up, scream in agony until they die, God would probably prefer that instead of messing with his big plan with silly doctor work.

The purpose of a medically induced coma isn't the patient's death, you brain dead loon.

And it's not a crazy comparison at all. Your original (and stupid) comment is crazy though:

"So if someone is certain 100% another person will die, them making their death painless a couple days before rather than a slow painful death deserves calling them a murderer?"

I'm 100 percent certain you are going to die.

Does that justify killing you? That's your standard, not mine.

I figured you'd put some common sense into the discussion, I apologize for that assumption, of course we're certain everyone is going to die. You knew exactly what I meant in terms of someone being sick and dying with death a certainty and without doctors stepping in a slow painful death is certain.

A medically induced coma can stop death "you brain dead loon" lol.
If a man's guts are hanging out and he is dying a horrendous death before me... is it wrong to give him a morphine stick to kill the pain, even if I know it will hasten his death?

What about a knight who took his misericorde to a fallen enemy who was dying of a belly wound and was unable to move due to his other wounds?
The state>doctors according to this law and this instance proves that

Just because the government has laws does not make it an authoritarian government. Do you even understand what "authoritarian government" means? We have plenty of other laws that regulate the practice of medicine. In fact, a person cannot become a doctor without submitting to rules and procedures the government has set forth. We have laws about drugs, which drugs may be approved for use as medications, drugs that cannot be approved for use. We have laws that require health care facilities to render emergency aid to a patient, no matter what. What if a doctor decides that in his opinion a person should not receive treatment for whatever because it would only enable the person's bad decision making that lead him to become sick or injured? The government has already made laws that prevent a doctor from legally making that decision.

So, your argument comes down to nothing more than saying that because there are laws, the government is an authoritarian regime, and that alone warrants it being called fascist. That's a piss poor argument.

Most of the aspects you cut and pasted have nothing to do with this.

I haven't cut and pasted anything. Just because I happen to know what fascism means already does not mean I must have cut and pasted anything.

The parts (i repeat) that do are the authoritarian and "government knows best" attributes.

So you're saying that all of the many traits that make up fascism do not have anything to do with this story in the OP, with the alleged exception of the singular quality of "authoritarian government." That's like saying that a bicycle is a car, and that all of the things that make up a car that aren't found on a bicycle aren't relevant to deciding whether it is a car.

Furthermore, the fact that a law has been established does not mean that the government is authoritarian. Authoritarian government is when one person, or a small group of people, exercise complete government authority in a government that has wide sweeping powers over the people. That is not the case here. This state's government is elected by the people, and broken into distinct branches of government with each exercising separate portions of government authority. The state government is limited in power by the state constitution, as well as the federal constitution, in regards to its ability to infringe upon the people.
Any other vocabulary games we have to play before we advance the discussion?
Yes. The one where you show how these compoennets of "Authoritarion" apply to the bill(s) created and passed by the duly-elected NE legislature, and then signed into the law by the similarly duly-elected governor, in accordance with the provisions set forth in and by the NE and US Constitution:

1: of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority
2: of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people

When you have to redefine a word to make your point - as you are trying to do here - you have no point.
Lol simply amazing.

Craziest comparison I've ever read.

Are you against medically induced comas? Why not let the person wake up, scream in agony until they die, God would probably prefer that instead of messing with his big plan with silly doctor work.

The purpose of a medically induced coma isn't the patient's death, you brain dead loon.

And it's not a crazy comparison at all. Your original (and stupid) comment is crazy though:

"So if someone is certain 100% another person will die, them making their death painless a couple days before rather than a slow painful death deserves calling them a murderer?"

I'm 100 percent certain you are going to die.

Does that justify killing you? That's your standard, not mine.

I figured you'd put some common sense into the discussion, I apologize for that assumption, of course we're certain everyone is going to die. You knew exactly what I meant in terms of someone being sick and dying with death a certainty and without doctors stepping in a slow painful death is certain.

A medically induced coma can stop death "you brain dead loon" lol.

I know what a medically induced coma does. The comparison here is comparing that to causing death in a baby. There is no comparison. One is done to preserve life, the other to end it. No comparison, logical fallacy.

So what you're saying is that if you determine a child's life will not be worth living, you should be able to snuff it out, based upon the fact that the child will die anyway.

But somehow that's different from snuffing out your life on the assumption that your life will also end.

So...that's not a fair comparison because we're talking about you, I suppose. You are somehow above the equation.

What a dildo.
gek, get a biology book and come back when you know what the words alive, human, and organism mean

Actually, I already know them. We nursing students tend to have a basic understanding of such things. So stop trying to dodge the fact that you're arguments are failing.
Neb. mom carried non-viable pregnancy due to law | The Associated Press | Nation | San Francisco Examiner

Danielle Deaver was about 22 weeks into her pregnancy when doctors told her she wouldn't be able to carry to term and her child would die soon after birth. Then to her surprise, she learned doctors couldn't end her non-viable pregnancy because of a new Nebraska law barring late-term abortions.

so instead of being able to painlessly end her pregnancy (that she and her doctor wanted, but couldn't) she had to wait around to birth the baby knowing that it was going to die.

another "win" for the fascist social conservatives who want to rule and ruin everyone elses lives

Jeez. That wasn't real. That was from the pilot for a failed sitcom called "Those Fucking Funny Fascists!"
then you know that a human foetus is all of the above

it is a distinct living human organism

you can't deny that without denying basic biology

No, it is not a distinct living organism. You can continue to claim this, but it's not going to change the fact that this is not supported by the scientific community to any meaningful degree. It is, at best, a topic of much continuing debate.

I'm not denying basic biology. I'm just denying the additions you are trying to make.
My babysitter's granddaughter just gave birth to a 24 week old baby. They expect him to be fine. She was in the hospital doing whatever she could to hang onto him for the last 4 weeks; he could have been born at any point. And he could have died shortly after birth.

They held on, and as it turns out, he's a tough little cookie and they're thrilled with him.

He is teeny, though.
Neb. mom carried non-viable pregnancy due to law | The Associated Press | Nation | San Francisco Examiner
Danielle Deaver was about 22 weeks into her pregnancy when doctors told her she wouldn't be able to carry to term and her child would die soon after birth. Then to her surprise, she learned doctors couldn't end her non-viable pregnancy because of a new Nebraska law barring late-term abortions.

so instead of being able to painlessly end her pregnancy (that she and her doctor wanted, but couldn't) she had to wait around to birth the baby knowing that it was going to die.

another "win" for the fascist social conservatives who want to rule and ruin everyone elses lives

what you just described is less painful and cruel than an actual late term abortion would have been.


Feticide may be performed prior to the surgical procedure. The tissues of the dead fetus will soften, making dismemberment easier. The standard D&E procedure is difficult after 20 weeks gestational age due to the toughness of the fetal tissues.[4]"
Who is the facists?

"Intact D&X, or partial birth abortion first involves administration of medications to cause the cervix to dilate, usually over the course of several days. Next, the physician rotates the fetus to a footling breech position. The body of the fetus is then drawn out of the uterus feet first, until only the head remains inside the uterus.

Then, the physician uses an instrument to puncture the base of the skull, which collapses the fetal head. Typically, the contents of the fetal head are then partially suctioned out, which results in the death of the fetus and reduces the size of the fetal head enough to allow it to pass through the cervix. The dead and otherwise intact fetus is then removed from the woman's body."

partial birth abortion - definition of partial birth abortion in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Fascism can also be characterized by a demonization of a certain group of individuals (babies) which justifies murdering them.

So if someone is certain 100% another person will die, them making their death painless a couple days before rather than a slow painful death deserves calling them a murderer?

Some people will stoop to saying anything to defend the beliefs of their bureacrats.

100% certain?

1. Doctors turned off her life support 7 weeks ago.

Now Kimberly McNeill is walking, talking and singing.
Kimberly McNeill returned home this week, walking and talking, less than two months after doctors said she'd never recover from her severe injuries.

Her story of survival has been nothing short of extraordinary. A car crash shortly after Christmas last year left the life of the Havelock North teenager hanging by a thread.

Kimberly, 18, was put on life support and transferred to Auckland City Hospital. After 15 days, her doctors turned off the machine against her family's wishes.

Defying the odds, she pulled through and was transferred to Hawke's Bay Hospital to begin her long road to recovery.
Kimberly McNeill: Our miracle girl - Local News - Hawke's Bay Today

2. A car crash victim has spoken of the horror he endured for 23 years after he was misdiagnosed as being in a coma when he was conscious the whole time.
Rom Houben, trapped in his paralysed body after a car crash, described his real-life nightmare as he screamed to doctors that he could hear them - but could make no sound.
'I screamed, but there was nothing to hear,' said Mr Houben, now 46, who doctors thought was in a persistent vegatative state.
'I dreamed myself away,' he added, tapping his tale out with the aid of a computer.

Read more: Rom Houben: Patient trapped in a 23-year 'coma' was conscious all along | Mail Online

3. An Arkansas man who went into a coma after a serious car crash during his late teens has awoken nearly two decades later as a middle-aged man with an adult daughter.

Terry Wallis was 19 and newly married with a baby daughter when his truck plunged through a guard rail, falling 25 feet.

He was left paralysed and in a coma by the crash in the summer of 1984. One of his companions was killed outright.

He remained outwardly unresponsive for years, and news reports yesterday described his recovery as all the more remarkable because Mr Wallis was never given specialist care.

His father, a farmer, was reportedly too poor to afford a neurological examination and state medical insurance was reluctant to pay for a man not expected to return to the work force.

But, according to the popular legend now taking root which promises to turn Mr Wallis into a hero for the pro-life movement, the family never gave up hope. Crash Victim Wakes Up After 20 Years in a Coma
then you know that a human foetus is all of the above

it is a distinct living human organism

you can't deny that without denying basic biology

No, it is not a distinct living organism.

So they're not alive? Or are they now organs and a part of her body- which explains why they have their own DNA, blood supply, and metabolism :lol:

If it's not alive, how does it demonstrate growth and metabolism?

You fail biology forever
I know someone who had to carry her dead twins almost to term. I can't imagine how painful that was, but she survived and now had three healthy children. Women are a lot tougher than people think.

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