Face Masks are Voluntary. Up Next: Mask Shaming.

In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Hmmmm..There is also pride and vanity involved in people's choices possibly being made as well, otherwise if not adjusting themselves to do their part if asked too, and to do so by voluntary measures upon their own without being asked to do so would be great.

People also want to ignore the fact that there could possibly be something wrong with their health, so to prove that there isn't anything wrong with their health, they go out strutting there stuff as if to say "look at me, I'm better than you because my health is better than yours is" maybe ???????? Not good if this is the case for their actions around others in this way.

They don't remember the solidarity movement's where people shaved their heads bald in support of cancer patients that lose their hair due to treatments ??? What a noble and compassionate thing to do when looking back at it now. Mask wearing or bandana wearing would be no different at this point. It's like saying hey I'm with you, and I'm doing my part.

It is ashame that people ignore the facts on the ground just to be seen as being better than someone else if it is the case or that they are more perfect than someone else if it be the case or that they are more stronger than someone else etc.... I hope this isn't the case or thinking with many, otherwise to be arrogant in this tragic corono virus situation that is being experienced by so many now.

We need solidarity, and we need it NOW in the world. People are dying left and right, and the bullcrap bickering back and forth for political points needs to END NOW.

Another thing to consider however, is that people want to project positives onto others by going about their lives in a normal way as if to be saying - ("hey folks, we are going to get over this thing, so don't let it change you into a germaphobe forever").

Fight it naturally by staying healthy, and doing those things that keep you healthy always, otherwise this is their first line in their defensive thinking, but this ain't no normal virus, so all things normal are out the window at this point maybe. Time to adjust.

Yeah, just be willing to adjust is all people are suggesting, and are asking, so to do so makes people know that one is being smart, and not being ignorant in the situation. It gives comfort to those who are afflicted, and reassurances to those who are weakend by it all, and this whether they are mentally or physically afflicted at this point and time.

Don't let sinful pride or vanity motivate or get in the way of showing those who are hurting that you are with them people, and that you are helping to protect them by doing your parts in this thing.

Put that super cool bandana on with the American flag print on it or in support of your group print on it or I'm with you print on it.

Let's support our citizens who are hurting, and do so in the right ways by protecting them and you as well as them. It's the right thing to do. Let the bandana races begin.. :)
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Where did they get them? None around here.

Oh you're supposed to make them, or just cover with a scarf.

I will choose not to, and already, the shaming has started on community pages.
Fuck that. I'm not making one and I'm not wearing one. There is not a single case in our county and I've been pushed about as far as I'm going to be.

I haven't been out of this house except to walk outside in over two weeks. I AM NOT WEARING THEM outside, and probably not even if I go to the store. My choice. I'm with you; I've been pushed as far as I can be pushed.

YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE incoming, Old Lady. Prepare youself
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Where did they get them? None around here.
You can't buy them here.............if you wanted to..........there AREN'T ANY.

Bought N 95 on Janaury 15th, yesterday ordered 100 of the masks like they give you in a doctor's office when you're sick on Amazon.
And the Hospitals are begging for them...................Imagine that.........You do understand that the medical community NEEDS THEM..........then it NEEDS TO BE workers in a store.............they are on the front lines of this.............everyday THOUSANDS of people coming through the check outs..........they will be the HARDEST HIT.......they don't have the masks.
Might wanna send some to all the nursing homes
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Hmmmm..There is also pride and vanity involved in people's choices possibly being made as well, otherwise if not adjusting themselves to do their part if asked too, and to do so by voluntary measures upon their own without being asked to do so would be great.

People also want to ignore the fact that there could possibly be something wrong with their health, so to prove that there isn't anything wrong with their health, they go out strutting there stuff as if to say "look at me, I'm better than you because my health is better than yours is" maybe ???????? Not good if this is the case for their actions around others in this way.

They don't remember the solidarity movement's where people shaved their heads bald in support of cancer patients that lose their hair due to treatments ??? What a noble and compassionate thing to do when looking back at it now. Mask wearing or bandana wearing would be no different at this point. It's like saying hey I'm with you, and I'm doing my part.

It is ashame that people ignore the facts on the ground just to be seen as being better than someone else if it is the case or that they are more perfect than someone else if it be the case or that they are more stronger than someone else etc.... I hope this isn't the case or thinking with many, otherwise to be arrogant in this tragic corono virus situation that is being experienced by so many now.

We need solidarity, and we need it NOW in the world. People are dying left and right, and the bullcrap bickering back and forth for political points needs to END NOW.

Another thing to consider however, is that people want to project positives onto others by going about their lives in a normal way as if to be saying - ("hey folks, we are going to get over this thing, so don't let it change you into a germaphobe forever").

Fight it naturally by staying healthy, and doing those things that keep you healthy always, otherwise this is their first line in their defensive thinking, but this ain't no normal virus, so all things normal are out the window at this point maybe. Time to adjust.

Yeah, just be willing to adjust is all people are suggesting, and are asking, so to do so makes people know that one is being smart, and not being ignorant in the situation. It gives comfort to those who are afflicted, and reassurances to those who are weakend by it all, and this whether they are mentally or physically afflicted at this point and time.

Don't let sinful pride or vanity motivate or get in the way of showing those who are hurting that you are with them people, and that you are helping to protect them by doing your parts in this thing.

Put that super cool bandana on with the American flag print on it or in support of your group print on it or I'm with you print on it.

Let's support our citizens who are hurting, and do so in the right ways by protecting them and you as well as them. It's the right thing to do. Let the bandana races begin.. :)

Bodily autonomy

Isn't the Left super into it?

I want mine too. So no
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

The latest "order" to wear face masks in public is sort of bizarre. A lot of businesses bar face masks because they are concerned about being robbed. "no masks allowed in store" is a common sign around here.

This will also make masked liberal groups like Antifa and the Triple K acceptable.
Good points, but in this situation hopefully it can be done without these bad people exploiting it like they do everything else.

Time to up the ante on the law enforcement rules of engagement, in order to combat the bad who dare to exploit the crisis in these ways.
I have publicly shamed people on social media.

I have bathrooms on a jobsite I have been working on for several weeks now. On occasion I need plumbing or electrical parts and have to goto Home Depot. It's been busier than a Kohls on Christmas with people buying flowers, shrubs and all other manner of superfluous bullshit. Your flower gardens are not more important than public health.
My customer NEEDS functioning bathrooms. You don't need more fucking tulips.

View attachment 319009View attachment 319010

I'll give you an example Grandpa

How do you know what those flowers mean to people. How do you know if there's not a cancer patient in the house, dying, and tulips are their favorite flowers, etc, etc, etc. You don't know. No one knows what anyone is going through
They are buying tons of landscaping shit. I get that people are home and bored but some of us have an actual job to do to get someones home in a useable state. Risking spreading a deadly virus to do some gardening is irresponsible.
And then you have to consider the fact that they are violating lock down orders. If everyone just blows it off then the government truly cracks down we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.
My job is down for 2 to 8 weeks.........this is the 3rd week......over a 1000 sent home........I'm STUCK AT HOME NOT BY CHOICE............and if I want to catch up doing things around the house while I have the time..........then I WILL go there and buy WHATEVER I NEED TO DO SO.......sorry if that offends you.

This is still a Free Country even with a virus..........Dictating that we can't go buy some stuff to fix up around our house........IS NOT FREEDOM..........LIVE FREE OR DIE BRO.......

This shutdown will cause a Depression if we don't get our heads out of our asses. It will effect the City slickers far more than us living in the country........I can go in my back yard right now and by the end of the day take out a deer......carve it up and have it in the Freezer in a few days after bleeding it for taste.

How about someone from New York city......NOPE.
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Where did they get them? None around here.

Oh you're supposed to make them, or just cover with a scarf.

I will choose not to, and already, the shaming has started on community pages.
Fuck that. I'm not making one and I'm not wearing one. There is not a single case in our county and I've been pushed about as far as I'm going to be.
What you need to understand is that masks offer little protection from getting infected. They are much better at keeping others from getting infected by the wearer. They are also good at covering the ugliness of some women, something Muslims have understood for years.
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.

I would rather not live in a COMPLETE police state. I don't think COVID warrants a police state. Do you? Really.
View attachment 319004
I went to a hardware store yesterday. The check out counter was covered in Plastic. all the workers wore gloves and while there they washed their hands with sanitizer set up at a sink. Tape was on the floor marking 6 foot...........

BTW I had to go there...............LOL.......a tornado went over my roof a few days ago and I'm having to fix it.............Almost have the damage fixed.

I then went to a store.......Greers........Not Walmart.....cause hardly anyone was there.........so few were there that Even OUR VEHICLES WERE DOING SOCIAL DISTANCING.......... Only about 8 people in the store...........4 workers that I could see...........was Stocked except no TP.........LOL

Then I went to the Dollar store got some drinks because they are cheap there.....same thing......tape on floor.......people not getting near each other........clerk wearing gloves at check out......

NOW I drove by Wally World on the way home..........Parking lot FULL..........Hundreds on top of each other..............a Virus Pandemic spread if I ever could see one......

One more thing.......I saw people at the couple of places I stopped...and I did the same using wipes on their door handles.....when getting in and out of their cars............and THIS IS ALABAMA ROLL TIDE....

This is what's sad--that we all feel the need to explain why we needed to go out, for what reason.

We are Americans. We shouldn't need to explain why we are going out or for what. We should be able to define what is "essential" to us. We shouldn't go out SICK and we shouldn't purposely sneeze/cough/get up in people's grills. Other than that, everyone can mind their own darn business and stay out of mine.

Seriously, KARENS, leave everyone alone
View attachment 319005

Right, accept all the edicts of The State and their Useful Idiots and don't complain, Comrade!

Whoa. Great laughs this morning
Do let us know when you're done whining.

That's not gonna happen. Karen here needs to complain. It breathes life into her dead soul.

Honey let me tell you what a Karen is. A Karen is someone who gets up in everyone's business. A shamer, a nitpicker, a tattler. These are the people calling the police for kids playing in neighborhoods, people not social distancing, and etc.

Me appropriately calling out shaming and hurting your feelings does not make me a Karen.
THANK YOU for explaining what a Karen is. I've been hearing it everywhere and had no idea what it is.
We must be too old for these youngsters..........I had NO CLUE.
It's what I get for being social-media deficient. This is my only foray into the grand world of public comment.
I have publicly shamed people on social media.

I have bathrooms on a jobsite I have been working on for several weeks now. On occasion I need plumbing or electrical parts and have to goto Home Depot. It's been busier than a Kohls on Christmas with people buying flowers, shrubs and all other manner of superfluous bullshit. Your flower gardens are not more important than public health.
My customer NEEDS functioning bathrooms. You don't need more fucking tulips.

View attachment 319009View attachment 319010

I'll give you an example Grandpa

How do you know what those flowers mean to people. How do you know if there's not a cancer patient in the house, dying, and tulips are their favorite flowers, etc, etc, etc. You don't know. No one knows what anyone is going through
They are buying tons of landscaping shit. I get that people are home and bored but some of us have an actual job to do to get someones home in a useable state. Risking spreading a deadly virus to do some gardening is irresponsible.
And then you have to consider the fact that they are violating lock down orders. If everyone just blows it off then the government truly cracks down we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

Everyone gets to definite what is essential to them. Maybe they are looking at your purchases and thinking they are not essential, that this was a bad time to redo interior work.

We all need to judge less. A lot less.
He home was in a remodel status BEFORE this shit started. Functioning bathrooms are essential. Your flower garden is not. The GOVERNMENT deemed what was essential not me.



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In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Where did they get them? None around here.
You can't buy them here.............if you wanted to..........there AREN'T ANY.

Bought N 95 on Janaury 15th, yesterday ordered 100 of the masks like they give you in a doctor's office when you're sick on Amazon.
And the Hospitals are begging for them...................Imagine that.........You do understand that the medical community NEEDS THEM..........then it NEEDS TO BE workers in a store.............they are on the front lines of this.............everyday THOUSANDS of people coming through the check outs..........they will be the HARDEST HIT.......they don't have the masks.
Might wanna send some to all the nursing homes
The nursing homes that have been hit .........are ...........BRUTAL.
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Where did they get them? None around here.

Oh you're supposed to make them, or just cover with a scarf.

I will choose not to, and already, the shaming has started on community pages.
Fuck that. I'm not making one and I'm not wearing one. There is not a single case in our county and I've been pushed about as far as I'm going to be.

I haven't been out of this house except to walk outside in over two weeks. I AM NOT WEARING THEM outside, and probably not even if I go to the store. My choice. I'm with you; I've been pushed as far as I can be pushed.

YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE incoming, Old Lady. Prepare youself

You don’t want people to die. You’re just lacking the intelligence to understand that your “choice”, if carried out by everyone, would most definitely lead to more deaths than necessary.

You aren’t evil. You’re just stupid.
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

Get used to it? You should already be used to it.

Human beings are little shits. We've been shaming one another since mankind could point and snicker. If we aren't pointing and bitching about how much toilet paper Kevin hogged up, we'd be squealing about his crummy parking job and how selfish that little bastard is.

The lists and reasons of why we're such judgmental crums will vary in length and why fors, but it's no different than who we have always been.
I have publicly shamed people on social media.

I have bathrooms on a jobsite I have been working on for several weeks now. On occasion I need plumbing or electrical parts and have to goto Home Depot. It's been busier than a Kohls on Christmas with people buying flowers, shrubs and all other manner of superfluous bullshit. Your flower gardens are not more important than public health.
My customer NEEDS functioning bathrooms. You don't need more fucking tulips.

View attachment 319009View attachment 319010

I'll give you an example Grandpa

How do you know what those flowers mean to people. How do you know if there's not a cancer patient in the house, dying, and tulips are their favorite flowers, etc, etc, etc. You don't know. No one knows what anyone is going through
They are buying tons of landscaping shit. I get that people are home and bored but some of us have an actual job to do to get someones home in a useable state. Risking spreading a deadly virus to do some gardening is irresponsible.
And then you have to consider the fact that they are violating lock down orders. If everyone just blows it off then the government truly cracks down we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

Everyone gets to definite what is essential to them. Maybe they are looking at your purchases and thinking they are not essential, that this was a bad time to redo interior work.

We all need to judge less. A lot less.
He home was in a remodel status BEFORE this shit started. Functioning bathrooms are essential. Your flower garden is not. The GOVERNMENT deemed what was essential not me.

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While out and about I noticed ESSENTIAL WORKERS.......A road job for a interstate that will not be done FOR YEARS.......ESSENTIAL

I saw another ROAD JOB.......not gonna be complete for a year and a half.....ESSENTIAL........LOL

I saw them cleaning the sides of the roads and cutting trees........ESSENTIAL........

All of that isn't really essential.........You remodeling a bathroom ISN'T ESSENTIAL.....unless it's in progress.......someone else wanting to HAVE A NEW BATHROOM ISN'T ESSENTIAL.

I wonder if Liberal Gov. Northam of Virginia will bring his hood and mask out of the closet and wear them as a role model for people in his state?
Sue (there's nothing "sweet" about you) I get that you're bored. I get that you're filled with venom.

You have kids right?

Go play with them. Read to them. Do something useful.

You'll feel better
In my community, there is already:

1. Non-essentials shaming. That is, store workers are coming on community pages and shaming people for shopping for what they deem to be NON-ESSENTIALS, and how dare they flood the stores for such.

2. Walking shaming. When people are walking outside they're not stepping aside to let others walk by.

3. Shopping shaming. People are shopping too often, for too many things they don't need. How do the shamers know this? Um..does it ever matter? The shamers have full license to be up in everyone's business, of course.

4. Church shaming. This one is a favorite, mostly toward Christians of course. HOW DARE these Christians exercise their First Amendment Rights to meet together, even if they are socially distancing.

5. Kid shaming. Kids are playing together! And they are having play dates! Outside! Together!

6. Socially distance shaming. This is the big one and I'm shocked the Karen's haven't found a way to carry six foot yardsticks with them. Honestly I think that's next.

By today, Karen's and other busybodies will have a new fixation:

5. Face Mask Shaming. The CDC recommends face masks and people are outside and not wearing them!

By the way, these shamers are having so much fun there is NO WAY this recedes when the virus is done. I detest this, but shamers, busybodies and Karen's are all around, and they've been given free rein. Get used to this.

In the Czech Republic wearing face masks is the law and has been for 3 weeks. It has worked very well. Those who don't wear them are shamed and fined if caught.
Hmmmm..There is also pride and vanity involved in people's choices possibly being made as well, otherwise if not adjusting themselves to do their part if asked too, and to do so by voluntary measures upon their own without being asked to do so would be great.

People also want to ignore the fact that there could possibly be something wrong with their health, so to prove that there isn't anything wrong with their health, they go out strutting there stuff as if to say "look at me, I'm better than you because my health is better than yours is" maybe ???????? Not good if this is the case for their actions around others in this way.

They don't remember the solidarity movement's where people shaved their heads bald in support of cancer patients that lose their hair due to treatments ??? What a noble and compassionate thing to do when looking back at it now. Mask wearing or bandana wearing would be no different at this point. It's like saying hey I'm with you, and I'm doing my part.

It is ashame that people ignore the facts on the ground just to be seen as being better than someone else if it is the case or that they are more perfect than someone else if it be the case or that they are more stronger than someone else etc.... I hope this isn't the case or thinking with many, otherwise to be arrogant in this tragic corono virus situation that is being experienced by so many now.

We need solidarity, and we need it NOW in the world. People are dying left and right, and the bullcrap bickering back and forth for political points needs to END NOW.

Another thing to consider however, is that people want to project positives onto others by going about their lives in a normal way as if to be saying - ("hey folks, we are going to get over this thing, so don't let it change you into a germaphobe forever").

Fight it naturally by staying healthy, and doing those things that keep you healthy always, otherwise this is their first line in their defensive thinking, but this ain't no normal virus, so all things normal are out the window at this point maybe. Time to adjust.

Yeah, just be willing to adjust is all people are suggesting, and are asking, so to do so makes people know that one is being smart, and not being ignorant in the situation. It gives comfort to those who are afflicted, and reassurances to those who are weakend by it all, and this whether they are mentally or physically afflicted at this point and time.

Don't let sinful pride or vanity motivate or get in the way of showing those who are hurting that you are with them people, and that you are helping to protect them by doing your parts in this thing.

Put that super cool bandana on with the American flag print on it or in support of your group print on it or I'm with you print on it.

Let's support our citizens who are hurting, and do so in the right ways by protecting them and you as well as them. It's the right thing to do. Let the bandana races begin.. :)

Bodily autonomy

Isn't the Left super into it?

I want mine too. So no
That's what you draw out of the post ? Everything is voluntary, and the hope is that people do their part voluntarily. I agree that no one should be forced unless dealing directly with the sick and dying to wear protective gear in order to protect the sick, and to protect one's self in that scenario.

To show respect in the public by adjusting your mannerisms would be great. Was in a store the other day, and a worker just sneezed without doing anything to cover it. I gotta say that it aggravated me to witness that. Me and the wife go the heck out of there quick.
I went to a hardware store yesterday. The check out counter was covered in Plastic. all the workers wore gloves and while there they washed their hands with sanitizer set up at a sink. Tape was on the floor marking 6 foot...........

BTW I had to go there...............LOL.......a tornado went over my roof a few days ago and I'm having to fix it.............Almost have the damage fixed.

I then went to a store.......Greers........Not Walmart.....cause hardly anyone was there.........so few were there that Even OUR VEHICLES WERE DOING SOCIAL DISTANCING.......... Only about 8 people in the store...........4 workers that I could see...........was Stocked except no TP.........LOL

Then I went to the Dollar store got some drinks because they are cheap there.....same thing......tape on floor.......people not getting near each other........clerk wearing gloves at check out......

NOW I drove by Wally World on the way home..........Parking lot FULL..........Hundreds on top of each other..............a Virus Pandemic spread if I ever could see one......

One more thing.......I saw people at the couple of places I stopped...and I did the same using wipes on their door handles.....when getting in and out of their cars............and THIS IS ALABAMA ROLL TIDE....

This is what's sad--that we all feel the need to explain why we needed to go out, for what reason.

We are Americans. We shouldn't need to explain why we are going out or for what. We should be able to define what is "essential" to us. We shouldn't go out SICK and we shouldn't purposely sneeze/cough/get up in people's grills. Other than that, everyone can mind their own darn business and stay out of mine.

Seriously, KARENS, leave everyone alone
99% of those who get this will NOT DIE............and probably lower.

But the small percentage overloads the system............Given that...we bought them a little time.......and LIFE MUST GO ON..............Some people call it HERD IMMUNITY......and the HERD must go on even as those fall from the HERD...........we are destroying the economy AND LIVELY HOODS OF THE WORLD RIGHT NOW...........

That will NOT END WELL...........but the Small business owners are dying......perhaps that is EXACTLY what the Globalist want.

I agree and I'm not saying this virus is nothing or deserves no attention. It definitely can lead to bad things.

But look at the minions on this board who insist "no complaining" and calling out the shamers means I'm a "victim" and who are endorsing a police state. Honest to goodness, I think this is at LEAST as dangerous as the virus.

You are shaming the shamers. :)

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