Trump pushes Medicare for all...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Temporarily under a pandemic? That’s called a safety net that’s not called socialism
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Hey, he was a hyper-Keynesian long before the first Coronavirus victim had a fever!
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Why aren’t you shrieking about socialism. The only reason he did it is because he’s a psychotic and can’t stand opening the Obama exchanges which would have take the burden off of taxpayers.

What’s the left missing with third “ Temporary safety net“ asking for a friend
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Good idea. We can't have the hospitals going belly up, too. Too many already have. But where is he getting the money?
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients

The trumptards will fall right in line, when trump turns on a dime they follow. I saw this yesterday along with him ordering 3M no exports and thought is a liberal President or what? Coverage for everyone and against capitalism? What a guy. While I agree he still will never get my vote.
The good Samaritan church is setting up hospitals right now in Central Park! God has come to the rescues! Again
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients

The trumptards will fall right in line, when trump turns on a dime they follow. I saw this yesterday along with him ordering 3M no exports and thought is a liberal President or what? Coverage for everyone and against capitalism? What a guy. While I agree he still will never get my vote.
Temporary? Ohh well that’s not in the definition of socialism lol
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Why aren’t you shrieking about socialism. The only reason he did it is because he’s a psychotic and can’t stand opening the Obama exchanges which would have take the burden off of taxpayers.

Ahh here's Drive By Jillian being uninformed. The Trump administration is allowing ANYONE who has lost their insurance due to this to sign up on Obamacare despite the cut off being in December.

Try educating yourself before spouting off bullshit.
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Good idea. We can't have the hospitals going belly up, too. Too many already have. But where is he getting the money?
China and Japan, as always
Trump was born in Germany in 1939. This is his mom and dad.

Guess what folks...

Medicare for All is a virtual certainty now.

Healthcare insurers are going to go belly up very shortly..

The biggest hurdle to MfA was how to shift the three trillion from private to public.

We're doing that as we speak.
Guess what folks...

Medicare for All is a virtual certainty now.

Healthcare insurers are going to go belly up very shortly..

The biggest hurdle to MfA was how to shift the three trillion from private to public.

We're doing that as we speak.
Thanks to you vermin and your fake virus hoax the whole country is going belly up. Hopefully Americans will recover and then hunt you scum down and lock you away.
The King of Debt may have an ulterior motive.

How Trump surprised his own team by ruling out Obamacare

The White House instead rejected the prospect of allowing new sign-ups across the 38 Affordable Care Act marketplaces it controls – a decision that shocked the health care industry, triggered widespread criticism and prompted a scramble within the administration to find a new way to care for the growing population left exposed to the pandemic.

It's also one that allowed Trump to sidestep an awkward reckoning with the Affordable Care Act that he’s long vowed to kill, and the health care program bearing the name of his Democratic predecessor. The president personally opposed reopening the Obamacare marketplaces when presented with the option, one person familiar with the decision said – prompting the creation of a new initiative that federal officials are now rushing to construct.
Guess what folks...

Medicare for All is a virtual certainty now.

Healthcare insurers are going to go belly up very shortly..

The biggest hurdle to MfA was how to shift the three trillion from private to public.

We're doing that as we speak.
Hope so.
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Why aren’t you shrieking about socialism. The only reason he did it is because he’s a psychotic and can’t stand opening the Obama exchanges which would have take the burden off of taxpayers.

Ahh here's Drive By Jillian being uninformed. The Trump administration is allowing ANYONE who has lost their insurance due to this to sign up on Obamacare despite the cut off being in December.

Try educating yourself before spouting off bullshit.

Oh Grandpa, Trump isn't allowing anyone who lost their health insurance from a job loss, loss of Medicaid or being denied for Medicaid these special enrollments have always been available if they purchase within 60 days.. What Trump is doing is telling hospitals that the govt will pay them for treating uninsured's specific to Covid 19. The mandate should have remained just for these people who refused to purchase insurance.
Traditional insurance companies will not survive this pandemic, leaving only one solution.......

Universal Healthcare

Biden is just the man for the job
Trump uses government to pay for HC costs. He’s a commie now!

Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
President Trump announced the policy on Friday at his daily briefing. “That should alleviate any concern uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus treatment,” he said.
Trump Says Hospitals Will Be Paid for Treating Uninsured Coronavirus Patients
Why aren’t you shrieking about socialism. The only reason he did it is because he’s a psychotic and can’t stand opening the Obama exchanges which would have take the burden off of taxpayers.

Ahh here's Drive By Jillian being uninformed. The Trump administration is allowing ANYONE who has lost their insurance due to this to sign up on Obamacare despite the cut off being in December.

Try educating yourself before spouting off bullshit.

Oh Grandpa, Trump isn't allowing anyone who lost their health insurance from a job loss, loss of Medicaid or being denied for Medicaid these special enrollments have always been available if they purchase within 60 days.. What Trump is doing is telling hospitals that the govt will pay them for treating uninsured's specific to Covid 19.
You are 100% factually wrong.
Even our local news is regularly publicizing it as a resource for those that need it.

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