Expanded background checks fails in Senate

The final vote was 54 in favor to 46 opposed with two Republicans joining most Democrats in supporting the compromise.

That is just as well for an inept attempt - to say the least.

No need to waist any more political capital, the NRA will be sinking in the mud by its own weight soon enough.

More innocent Americans will die because of right wing stupidity, many of them innocent children.

And even more Americans will be alive because they used their personal firearm to save themselves from the criminals who laugh at the idea of following laws in the first place.

Don't worry! The Dems are working on a bill to regulate Pressure Cookers instead!

That should make you happy.

More innocent Americans will die because of right wing stupidity, many of them innocent children.

And even more Americans will be alive because they used their personal firearm to save themselves from the criminals who laugh at the idea of following laws in the first place.

Where is the credible totally independent source to verify that allegation. The NRA has obstructed all meaningful gun crime statistics therefore there is none.

More innocent Americans will die because of right wing stupidity, many of them innocent children.

No they won't.

The Argument Sketch

M: Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.
(short pause)
A: No it isn't.
M: It is.
A: Not at all.

More innocent Americans will die because of right wing stupidity, many of them innocent children.

Glad to see your concern.

With this chapter over, you might direct your empathy in the following direction:

"What would you say, though, if I told you that this “good thing” that the government is forcing on us in the name of “saving the environment” is responsible for no less than 2,000 deaths per year?

Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year.

Less steel framing and smaller size equals more miles per gallon. It also means you’re rolling down the road in a vehicle with much less crashworthiness, making you more vulnerable to every stationary object, to that semi behind you … and to the guy in the normal-sized car.

This death toll figure was arrived at long before President Obama recently upped the CAFE standards by 30% and more. The death toll going forward will be even higher.
"Pajamas Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards
PJ Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards

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