Exactly what is "Critical Race Theory"?

Stalin was worth trillions, Khruschev worth about 5 million. You're a fucking idiot.

You think Stalin was born worth trillions?

Khruschev maybe came from wealth, but he wasn't a fucking revolutionary you dumb ****

Stalin was born a fucking street urchin

First you have the revolution THEN you get rich.

You don't start rich and start a fucking revolution unless you're a bored and stupid ****.
You're an ignorant fucking idiot. Now make my cheeseburger and fries.

stop projecting pleb

sorry you're stupid.

live with it
Pusillanimous putrid punk.

"the mexicans were poor hurr durr"

Why don't you google aztec gold and come back, lol

Fucking hillbilly doesn't even appreciate how amazing our rise was.

Not only did they think we couldn't deal with the EUropeans. No one thought we could deal with the fucking mexicans
Stalin was worth trillions, Khruschev worth about 5 million. You're a fucking idiot.

You think Stalin was born worth trillions?

Khruschev maybe came from wealth, but he wasn't a fucking revolutionary you dumb ****

Stalin was born a fucking street urchin

First you have the revolution THEN you get rich.

You don't start rich and start a fucking revolution unless you're a bored and stupid ****.
You're an ignorant fucking idiot. Now make my cheeseburger and fries.

stop projecting pleb

sorry you're stupid.

live with it
Pusillanimous putrid punk.

"the mexicans were poor hurr durr"

Why don't you google aztec gold and come back, lol

Fucking hillbilly doesn't even appreciate how amazing our rise was.

Not only did they think we couldn't deal with the EUropeans. No one thought we could deal with the fucking mexicans
How's my cheeseburger doing?
Stalin was worth trillions, Khruschev worth about 5 million. You're a fucking idiot.

You think Stalin was born worth trillions?

Khruschev maybe came from wealth, but he wasn't a fucking revolutionary you dumb ****

Stalin was born a fucking street urchin

First you have the revolution THEN you get rich.

You don't start rich and start a fucking revolution unless you're a bored and stupid ****.
You're an ignorant fucking idiot. Now make my cheeseburger and fries.

stop projecting pleb

sorry you're stupid.

live with it
Pusillanimous putrid punk.

"the mexicans were poor hurr durr"

Why don't you google aztec gold and come back, lol

Fucking hillbilly doesn't even appreciate how amazing our rise was.

Not only did they think we couldn't deal with the EUropeans. No one thought we could deal with the fucking mexicans
How's my cheeseburger doing?

Do you really think anyone reading this thinks you're of high socio economic status? hah

You're probably not even good enough for the nurses coming out of the local ju co

Like i said, remember your place.
What gives you the impression that I care what people think of me? Are you a high school student?
Because southerners are stupid

The British got rid of the system long before us for the same reason.

Slavery is the reason the south is poor. Not the reason it was built. Bunch of landed useless elite who didn't know what to do but have slaves do their work for them. While in the North we built the most prosperous place the world has ever seen.

It's not a fucking coincidence that the place without historical use of slaves is doing better.
Really? I thought lefties believed that America was built on the backs of slaves.

That slavery was responsible for the great economic success of the United States.
How the hell do you think we built the north without slaves?
You kidnapped black freemen and sold them in the south.

12 Years A Slave tells a true story of that behavior.

Solomon Northup
Solomon Northup
July 10, 1807
Birthplace: Minerva, Essex County, New York, USA
Death: Unknown (between 1857 and 1875)

As pictured in his 1853 memoir 'Twelve Years a Slave'

Solomon Northup
July 10, 1807
Birthplace: Minerva, Essex County, New York, USA
Death: Unknown (between 1857 and 1875)

As pictured in his 1853 memoir 'Twelve Years a Slave'

This is no fiction, no exaggeration. If I have failed in anything, it has been in presenting to the reader too prominently the bright side of the picture. I doubt not hundreds have been as unfortunate as myself; that hundreds of free citizens have been kidnapped and sold into slavery, and are at this moment wearing out their lives on plantations...
-Solomon Northup, 1853, Twelve Years a Slave
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Both those men are dead, so let's talk about the modern republican party. Funny how you guys keep bringing up the democrats of 1860's and it's fine to blame people who aren't alive now as long as they are democrats. If I was never a slave, then I was never a democrat in 1860. Nor were you a republican in 1860. Todays republican party is home to the racists. You guys proove this every day.
The Democrat Party claims the Republican Party is racist although they claim everything and everybody that disagrees with them is racist...But sensible people usually just ignore them.

And even though racism and racists are extremely rare in 21st Century America, most of the few remaining diehards probably do vote Republican but not because the Party is racist.

The only reason they support the GOP is because the Dems want to confiscate their guns and open the borders to illegal immigrants that generally vote for whoever promises the most free stuff.
So the two videos you hand-picked to discredit Mr. Rufo, were unable to fulfill their purpose.
Rufo's own tweets did that job. He actually wrote out loud he was making the CRT brand toxic by loading it with deplorable talking points. Did you miss that bit?
The Republican Party fought for civil rights for blacks from the beginning of its existence.
While insisting on Blacks keeping their inferior position, a la Lincoln. Not to mention agreeing that slavery could continue in the US. If that's not enablement I don't know what is.
Not to mention agreeing that slavery could continue in the US.

Read this article. Then lie about it.
Not to mention agreeing that slavery could continue in the US.

Read this article. Then lie about it.
Neither the Republican Party nor Lincoln legislated/proclaimed the abolition of slavery until that became a Civil War strategy. Both were quite happy to agree for slavery to continue up until then. Too, the proclamation applied only to the rebel states, no?

The Republican Party didn't fight very hard at all for civil rights for Blacks, certainly not for equal rights. They were prepared to allow the status quo of the DoI to continue, where Blacks were not considered to be men, until a strategic advantage was determined to exist.
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I love the way 'Muricans can't abandon the propaganda they've been fed about their founding even when the facts are in black and white. It's obvious the founders who wrote the DoI did not regard blacks as men/human. Otherwise they could not have stayed silent on Blacks' enslavement as they wittered on about freedom and liberty.
Not to mention agreeing that slavery could continue in the US.

Read this article. Then lie about it.
Neither the Republican Party nor Lincoln legislated/proclaimed the abolition of slavery until that became a Civil War strategy. Both were quite happy to agree for slavery to continue up until then. Too, the proclamation applied only to the rebel states, no?

The Republican Party didn't fight very hard at all for civil rights for Blacks, certainly not for equal rights. They were prepared to allow the status quo of the DoI to continue, where Blacks were not considered to be men, until a strategic advantage was determined to exist.
Partially correct. It was a strategy that worked to keep the French and the British from assisting the Confederacy in the war effort.

It was the 13th Amendement that ended slavery throughout the nation. It was still the Republican Party that fought for the amendment and the Democrat Party that drug its feet.

That day—January 1, 1863—President Lincoln formally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, calling on the Union army to liberate all enslaved people in states still in rebellion as “an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity.” These three million enslaved people were declared to be “then, thenceforward, and forever free.” The proclamation exempted the border states that remained in the Union and all or parts of three Confederate states controlled by the Union army.

The Emancipation Proclamation transformed the Civil War from a war against secession into a war for “a new birth of freedom,” as Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address in 1863. This ideological change discouraged the intervention of France or England on the Confederacy’s behalf and enabled the Union to enlist the 180,000 African American soldiers and sailors who volunteered to fight between January 1, 1863, and the conclusion of the war.

As the Confederacy staggered toward defeat, Lincoln realized that the Emancipation Proclamation, a war measure, might have little constitutional authority once the war was over. The Republican Party subsequently introduced the 13th Amendment into Congress, and in April 1864 the necessary two-thirds of the overwhelmingly Republican Senate passed the amendment. However, the House of Representatives, featuring a higher proportion of Democrats, did not pass the amendment by a two-thirds majority until January 1865, three months before Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.

On December 2, 1865, Alabama became the 27th state to ratify the 13th Amendment, thus giving it the requisite three-fourths majority of states’ approval necessary to make it the law of the land. Alabama, a former Confederate state, was forced to ratify the amendment as a condition for re-admission into the Union. On December 18, the 13th Amendment was officially adopted into the Constitution—246 years after the first shipload of captive Africans landed at Jamestown, Virginia, and were bought as enslaved workers.

Slavery’s legacy and efforts to overcome it has remained a central issue in U.S. society and politics, particularly during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era and the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s.

Check the history of the Republicans and Democrats related to establishing civil rights for blacks from the end of the war through 1964. Republicans pushed for it. The Democrats opposed it.
Democrats have learned how to use Black people without them knowing that they're being used.
Lamont Hill and Joy Reid are propaganda parrots. Nothing more. They appeal to the indoctrinated pawns and losers in society who desperately believe that they're actually creating a better world, while in reality they are nothing more than useful idiots.

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