Every time BLM, Antifa, Woke Folk, etc get their way..............


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Every single person in this country that just sits by and does nothing every time the woke folk, blm, antifia or whoever get their way is a submissive cuckold. Every single american that lets these people get their way are submissive cuck bending over and allowing their country to be taken. I mean this in the literal sense. If BLM or woke people get their way its because the public let them by doing nothing but going in the other room while their wife got fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

You, me, everyone that lets this happen isn't even a man or a person worth being called an American because these groups only have power because WE LET THEM HAVE POWER. Woke, BLM they only exist because we do nothing, we say nothing, we dont stand up to them. All we do is sit online and complain online, thats it. We talk a lot of shit but dont do anything, meanwhile they are out doing things and getting done what they want. So lets admit it, they are better than us because they get shit done, they get their way, they are demoralizing and entire country and we dont do anything. Were all impotent.

Those groups dont actually have power, they dont actually have influence, they do very little. Everything they actually do is done by us because we submit to their will and carry about what they want like changing names of schools, tearing down statues, for fucks sake we teach our own children they are racist shit just because they told us to.

No American has the right to complain about woke culture or blm because we do nothing about it but obey. We let them do what they want, and we do what they want done. They want a statue torn down, we do it for them. How can any sane or realistic person not see were all submissive slaves to the woke and blm people, we kneel and suck their cocks by letting them do what they do to our country and society and the best we can do is complain online.

Were all pathetic excuses for Americans that deserve to lose our country.
Every single person in this country that just sits by and does nothing every time the woke folk, blm, antifia or whoever get their way is a submissive cuckold. Every single american that lets these people get their way are submissive cuck bending over and allowing their country to be taken. I mean this in the literal sense. If BLM or woke people get their way its because the public let them by doing nothing but going in the other room while their wife got fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

You, me, everyone that lets this happen isn't even a man or a person worth being called an American because these groups only have power because WE LET THEM HAVE POWER. Woke, BLM they only exist because we do nothing, we say nothing, we dont stand up to them. All we do is sit online and complain online, thats it. We talk a lot of shit but dont do anything, meanwhile they are out doing things and getting done what they want. So lets admit it, they are better than us because they get shit done, they get their way, they are demoralizing and entire country and we dont do anything. Were all impotent.

Those groups dont actually have power, they dont actually have influence, they do very little. Everything they actually do is done by us because we submit to their will and carry about what they want like changing names of schools, tearing down statues, for fucks sake we teach our own children they are racist shit just because they told us to.

No American has the right to complain about woke culture or blm because we do nothing about it but obey. We let them do what they want, and we do what they want done. They want a statue torn down, we do it for them. How can any sane or realistic person not see were all submissive slaves to the woke and blm people, we kneel and suck their cocks by letting them do what they do to our country and society and the best we can do is complain online.

Were all pathetic excuses for Americans that deserve to lose our country.
Then you need to invest in better quality lube 'cause this is the way the world is going.
Every single person in this country that just sits by and does nothing every time the woke folk, blm, antifia or whoever get their way is a submissive cuckold. Every single american that lets these people get their way are submissive cuck bending over and allowing their country to be taken. I mean this in the literal sense. If BLM or woke people get their way its because the public let them by doing nothing but going in the other room while their wife got fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

You, me, everyone that lets this happen isn't even a man or a person worth being called an American because these groups only have power because WE LET THEM HAVE POWER. Woke, BLM they only exist because we do nothing, we say nothing, we dont stand up to them. All we do is sit online and complain online, thats it. We talk a lot of shit but dont do anything, meanwhile they are out doing things and getting done what they want. So lets admit it, they are better than us because they get shit done, they get their way, they are demoralizing and entire country and we dont do anything. Were all impotent.

Those groups dont actually have power, they dont actually have influence, they do very little. Everything they actually do is done by us because we submit to their will and carry about what they want like changing names of schools, tearing down statues, for fucks sake we teach our own children they are racist shit just because they told us to.

No American has the right to complain about woke culture or blm because we do nothing about it but obey. We let them do what they want, and we do what they want done. They want a statue torn down, we do it for them. How can any sane or realistic person not see were all submissive slaves to the woke and blm people, we kneel and suck their cocks by letting them do what they do to our country and society and the best we can do is complain online.

Were all pathetic excuses for Americans that deserve to lose our country.
What are you proposing Americans should do?
Every single person in this country that just sits by and does nothing every time the woke folk, blm, antifia or whoever get their way is a submissive cuckold. Every single american that lets these people get their way are submissive cuck bending over and allowing their country to be taken. I mean this in the literal sense. If BLM or woke people get their way its because the public let them by doing nothing but going in the other room while their wife got fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

You, me, everyone that lets this happen isn't even a man or a person worth being called an American because these groups only have power because WE LET THEM HAVE POWER. Woke, BLM they only exist because we do nothing, we say nothing, we dont stand up to them. All we do is sit online and complain online, thats it. We talk a lot of shit but dont do anything, meanwhile they are out doing things and getting done what they want. So lets admit it, they are better than us because they get shit done, they get their way, they are demoralizing and entire country and we dont do anything. Were all impotent.

Those groups dont actually have power, they dont actually have influence, they do very little. Everything they actually do is done by us because we submit to their will and carry about what they want like changing names of schools, tearing down statues, for fucks sake we teach our own children they are racist shit just because they told us to.

No American has the right to complain about woke culture or blm because we do nothing about it but obey. We let them do what they want, and we do what they want done. They want a statue torn down, we do it for them. How can any sane or realistic person not see were all submissive slaves to the woke and blm people, we kneel and suck their cocks by letting them do what they do to our country and society and the best we can do is complain online.

Were all pathetic excuses for Americans that deserve to lose our country.
What exactly is "their way" and
When have they ever gotten it?
Every single person in this country that just sits by and does nothing every time the woke folk, blm, antifia or whoever get their way is a submissive cuckold. Every single american that lets these people get their way are submissive cuck bending over and allowing their country to be taken. I mean this in the literal sense. If BLM or woke people get their way its because the public let them by doing nothing but going in the other room while their wife got fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

You, me, everyone that lets this happen isn't even a man or a person worth being called an American because these groups only have power because WE LET THEM HAVE POWER. Woke, BLM they only exist because we do nothing, we say nothing, we dont stand up to them. All we do is sit online and complain online, thats it. We talk a lot of shit but dont do anything, meanwhile they are out doing things and getting done what they want. So lets admit it, they are better than us because they get shit done, they get their way, they are demoralizing and entire country and we dont do anything. Were all impotent.

Those groups dont actually have power, they dont actually have influence, they do very little. Everything they actually do is done by us because we submit to their will and carry about what they want like changing names of schools, tearing down statues, for fucks sake we teach our own children they are racist shit just because they told us to.

No American has the right to complain about woke culture or blm because we do nothing about it but obey. We let them do what they want, and we do what they want done. They want a statue torn down, we do it for them. How can any sane or realistic person not see were all submissive slaves to the woke and blm people, we kneel and suck their cocks by letting them do what they do to our country and society and the best we can do is complain online.

Were all pathetic excuses for Americans that deserve to lose our country.

No, we are very tolerant. We put up with a lot of childish bullshit from children. That's what adults do.

But now that these babies are getting more and more violent, they are growing up into adults very quickly.

Misbehaving, violent adults....are targets.

That day is fast approaching.
Once Hollywood figures out woke culture isn’t a profit maker they will drop the bullshit.
Once Hollywood figures out woke culture isn’t a profit maker they will drop the bullshit.

No, they won't. They are all in on the Marxist ideology. They are working hard to be the only propaganda outlet.

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