Every Day We Find More Proof....

Being gullible for every silly idea that comes along is not great intelligence and it is definitely not great wisdom.....you morons fell for marxism, and every other socialist b.s. that came along...filling mass graves with about 100 million or more innocent men, women and children....

You guys really are sad, not smart....
Low-information people often confuse knowledge, which is acquired, with intelligence, which is innate. Don't feel too bad.
Dipshit......what part of the taliban meeting conditions for the troops to be pulled out do you not understand? They violated the conditions, he didn't pull the troops...you dumb ass

Look, you dumbass.....the people controlling biden botched this up so fucking badly they can't even blame Trump for this....you can try, but the paid shitheads working in the democrat party press wing can't blame Trump.....and if they can't, you look really fucking stupid trying to do it...
Trump’s plan was that the Taliban would meet conditions to pull troops out.

So start with a horseshit plan that required the Taliban to behave.

But then, as you say, the Taliban wasn’t meeting conditions, and he still pulled out troops, pulling out troop levels down to just 2500

So it was a shitty plan that he wasn’t even following.
No....shithead.........Trump wouldn't have made the mess biden did.......even the democrat party controlled press can't cover that up.....

Uh, Guy, Trump's ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE Has been leaving messes for other people to clean up.

Trump sold the Afghans down the river when he let 5000 Taliban Hard cases go and reduced our forces to 2500 with a promise to leave on May 31st.
Uh, Guy, Trump's ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE Has been leaving messes for other people to clean up.

Trump sold the Afghans down the river when he let 5000 Taliban Hard cases go and reduced our forces to 2500 with a promise to leave on May 31st.

moron, you have to read the memo……even the democrat party minions in the press cant blame Trump on this one, you idiot
...of the huge mistake you Democrats made, and that you Democrats are.

At this point in time, the Afghanistan farrago.

Trump had an air-tight plan to save our civilians, allies, equipment and classified documents.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away” Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript


Democrats weren't going to vote for trump just like republicans weren't going to vote for biden. I simply stated that "locker room talk" and other rants and twitter tantrums turned some off. It's their entitled right to vote however they want or sit it out. I didn't vote in the last election therefore I am fully vindicated and a proud centrist.
Thanks for admitting that all of your complaints in here can now be ignored.
I've read the agreement. It was a lot of we totally promise not to break the agreement they proceeded to break before Trump left.

Yep......and because they broke the conditions, Trump wouldn't have shut down the air base at Bagram, or pulled the rest of the troops....you doofus.

Biden did both before the civilians were out....excuse me.....biden's controllers did both before the civilians were out....
Yep......and because they broke the conditions, Trump wouldn't have shut down the air base at Bagram, or pulled the rest of the troops....you doofus.

Biden did both before the civilians were out....excuse me.....biden's controllers did both before the civilians were out....

The Taliban were breaking the agreement before Trump left office.

The deal itself is simple, but it kind of sets off this cascade of other things which are not so simple. But the deal basically says the Taliban won't kill any Americans, and we won't attack the Taliban. And if all goes well and the Taliban agree not to support any kind of terrorism against the United States or not to allow terrorists in the country or any kind of bases, the United States will leave and go to zero and take out all of its forces by May 1.

Well, they did. They did, for sure - for sure. I mean, the first - the most obvious thing about this agreement is that the Afghan government was left out of it. And, I mean, the reasons for that are kind of complicated, but essentially, you know, the U.S. was - they were negotiating with the Taliban about whether or not to remove their troops, not with the Afghan government, which is hosting the troops.

And, of course, the Taliban, the guys they're sitting across from at the table - you know, these guys were deemed terrorists, you know? And they - these are the guys that gave sanctuary to Osama bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks. And so these are people that we didn't even acknowledge. We didn't acknowledge their legitimacy. And, you know, we're actively trying to kill them. And now we're sitting across the table from them.

So the Taliban - the leaders are sitting at the table, and they're negotiating with the Afghan government right now about some kind of peace deal, you know, cease-fire or some kind of interim government, the thing that's supposed to end the war. But at the same time they're doing that, they've launched this very aggressive assassination campaign, which is basically targeting the elites and the educated classes, the people and the women - the people who have benefited most and the people who have really stepped to the fore since 9/11. It's the 9/11 generation, the post-2001 generation, which, basically, the United States has enabled. And so it's educated people. It's women. It's women's rights activists. It's people with master's degrees and Ph.D.s. And they're targeting them - judges, lawyers, journalists, aid workers - one after the other. So I think we're at pretty close to 500 assassinations since the peace agreement was signed.
The Taliban were breaking the agreement before Trump left office.

The deal itself is simple, but it kind of sets off this cascade of other things which are not so simple. But the deal basically says the Taliban won't kill any Americans, and we won't attack the Taliban. And if all goes well and the Taliban agree not to support any kind of terrorism against the United States or not to allow terrorists in the country or any kind of bases, the United States will leave and go to zero and take out all of its forces by May 1.

Well, they did. They did, for sure - for sure. I mean, the first - the most obvious thing about this agreement is that the Afghan government was left out of it. And, I mean, the reasons for that are kind of complicated, but essentially, you know, the U.S. was - they were negotiating with the Taliban about whether or not to remove their troops, not with the Afghan government, which is hosting the troops.

And, of course, the Taliban, the guys they're sitting across from at the table - you know, these guys were deemed terrorists, you know? And they - these are the guys that gave sanctuary to Osama bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks. And so these are people that we didn't even acknowledge. We didn't acknowledge their legitimacy. And, you know, we're actively trying to kill them. And now we're sitting across the table from them.

So the Taliban - the leaders are sitting at the table, and they're negotiating with the Afghan government right now about some kind of peace deal, you know, cease-fire or some kind of interim government, the thing that's supposed to end the war. But at the same time they're doing that, they've launched this very aggressive assassination campaign, which is basically targeting the elites and the educated classes, the people and the women - the people who have benefited most and the people who have really stepped to the fore since 9/11. It's the 9/11 generation, the post-2001 generation, which, basically, the United States has enabled. And so it's educated people. It's women. It's women's rights activists. It's people with master's degrees and Ph.D.s. And they're targeting them - judges, lawyers, journalists, aid workers - one after the other. So I think we're at pretty close to 500 assassinations since the peace agreement was signed.

Yeah....moron...we know....that is why Trump didn't pull out the troops or shut down the fucking airport at Bagram......

The people controlling biden did both, stranding the civilians and leaving them to the mercy of the taliban.....

Even the democrat party controlled media and press can't lie about Trump on this....which is why they haven't blamed Trump....you doofus....
Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. Here is my Cut/Paste response...

Honderden Taliban-strijders op weg naar opstandige Panjshir-vallei

Honderden Taliban-strijders op weg naar opstandige Panjshir-vallei​

22 augustus 2021 20:16Laatste update: 2 uur geleden
218 NUjij-reacties
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De Taliban zeggen "honderden strijders" naar de Panjshir-vallei ten noordoosten van Kaboel te hebben gestuurd. De vallei is niet in handen van de radicaalislamitische groepering en biedt verschansing aan groeperingen die het willen opnemen tegen de Taliban.

De troepen worden gestuurd "omdat lokale leiders weigerden het gebied vredig over te dragen", aldus een woordvoerder van de Taliban. Sinds de machtsovername van de Taliban zijn volgens een woordvoerder van verzetsgroepen duizenden mensen naar de vallei getrokken.
Onder hen zouden zich ook restanten van het Afghaanse leger bevinden. De regio is omringd door steile bergketens en is daarom een geschikte plek om aanvallers af te weren. Tijdens het bewind van de Taliban in de jaren negentig lukte het de groep evenmin om de vallei in te nemen.
Ahmad Massoud, zoon een van de befaamde strijder tegen de Taliban tijdens het bewind van de jaren negentig, probeert een verzetsmacht op te zetten vanuit de vallei. Hij heeft via de Washington Post de Verenigde Staten gevraagd om wapens voor zijn opstand.
Beelden tonen enorme chaos bij luchthaven Kaboel

Beelden tonen enorme chaos bij luchthaven Kaboel

'We waarschuwen voor bloedvergieten'​

Massoud zegt dat hij "in de Panjshir in zijn vaders voetstappen wil treden", maar dat hij bevoorrading nodig heeft om dat te doen. Via lokale media heeft Massoud de Taliban al uitgedaagd: "We zijn klaar om Afghanistan te verdedigen en we waarschuwen voor bloedvergieten."
Massoud zou volgens berichten worden vergezeld door de voormalig vicepresident van Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh. Hij liet na de machtsovername weten niet met de Taliban te zullen samenwerken en nooit te zullen buigen voor de groepering. Sinds ex-president Ashraf Ghani gevlucht is, claimt Saleh de wettelijke leider van het land te zijn.

Here are some more...

Zondag 22 augustus 2021

Linssen bezorgt Feyenoord moeizame overwinning op Go Ahead Eagles

Linssen bezorgt Feyenoord moeizame overwinning op Go Ahead Eagles​

22 augustus 2021 16:22Laatste update: 6 uur geleden
155 NUjij-reacties
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Feyenoord heeft zondag met veel pijn en moeite gewonnen van het gepromoveerde Go Ahead Eagles. Een blunder van Go Ahead-keeper Warner Hahn leidde de 2-0-zege van de Rotterdammers in de eigen Kuip in.
Volg nieuws over FeyenoordVolgenOntvang meldingen bij belangrijke ontwikkelingen rondom Feyenoord

Na verschillende grote kansen voor Feyenoord maakte Bryan Linssen na een uur spelen de 1-0 in De Kuip. Hahn stond een rebound toe bij een schot van Luis Sinisterra en Linssen faalde niet voor een leeg doel. In de slotfase maakte hij met een fraai afstandsschot de 2-0 voor Feyenoord.
Door de overwinning op Go Ahead Eagles is Feyenoord nog altijd ongeslagen in het nieuwe seizoen. De Rotterdammers wonnen vorige week bij de competitiestart overtuigend van Willem II (0-4), terwijl de ploeg van trainer Arne Slot in de Conference League ook te sterk was voor FC Drita, FC Luzern en afgelopen donderdag IF Elfsborg. Feyenoord is na twee duels ook koploper in de Eredivisie.
Een smet op de overwinning van Feyenoord was het uitvallen van Marcos Senesi. De Argentijnse verdediger voelde na een duel aan zijn bovenbeen en kon niet meer verder. Wouter Burger nam zijn plaats in.

Go Ahead Eagles heeft na twee duels nog geen punt in de Eredivisie. De club uit Deventer, die voor het eerst sinds 2017 uitkomt op het hoogste niveau van Nederland, verloor vorige week in eigen huis van Heerenveen (0-1).
Bryan Linssen balt zijn vuist na zijn tweede doelpunt voor Feyenoord.

Bryan Linssen balt zijn vuist na zijn tweede doelpunt voor Feyenoord.

Foto: Getty Images

Linssen grote man bij Feyenoord​

Door de galavoorstelling tegen Elfsborg begon Feyenoord vol goede moed aan het duel met Go Ahead Eagles, maar na vijf minuten volgde al een tegenvaller voor trainer Slot. Senesi bleef geblesseerd op de grond liggen na een kopduel en kon niet meer verder.
Met Burger in zijn plaats nam Feyenoord het initiatief in De Kuip en het was Burger zelf die de eerste grote kans voor de thuisploeg creëerde. Zijn schot na een half uur kon echter gepareerd worden door Hahn, die ook vlak na rust keerde op de inzet van Guus Til.
Na een misser van Til (naast) kwam Feyenoord na een uur spelen op voorsprong. Hahn liet een schot van Sinisterra eenvoudig los en Linssen faalde niet voor een leeg doel. De blunder was een pijnlijk moment voor de doelman, die van 2014 tot 2017 onder contract stond bij Feyenoord.
Go Ahead Eagles zette in de slotfase nog wel aan voor de gelijkmaker, maar Feyenoord besliste vlak voor tijd de wedstrijd met de 2-0. Linssen schoot de bal van zo'n 20 meter hard in de kruising en bezorgde Feyenoord daarmee een vlekkeloze start van het nieuwe seizoen.

Still not convinced...? Well, this will convince you...

金曲32》年度專輯 桑布伊《得力量》(完整得獎名單)​

2021/08/21 23:24

黃婷/阿峰今天沒有來《給你們 Dear All》
陳昱榕(瘦子E.SO)/伯父《Outta Body靈魂出竅》
小寒/倖存者《《倖存者 • 如你》雙EP》

黃少雍/好風景 Dazzled《給你們 Dear All》
YELLOW黃宣/你是不是誤會什麼 (Miss understanding)《你是不是誤會什麼(Miss understanding)》
嘟嘟/Last Animals《Last Animals》
桑布伊/得力量 pulu'em
馬曉安/早安 mziboq su/動靜音樂製作股份有限公司

達卡鬧 / 流浪的Naluwan
得力量 pulu'em
akokey 親愛的你好嗎
海女 Lady of the ocean
?te以《A Bedroom of One's Own》獲最佳新人獎。(影藝中心攝影組)
李浩瑋 Howard Lee/Diamond In The Rough
青虫 aoi/有你的故事
?te/A Bedroom of One's Own

伍佰/伍佰&China Blue透南風演唱會影音全紀錄

蔡家蓁/若是你 想欲了解我

OVDS/黑的韌性 Black & Toughness
生祥樂隊/野蓮出庄 Water Snowflake Goes to Market
落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster/SOFT STORM 柔性風暴
漂流出口/海女 Lady of the ocean
deca joins/鳥鳥鳥 Bird and Reflections
尋人啟事以《Dear Adult》獲最佳演唱組合獎。(台視提供)
守夜人 Night Keepers/使者
追風少女FALI/追風少女迷你專輯 -玖貳玖
張三李四/Seen it all?
原子邦妮 Astro Bunny/樂遊原
尋人啟事/Dear Adult


羅文岑;林純用;李根政/野蓮出庄 Water Snowflake Goes to Market
陳世川/得力量 pulu'em

舞女《Bedtime Story》
Candlelight(feat. OHHYUK)《SOFT STORM 柔性風暴》
給你們 Dear All/萬芳

曾仲瑋/O nga Onga


Khah-lah Thien-thoì(卡拉電台)

Fly By Light



傅麥特/Don't Get Too Comfortable不要過太爽
hirsk/noista/gia 噪噪噪噪切


KUNG's vol.1

出沒地帶(Where Is SHI?)

畫話 Drawing Dialogue
得力量 pulu'em

桑布伊/maava / 擁抱 / Embrace《得力量 pulu'em》
韋禮安/I Wrote a Song for You《Sounds of My Life》


李欣芸/爛天氣《絕類 UNIQUE》

黃韻玲/給你們 Dear All
米奇林MCKY;剃刀蔣;孫盛希/出沒地帶(Where Is SHI?)
曾仁義;洪子龍;桑布伊/得力量 pulu'em
阿峰今天沒有來《給你們 Dear All》
伯父《Outta Body靈魂出竅》
若是明仔載 feat. ?te 壞特《自本》
maava / 擁抱 / Embrace《得力量 pulu'em》
因為你 所以我《因為你 所以我(Because Of You)》
瘦子E.SO/Outta Body靈魂出竅
林俊傑/《倖存者 • 如你》
韋禮安/Sounds of My Life

萬芳/給你們 Dear All
孫盛希/出沒地帶(Where Is SHI?)

給你們 Dear All
出沒地帶(Where Is SHI?)
Sounds of My Life

If you don't understand the OP, stay away from the thread

The Taliban were breaking the agreement before Trump left office.

The deal itself is simple, but it kind of sets off this cascade of other things which are not so simple. But the deal basically says the Taliban won't kill any Americans, and we won't attack the Taliban. And if all goes well and the Taliban agree not to support any kind of terrorism against the United States or not to allow terrorists in the country or any kind of bases, the United States will leave and go to zero and take out all of its forces by May 1.

Well, they did. They did, for sure - for sure. I mean, the first - the most obvious thing about this agreement is that the Afghan government was left out of it. And, I mean, the reasons for that are kind of complicated, but essentially, you know, the U.S. was - they were negotiating with the Taliban about whether or not to remove their troops, not with the Afghan government, which is hosting the troops.

And, of course, the Taliban, the guys they're sitting across from at the table - you know, these guys were deemed terrorists, you know? And they - these are the guys that gave sanctuary to Osama bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks. And so these are people that we didn't even acknowledge. We didn't acknowledge their legitimacy. And, you know, we're actively trying to kill them. And now we're sitting across the table from them.

So the Taliban - the leaders are sitting at the table, and they're negotiating with the Afghan government right now about some kind of peace deal, you know, cease-fire or some kind of interim government, the thing that's supposed to end the war. But at the same time they're doing that, they've launched this very aggressive assassination campaign, which is basically targeting the elites and the educated classes, the people and the women - the people who have benefited most and the people who have really stepped to the fore since 9/11. It's the 9/11 generation, the post-2001 generation, which, basically, the United States has enabled. And so it's educated people. It's women. It's women's rights activists. It's people with master's degrees and Ph.D.s. And they're targeting them - judges, lawyers, journalists, aid workers - one after the other. So I think we're at pretty close to 500 assassinations since the peace agreement was signed.

Hey, remember when you got all choked up when Trump had Sulimani taken off the table?
Trump was just bragging about how many troops he was pulling out.

In any event, thank you for demonstrating that Trumps plan was horseshit since the Taliban was violating it.

Wow! You’re really reaching here. I can tell the reality of International Laughingstock *Joes incompetence is wearing down the leftists.
Trump’s plan was that the Taliban would meet conditions to pull troops out.

So start with a horseshit plan that required the Taliban to behave.

But then, as you say, the Taliban wasn’t meeting conditions, and he still pulled out troops, pulling out troop levels down to just 2500

So it was a shitty plan that he wasn’t even following.

So why didn’t International Disgrace *Joe recognize all of this and take corrective action?
So why didn’t International Disgrace *Joe recognize all of this and take corrective action?

See....now you went too far.......you have actually asked the one question that craps all over the "It's Trump's fault" narrative they are so desperately trying to create....
So why didn’t International Disgrace *Joe recognize all of this and take corrective action?
Action to correct what exactly? Biden recognized that the Taliban was not a legitimate partner in negotiations and so abandoned reliance on their participation in the process.
Action to correct what exactly? Biden recognized that the Taliban was not a legitimate partner in negotiations and so abandoned reliance on their participation in the process.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What is it with you lefties this past week.........you keep posting the funniest stuff..........

When your own minions in the democrat party controlled press can't lie about Trump and the mess the people controlling biden have created, you should really stop making these jokes....

the people controlling biden fucked up....royally..........and the stink is all over them....
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What is it with you lefties this past week.........you keep posting the funniest stuff..........

When your own minions in the democrat party controlled press can't lie about Trump and the mess the people controlling biden have created, you should really stop making these jokes....

the people controlling biden fucked up....royally..........and the stink is all over them....
Not seeing any actual counter argument.

You are controlled by a media narrative and incapable of independent thought.

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