Ever Wondered Why Cops Can Kick Your Ass And Lie To You Without Consequences?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I never knew this until just the other day, and this shit has to be the most outrageous crap I've ever heard. No wonder cops have been out there strutting around violating every constitutional right people have. YOU can't PROSECUTE them for them it. Did you know that? Ya, it's called QUALIFIED IMMUNITY... and it's PURE BULL SHIT. Cops have TOO MUCH POWER, and this garbage needs to be CUT OFF. I mean who in the HELL ever did this in the first place? Sheeeeezuz....

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cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic
What ever happened to the old, "to serve and protect?" That was what cops used to say they were all about. Well, pfft, that's out the window. The cops have been getting more and more aggressive, arrogant and violent as the years go by, and why is that? Well, shit, because they CAN and NOT have to worry about CONSEQUENCES.

For Christ sake... I'm just blown away with this QUALIFIED IMMUNITY crap. I mean seriously... WTF? WHY? Why give ANYONE that kind of power, wearing a badge or not. It just BEGS abuse. Seriously, that shit has to be STOPPED.
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic

Any police officer can pour you a cup of interrogation room coffee, promise your verbal statement will be taken off the record, and then proceed to record the entire thing. But before that can happen an above average cop will advise you of your rights, and most importantly, that you need not say a word to them at that moment or for as long as you are in their custody. But there exist many good reasons for cops to lie to suspects. Chief among them is quite obvious: the really smart career criminals play by no rules and have become masters of exploiting the laws and regulations and procedures cops must follow. The real problem here? Too many Americans believe what they see in cop shows and other crime dramas about police procedure and the law. Just because a person is innocent does not mean the police or a jury will prove or find them so. So sure, our system of law enforcement is not perfect. What it is, however, is a thin blue line between savage victimhood and enough societal order to pursue the American Dream—provided the average citizen also applies a large dose of common sense to daily life.
I never knew this until just the other day, and this shit has to be the most outrageous crap I've ever heard. No wonder cops have been out there strutting around violating every constitutional right people have. YOU can't PROSECUTE them for them it. Did you know that? Ya, it's called QUALIFIED IMMUNITY... and it's PURE BULL SHIT. Cops have TOO MUCH POWER, and this garbage needs to be CUT OFF. I mean who in the HELL ever did this in the first place? Sheeeeezuz....

Excerpt from another member with suggestions on reform:

If you want to see real reform in the Police. It would take Just a couple little changes. First, Congress passes a law stating that Qualified Immunity is only applicable if the Officer was following Training, Policy, and Procedure as well as the law. Second and last change. All lawsuit settlements and payments must come from the Pension funds of the cops.

Imagine the situation in that case. Derek is kneeling on a neck. Another cop comes up and says. “Get off of him. I retire in two years and I am not taking a job at Walmart because you are an idiot.”

Dumb cops wouldn’t be covered up for, they would be pushed out the door. Thugs would be pushed off of the force in a minute. Every cop would call every citizen Sir or Ma’am without hesitation. Because the rest of the cops would be furious if their Retirement was cut down because of the actions of an asshole.
The end result: race relations will appear to improve, but actually get worse
I never knew this until just the other day, and this shit has to be the most outrageous crap I've ever heard. No wonder cops have been out there strutting around violating every constitutional right people have. YOU can't PROSECUTE them for them it. Did you know that? Ya, it's called QUALIFIED IMMUNITY... and it's PURE BULL SHIT. Cops have TOO MUCH POWER, and this garbage needs to be CUT OFF. I mean who in the HELL ever did this in the first place? Sheeeeezuz....

Let me guess. SovCit?
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic

Any police officer can pour you a cup of interrogation room coffee, promise your verbal statement will be taken off the record, and then proceed to record the entire thing. But before that can happen an above average cop will advise you of your rights, and most importantly, that you need not say a word to them at that moment or for as long as you are in their custody. But there exist many good reasons for cops to lie to suspects. Chief among them is quite obvious: the really smart career criminals play by no rules and have become masters of exploiting the laws and regulations and procedures cops must follow. The real problem here? Too many Americans believe what they see in cop shows and other crime dramas about police procedure and the law. Just because a person is innocent does not mean the police or a jury will prove or find them so. So sure, our system of law enforcement is not perfect. What it is, however, is a thin blue line between savage victimhood and enough societal order to pursue the American Dream—provided the average citizen also applies a large dose of common sense to daily life.
Just lying to you isn't all what this is about, obviously.

But even if it was, if it's illegally for you to lie to a cop, which it is, then it should be illegal for a cop to lie to you.

The badge shouldn't give a person, a cop, or anyone else, any sort of immunity from prosecution for violating someone's constitutional rights, period. That's just like these radical leftist mayors thinking they can usurp the constitution and order businesses to close and for people not to leave their homes. Either we have a constitution that everyone needs to follow, EVERYONE, or we don't. NO ONE should be above it or be able to bend it.
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic

If it were illegal to lie, dating, as we know it, would be forever destroyed.
One of the world's first legal documents lists ten prohibitions, and lying counts among them.
One of the world's first legal documents lists ten prohibitions, and lying counts among them.

Actually, the 10 Commandments prohibit lying about other people. There is nothing in there about lying to other people.
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic
What ever happened to the old, "to serve and protect?" That was what cops used to say they were all about. Well, pfft, that's out the window. The cops have been getting more and more aggressive, arrogant and violent as the years go by, and why is that? Well, shit, because they CAN and NOT have to worry about CONSEQUENCES.

For Christ sake... I'm just blown away with this QUALIFIED IMMUNITY crap. I mean seriously... WTF? WHY? Why give ANYONE that kind of power, wearing a badge or not. It just BEGS abuse. Seriously, that shit has to be STOPPED.
As has been pointed out, the fact that the police are necessary is a statement that society doesn't work.
No, it's a reflection of human nature. People, without morals, lack empathy and will do what they please to get what they want. They dont honor you rights, and they dont give a damn about your rights. The police, in theory, shield the decent from the predators
One of the world's first legal documents lists ten prohibitions, and lying counts among them.

Actually, the 10 Commandments prohibit lying about other people. There is nothing in there about lying to other people.
And THIS is what Jesus meant when He said, "Do not think I have come to abolish the Law. I have not come to abolish, but to make FULL." So people wouldn't play these word games with something as deadly serious as the COMMANDMENTS
As has been pointed out, the fact that the police are necessary is a statement that society doesn't work.
No, it's a reflection of human nature. People, without morals, lack empathy and will do what they please to get what they want. They dont honor you rights, and they dont give a damn about your rights. The police, in theory, shield the decent from the predators
That is what I said; society (parents, schools, religions, etc.) don't function as they might/should.
cops have TOLD me----that they can LEGALLY lie to people that they are investigating for a violation
or crime. Compared to lawyers, I find them angelic

If it were illegal to lie, dating, as we know it, would be forever destroyed.
The issue is that the human race loves its documents on people. The people making them can have a record worse then the one receiving it.

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