Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

NamVet, Robert McNamara admitted in 1995 that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident didn't happen.

Are you angry that the US Gov't lied us into War?

You think that's the ONLY time the US Gov't has ever lied?


pesky facts like that are something he wont look at.:D

You forgot to mention as well that the commander of that ship has also come out and said nobody ever fired onto their vessel and that they were acting on orders by Lyndon Johnson.
How many times do you have to remind people that Oswald was a traitor who renounced his Country and sought asylum in Russia....

For some reason the CIA invited Oswald back into the land of the free and the home of the brave with his new wife who was the daughter of a KGB officer without a hint of prejudice....

Next thing you know Oswald shows up in a Texas book depository....

The Warren Commission establishes a conspiracy to cover up the incredible mess....

Mission accomplished.
How many times do you have to remind some people that Oswald was an agent of the US "intelligence" government-within-a-government, sent to Russia by them as an agent, brought back to the USA with leniency for his faked "treason," and served up by his duplicitous "handlers" as a patsy in a high-level assassination plot.

The CIA and related agencies must have whole stables of potential patsies whom they can use to conceal their nefarious operations.

I am sure a very interesting research study could be done that would reveal the existence of these stables of patsies, going back many decades -- but, of course, the government would never release the relevant information!!

pretty amazing isnt it that they always ignore the facts that have emerged from freedom of information acts that the ARRB filed in the 90's of documents unearthed that proved what many reseachers for years suspected to be true but could never prove as fact till then that Oswald was an informant for the FBI and CIA and that his uncle had mob connections as well.

you would think the sheople would start to understand that he was on an intelligence mission for the government in Russia the fact that just like whitehall mentioned,he worked as a radar operater at atsugi japan which was the home of the U2 spy planes. :cuckoo:

Thats when "I" started getting suspecious of the fairy tales of the warren commission when they left out that little fact about him.

the warren commissions version of oswald is so laughable it would be laughable if it wasnt such a sick plot they have brainwashed the public with for 50 years now.these are the fairy tales below the american sheople bought into hook,line,and sinker and were suppressed from in the media and in our corrupt school text books as well.

amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.
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to me its just more smoke filled coffee house crap. conspirators have taken this back to committees over the years on many occasions and come with zero. nada. if they ever prove the warren commission wrong you have my apology

oh sure after murdering 58,000 i have total trust in it :eusa_whistle:

IF it was an echo, then you only have 2 BULLETS, not 3. HOW do you explain the wounds?

try reading. I said what was reported. 3 shots in 6 secs or less. how many echo's from 3 shots??? at least 3. i contend more. where you come up with 2 is beyond me.

every bear in wyoming knows about the wounds. hello

Witnesses said they heard 3 shots....BANG................................BANG BANG.

1 shot, then a pause, then 2 shots almost simultaneous. If you are saying one of those BANGS was an echo, you only have 2 shots.

every bear in wyoming knows you cannot fire off 2 simultaneous shots with a bolt action rifle. THUS, there was more than one gunman.
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something the magic bullet theorists always ignore is that there have been many witnesses that have come forward over the years in the 80's and 90's to tell independent researchers they saw a gunman behind the picket fence firing a rifle and the reason they kept quiet for so long was because of how many people who gave versions of events different than the governments that did not go along with the governments version ended up dying in mysterious deaths.

example-Rose Cheramie.she was a lady who was hooked on drugs that a highway officer found on the side of the highway a couple days before the assassination -new orleans was heavily connected in the assassination.

when he brought her into the hospital,she was telling the doctor there was a plot by some MEN to kill kennedy and they were on their way to dallas to do it.

since she was on drugs the doctor did not take her seriously and did not report it till after the assassination when he then took it seriously.He then informed the Louisiana police and conviently for the government,she wound up dying later on.one of many very strange and conveinient deaths for the government.

there was a probability anaysis and database used to calculate the probability of them dying the way the official versions said and this was the probability.

Some have questioned the relevance of the unnatural and suspicious witness deaths related to the assassination. Of the 110 witnesses listed in the spreadsheet, 77 met unnatural deaths (homicides, suicides, accidents) and 33 were highly suspicious (heart attacks, sudden cancers, etc.).

Of the 110 witnesses, 62 were called to testify in four investigations: 25 at the Warren Commission, 12 were sought by prosecutor Jim Garrison at the Clay Shaw trial, 5 by the Church Senate Intelligence Committee, 20 by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). Ten of the 62 were sought in two investigations, therefore 52 of the 110 witnesses were indisputably relevant. But the 58 witnesses who were not called were also relevant(see the database).

What is the probability that 52 out of 800 witnesses called to testify would die in 1964-77? Assuming the 0.000669 weighted total mortality rate, less than 1 in a TRILLION TRILLION.

Probability Analysis and Database of JFK Assassination Witness Deaths | Richard Charnin's Blog

the magic bullet theorists are so much in denial they're pitiful jokes.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

They got brave and were willing to tell their story since they were old and no longer afraid of being killed off anymore.
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IF it was an echo, then you only have 2 BULLETS, not 3. HOW do you explain the wounds?

try reading. I said what was reported. 3 shots in 6 secs or less. how many echo's from 3 shots??? at least 3. i contend more. where you come up with 2 is beyond me.

every bear in wyoming knows about the wounds. hello

Witnesses said they heard 3 shots....BANG................................BANG BANG.

1 shot, then a pause, then 2 shots almost simultaneous. If you are saying one of those BANGS was an echo, you only have 2 shots.

every bear in wyoming knows you cannot fire off 2 simultaneous shots with a bolt action rifle. THUS, there was more than one gunman.

no im not saying that at all. that's your assumption. I said 3 shot and 3 echo's. or more. . again. 3 shots 3 echos or more. prove there was more than one. no one else on here has. if you want help consult with 911fuckjob.

3 shots 3 echo's or more.
something the magic bullet theorists always ignore is that there have been many witnesses that have come forward over the years in the 80's and 90's to tell independent researchers they saw a gunman behind the picket fence firing a rifle and the reason they kept quiet for so long was because of how many people who gave versions of events different than the governments that did not go along with the governments version ended up dying in mysterious deaths.

example-Rose Cheramie.she was a lady who was hooked on drugs that a highway officer found on the side of the highway a couple days before the assassination -new orleans was heavily connected in the assassination.

when he brought her into the hospital,she was telling the doctor there was a plot by some MEN to kill kennedy and they were on their way to dallas to do it.

since she was on drugs the doctor did not take her seriously and did not report it till after the assassination when he then took it seriously.He then informed the Louisiana police and conviently for the government,she wound up dying later on.one of many very strangee and conveinient deaths for the government.

They got brave and were willing to tell their story since they were old and no longer afraid of being killed off anymore.

example-Rose Cheramie.she was a lady who was hooked on drugs that a highway officer found on the side of the highway a couple days before the assassination -new orleans was heavily connected in the assassination.

gotta be your mother

took you off ignore to view this childish post because i had a feeling you were replying.

thanks for proving as always,when you are cornered with facts you cant refute,you dont try and counter them,you just throw make childish posts like the child you are and are clearly here just to troll.cant counter facts,dont address them,just do the easy thing,insult and evade.:clap2:nice.
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NamVet, Robert McNamara admitted in 1995 that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident didn't happen.

Are you angry that the US Gov't lied us into War?

You think that's the ONLY time the US Gov't has ever lied?


pesky facts like that are something he wont look at.:D

You forgot to mention as well that the commander of that ship has also come out and said nobody ever fired onto their vessel and that they were acting on orders by Lyndon Johnson.

american communist as you can see from his posts on this page ALONE,he is just a child whos only purpose here is to troll.He wont address facts or watch videos that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that he worships so dont bother with him.put him on ignore like i have done.
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Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its been fun...but not very. time for me to go...to much intellectual starvation here for me​
try reading. I said what was reported. 3 shots in 6 secs or less. how many echo's from 3 shots??? at least 3. i contend more. where you come up with 2 is beyond me.

every bear in wyoming knows about the wounds. hello

Witnesses said they heard 3 shots....BANG................................BANG BANG.

1 shot, then a pause, then 2 shots almost simultaneous. If you are saying one of those BANGS was an echo, you only have 2 shots.

every bear in wyoming knows you cannot fire off 2 simultaneous shots with a bolt action rifle. THUS, there was more than one gunman.

no im not saying that at all. that's your assumption. I said 3 shot and 3 echo's. or more. . again. 3 shots 3 echos or more. prove there was more than one. no one else on here has. if you want help consult with 911fuckjob.

3 shots 3 echo's or more.

Witnesses said they heard 3 shots....BANG................................BANG BANG.

How do you explain the last 2 shot being almost simultaneous if it was a lone assassin firing a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano BOLT ACTION rifle? And according to one of the Warren Commission testers, "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"
I'm still a little busy so this is taking a long time to sort out.
The big problem is, there's so much uniformed or seriously biased stuff to dismiss, it becomes hard to find actual facts.
My initial findings suggest there was something fishy but trawling through the mud is hard work so I can't make informed comment at the moment.
One thing does strike me.
The internet is full of totally uniformed morons without a clue but it's also full of people with an agenda who try to bury an issue with as much crap as they can post.
Sometimes it isn't searching for facts but searching the history of who wrote the history and trying to see if that person has an interesting history that would give them reason to skew details or simply put out false information.
If you look at 9/11, the pro "It happened exactly as the government said" brigade put out a false pro truther story and, when someone picks up on it, they debunk it.
I feel the same thing is happening here.
I'm still a little busy so this is taking a long time to sort out.
The big problem is, there's so much uniformed or seriously biased stuff to dismiss, it becomes hard to find actual facts.
My initial findings suggest there was something fishy but trawling through the mud is hard work so I can't make informed comment at the moment.
One thing does strike me.
The internet is full of totally uniformed morons without a clue but it's also full of people with an agenda who try to bury an issue with as much crap as they can post.
Sometimes it isn't searching for facts but searching the history of who wrote the history and trying to see if that person has an interesting history that would give them reason to skew details or simply put out false information.
If you look at 9/11, the pro "It happened exactly as the government said" brigade put out a false pro truther story and, when someone picks up on it, they debunk it.
I feel the same thing is happening here.

Whoa ... lemme be sure I understand you correctly. You're saying the raft of 9/11 CTs are from peeps trying to cover for the real perps? That 19 angry Muslims screaming "Allah Akbar" did not plan and execute 9/11 and that their actions did not bring down the TTs?
Sometimes it isn't searching for facts but searching the history of who wrote the history and trying to see if that person has an interesting history that would give them reason to skew details or simply put out false information.

This is a fascinating take that needs to be explored and expanded.

Who wrote the history of the assassination of the President of the United States in 1963? Who would have the power to write that history?

How about the succeeding president, an all mighty director of the FBI, and the Justice Department? They would certainly have the power to write history in the short term.

That is EXACTLY what they did. And we are still burdened with the disinformation and coverup of facts that decision created.

HOW did they do it?

The Big Lie Begins

It's important to understand that from the very beginning, officials of our government did not want a true investigation and made every attempt to "make the public satisfied that Oswald was the assassin."

There may be no other document that makes it more clear that there was no interest in a true investigation by the highest federal authorities and it was issued just days after the assassination. A memo prepared by Walter Jenkins reflects his conversation with J. Edgar Hoover where Hoover makes this telling statement:

"The thing I am most concerned about, and Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that they can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

This conversation occurred on November 24, 1963, one day prior to Katzenbach's memo below. Meanwhile, Hoover himself wrote a glaring similar memo on the same day that reads:

"The thing I am most concerned about, and SO IS Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that WE can convince the pubic that Oswald is the real assassin." (HSCA, vol 3, pp 471-473. This memo was apparently prepared by Hoover at 4 pm.)

A third memo written by the FBI's Courtney Evans on November 26th mentions that Hoover himself drafted the Katzenbach memo. (North, "Act of Treason")


Memo from Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, Deputy Attorney General

November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General

Sometimes it isn't searching for facts but searching the history of who wrote the history and trying to see if that person has an interesting history that would give them reason to skew details or simply put out false information.

This is a fascinating take that needs to be explored and expanded.

Who wrote the history of the assassination of the President of the United States in 1963? Who would have the power to write that history?

How about the succeeding president, an all mighty director of the FBI, and the Justice Department? They would certainly have the power to write history in the short term.

That is EXACTLY what they did. And we are still burdened with the disinformation and coverup of facts that decision created.

HOW did they do it?

The Big Lie Begins

It's important to understand that from the very beginning, officials of our government did not want a true investigation and made every attempt to "make the public satisfied that Oswald was the assassin."

There may be no other document that makes it more clear that there was no interest in a true investigation by the highest federal authorities and it was issued just days after the assassination. A memo prepared by Walter Jenkins reflects his conversation with J. Edgar Hoover where Hoover makes this telling statement:

"The thing I am most concerned about, and Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that they can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

This conversation occurred on November 24, 1963, one day prior to Katzenbach's memo below. Meanwhile, Hoover himself wrote a glaring similar memo on the same day that reads:

"The thing I am most concerned about, and SO IS Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that WE can convince the pubic that Oswald is the real assassin." (HSCA, vol 3, pp 471-473. This memo was apparently prepared by Hoover at 4 pm.)

A third memo written by the FBI's Courtney Evans on November 26th mentions that Hoover himself drafted the Katzenbach memo. (North, "Act of Treason")


Memo from Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, Deputy Attorney General

November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General

Could you provide a link to the HSCA reference to those memos?
I find only blog conversations.
As you noted, Indofred make a valid point about who writes the history.
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its hysterical that the magic bullet theorists like namkid wont read the link in my opening post.

if they bothered,they would see where it says this in it below which proves the thread title to be correct and they deny reality.lol

3.The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

trolls like him keep ignoring what this title says that they actually DID say that in the report.:D yet they STILL defend the magic bullet theory.:lmao::lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

but whats really comedy gold the most though is they keep lying saying as well saying nobody has proven there were multiple shooters there when in fact I proved it MANY times with this video.

this video shows clear photographic proof there were multiple unnaccountable bullets found there that day as seen in these photos in this video that could not be traced to oswalds rifle.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

its been proven there were multiple shooters there that day.of course in THEIR warped minds they have,they are going to say it hasnt been proven and thats because they have proven in spades they wont look at the evidence refusing to watch the videos with the pictures photographed that day.

not my fault the trolls like dawgshit,predfan troll and nam kid wanna be vet,wont look at the evidence and only see what they WANT to see.:cuckoo:
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Whats this I see? looky here,still MORE multiple unnaccountable bullets found that day authorities that could not be linked to oswalds rifle and noticed by POLICE OFFICERS experienced in forensics.all covered up and never made the warren commission report.

Guess this doctor and these police officers here who said they saw a bullet hole in the windsheild of the Limo and it was an ENTRANCE wound from the front to back,are delusional and dont know what they are talking about according to namkid and others.

comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtFoPCKVp-8]Bullet holes in the limousine and extra bullets in Dealey Plaza (Extended English Version) - YouTube[/ame]
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How many times do you have to remind people that Oswald was a traitor who renounced his Country and sought asylum in Russia....

For some reason the CIA invited Oswald back into the land of the free and the home of the brave with his new wife who was the daughter of a KGB officer without a hint of prejudice....

Next thing you know Oswald shows up in a Texas book depository....

The Warren Commission establishes a conspiracy to cover up the incredible mess....

Mission accomplished.
How many times do you have to remind some people that Oswald was an agent of the US "intelligence" government-within-a-government, sent to Russia by them as an agent, brought back to the USA with leniency for his faked "treason," and served up by his duplicitous "handlers" as a patsy in a high-level assassination plot.

The CIA and related agencies must have whole stables of potential patsies whom they can use to conceal their nefarious operations.

I am sure a very interesting research study could be done that would reveal the existence of these stables of patsies, going back many decades -- but, of course, the government would never release the relevant information!!

pretty amazing isnt it that they always ignore the facts that have emerged from freedom of information acts that the ARRB filed in the 90's of documents unearthed that proved what many reseachers for years suspected to be true but could never prove as fact till then that Oswald was an informant for the FBI and CIA and that his uncle had mob connections as well.

you would think the sheople would start to understand that he was on an intelligence mission for the government in Russia the fact that just like whitehall mentioned,he worked as a radar operater at atsugi japan which was the home of the U2 spy planes. :cuckoo:

Thats when "I" started getting suspecious of the fairy tales of the warren commission when they left out that little fact about him.

the warren commissions version of oswald is so laughable it would be laughable if it wasnt such a sick plot they have brainwashed the public with for 50 years now.these are the fairy tales below the american sheople bought into hook,line,and sinker and were suppressed from in the media and in our corrupt school text books as well.

amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government which I have already proved was the case.

i love how pesky facts are something magic bullet theorist namkid can never confront.hee hee.as always,he has no rebutalls,just childish insults.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Home | The Sixth Floor Museum

if you ever get the chance, go see it. I did years back on a business trip. for historical purposes Dealey Plaza looks today the exact same as it did that day. in pristine condition. I paid my ticket price and went up to the sixth floor. and i stood in the window next to the one where Ozwald was. the media claimed this shot requied some sort of expert with a rifle from long range. i didn't see it that way. it was at best just an average distance requiring no real special skill. IMO. I also went out on the street and stood on a small slab they claimed Zapruder filmed it. looking back towards the sixth floor it just was not that far away to me.


A Photographer's Story: Bob Jackson and the Kennedy Assassination - YouTube
What about the time required to fire three shots with a bolt action rifle?

"From Houston Street, the presidential limousine made the planned left turn onto Elm Street, allowing it access to the Stemmons Freeway exit. As it turned on Elm, the motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository. Shots were fired at President Kennedy as they continued down Elm Street.

"A clear majority of witnesses recalled hearing three shots.[15]

"A minority of the witnesses did recognize the first gunshot blast they heard as a weapon blast, but there was hardly any reaction to the first shot from a majority of the people in the crowd or those riding in the motorcade itself. Many later said they heard what they first thought to be a firecracker or the exhaust backfire of a vehicle just after the President started waving."

Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If millions of Americans had seen the Zapruder film on their local news within a week of JFK's murder, do you think we would be having this conversation today?

go see it. your questions will be answered
I suspect we were both alive during the last week of November 1963.
If the entire country had seen frame 313 within days of the murder on television, I think the Warren Commission's report would have faced much greater skepticism.

"After having a nightmare in which he saw a sign in Times Square read 'See the President's head explode!', Zapruder insisted that frame 313 be excluded from publication.[1]

"The November 29, 1963 issue of Life—which featured the 'LIFE' logo in a black box instead of the usual red box—published about 30 frames of the Zapruder film in black and white.

"Frames were also published in color in the December 6, 1963 special 'John F. Kennedy Memorial Edition', and in issues dated October 2, 1964 (a special article on the film and the Warren Commission report), November 25, 1966, and November 24, 1967."

Zapruder film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry to inform you all JFK is still dead, and nothing will ever be accomplished by rehashing what did or did not happen. The problem most people have is that they feel something has been lost and the world would be a different place today, sorry but its time to face the fact, he is still dead, we will never know. so man up and face it.
Sorry to inform you all JFK is still dead, and nothing will ever be accomplished by rehashing what did or did not happen. The problem most people have is that they feel something has been lost and the world would be a different place today, sorry but its time to face the fact, he is still dead, we will never know. so man up and face it.

Why do assholes like you even bother to reply on this thread? Does it somehow make you feel superior or wise?
Sorry to inform you all JFK is still dead, and nothing will ever be accomplished by rehashing what did or did not happen. The problem most people have is that they feel something has been lost and the world would be a different place today, sorry but its time to face the fact, he is still dead, we will never know. so man up and face it.


If he had lived,the world would not be screwed up like it is today.He was trying to get rid of the CIA and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today always starting gake and phony wars.and you should care as well because it affects you more than you know.

He was trying to return us to the constituion of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these big buinsess,corporations,and lobbyists do now.

He was going to get rid of the federal reserve that our forefathers like thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin warned the people to be aware of.

We would not have the IRS taking money out of our paychecks that is rightfully ours.Our right to freely elect our own leaders was taken away from us then that day and the country has gone downhill ever since with each president being worse than the previous one.

Carter being the exception.Ford was MUCH worse being in on the cover up like he was on the warren commission and then getting handsomely rewared for his partication in the coverup as well same as arlen specter.they both profitted immensely from their roles in the coverup.

when criminals can commit a crime and get away with it as they still do now,murdering over 58,000 americans in a war that would not have happend had JFK lived,then sorry,we live in a sick world and I dont know about you,but it makes me sick that we have to hear the lies keep spewing today and the message is clear,that if the government doesnt like the leader who represents us,they can murder him and get away with it scott free.

maybe that doesnt bother you,but a true american would care because this isnt the america that I grew up to believe in and I have never looked at the united states of america the same way since.many others feel the same way as well obviously.:cuckoo:

if that doesnt anger you,knowing that everything you were taught in our corrupt school system while growing up in our b.s textbooks we have that they STILL brainwash kids with ,then thats pretty sad.
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