...that 'March to the Capitol' was a conspiracy....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
That impromptu 'march' on January 6th wasn't impromptu.
It was a set-up.
Not by Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell or the FBI.
It was planned and organized by a close-knit group of White House operatives, Trump allies and enablers.

And as we all witnessed live on our TV's on January 6th, those thousands and thousands of marchers overwhelmed the few dozen Capitol guards who were not informed of a planned march, were not prepared for a march that had not been publicized or approved of by authorities beforehand.

Why was it kept secret by Trump and his enablers?
Did they truly want those guards to be trampled over and largely ineffective?
Why would they want that?
Did they truly want those thousands and thousands to get to our elected representatives and force them away from the Constitutionally mandated EC vote?

Yes, there was a 'set-up'. And it was under the knowledge and acquiescence of Don Trump, and Don Trump's enablers in the White House and his cabal of sycophant lawyers, aides and MAGA activists.

Just yesterday, another report came out about the subterfuge of a planned march...secret planned march.

"Interior Watchdog Confirms J6 Organizers Lied About Planned March On Capitol"

"The group that organized the pro-Donald Trump rally in front of the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, knowingly misled government officials about plans for attendees to march on the U.S. Capitol, according to a new investigation from the Interior Department’s internal watchdog.

The report, published Monday by Interior’s Official of Inspector General, includes text messages from Kylie Kremer ― the rally’s organizer, and a representative of the group Women for America First ― and one potential event speaker. The Interior report does not name the individuals, but the exchange between Kremer and Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO and Trump ally, was previously made public by the House Jan. 6 select committee.

“This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kremer wrote to Lindell on Jan. 4. “It cannot get out about the second stage because people will try and set up another and Sabotage it. It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but the POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”

“If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s not accurate info,” she continued. “Only myself and [White House liaison] know full story of what is actually happenin
g and we are having to appease many people by saying certain things.”

Officials with the National Park Service who were involved in permitting and preparing for the rally expressed shock when Interior investigators showed them the text exchange.

“One official stated it ‘bl[ew her] mind’ because the NPS repeatedly asked WFAF whether there would be a march and, according to the NPS official, the WFAF representative ‘was just adamant there was gonna be no march,’” the report states. “Another NPS official with whom we spoke similarly stated, ‘we asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us.’”
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Chillicothe anyone who does not understand that stone was pardoned to coordinate with the proud boys and that flynn was assigned to plan the battle and coordinate from the willard hotel war room is in denial.

"they look scruffy" trump (to stone) jan 6

authorities are still arresting black panthers escaped from the 60s.; these traitors should be watching their backs for many years.
That impromptu 'march' on January 6th wasn't impromptu.
It was a set-up.
Not by Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell or the FBI.
It was planned and organized by a close-knit group of White House operatives, Trump allies and enablers.

And as we all witnessed live on our TV's on January 6th, those thousands and thousands of marchers overwhelmed the few dozen Capitol guards who were not informed of a planned march, were not prepared for a march that had not been publicized or approved of by authorities beforehand.

Why was it kept secret by Trump and his enablers?
Did they truly want those guards to be trampled over and largely ineffective?
Why would they want that?
Did they truly want those thousands and thousands to get to our elected representatives and force them away from the Constitutionally mandated EC vote?

Yes, there was a 'set-up'. And it was under the knowledge and acquiescence of Don Trump, and Don Trump's enablers in the White House and his cabal of sycophant lawyers, aides and MAGA activists.

Just yesterday, another report came out about the subterfuge of a planned march...secret planned march.

"Interior Watchdog Confirms J6 Organizers Lied About Planned March On Capitol"

"The group that organized the pro-Donald Trump rally in front of the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, knowingly misled government officials about plans for attendees to march on the U.S. Capitol, according to a new investigation from the Interior Department’s internal watchdog.

The report, published Monday by Interior’s Official of Inspector General, includes text messages from Kylie Kremer ― the rally’s organizer, and a representative of the group Women for America First ― and one potential event speaker. The Interior report does not name the individuals, but the exchange between Kremer and Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO and Trump ally, was previously made public by the House Jan. 6 select committee.

“This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kremer wrote to Lindell on Jan. 4. “It cannot get out about the second stage because people will try and set up another and Sabotage it. It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but the POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”

“If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s not accurate info,” she continued. “Only myself and [White House liaison] know full story of what is actually happenin
g and we are having to appease many people by saying certain things.”

Officials with the National Park Service who were involved in permitting and preparing for the rally expressed shock when Interior investigators showed them the text exchange.

“One official stated it ‘bl[ew her] mind’ because the NPS repeatedly asked WFAF whether there would be a march and, according to the NPS official, the WFAF representative ‘was just adamant there was gonna be no march,’” the report states. “Another NPS official with whom we spoke similarly stated, ‘we asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us.’”
If this is correct, we can be pretty sure Jack Smith has it.

There's a pretty good chance that he hasn't let the cat completely out of the bag.
J6,J6,J6,....look anywhere but at "president" Joe Biden

....take a good look at old Joe Biden...not electable...
just one question, actually 2

1. why did Pelosi refuse national guard troops to protect the capital when offered by Trump?
2. Why did the capital police encourage the people to enter the capital and make no effort to stop them?

and 3. Why was Ashli Babbett killed by a capital cop when she was not threatening anyone or doing any damage to any property?
"...these traitors should be watching their backs for many years.

Indeed, we can hope that they are always looking for...and fearing...the big black SUV will roll into their trailer-park, or employer's parking lot.

We can also hope that reports such as yesterday's, renews the spirit of duty and resolve of that admirable group of amateur detectives and internet sleuths, Sedition Hunters.
Motivate them to continue in their righteous work of identifying and locating those J6 Jackasses that were involved in that horrible day for America.

Sedition Hunters
Indeed, we can hope that they are always looking for...and fearing...the big black SUV will roll into their trailer-park, or employer's parking lot.

We can also hope that reports such as yesterday's, renews the spirit of duty and resolve of that admirable group of amateur detectives and internet sleuths, Sedition Hunters.
Motivate them to continue in their righteous work of identifying and locating those J6 Jackasses that were involved in that horrible day for America.

...worst "insurrection" ever...
Indeed, we can hope that they are always looking for...and fearing...the big black SUV will roll into their trailer-park, or employer's parking lot.

We can also hope that reports such as yesterday's, renews the spirit of duty and resolve of that admirable group of amateur detectives and internet sleuths, Sedition Hunters.
Motivate them to continue in their righteous work of identifying and locating those J6 Jackasses that were involved in that horrible day for America.

Sedition Hunters
From today's New York Times:

"Jan. 6 Rally Organizers Lied About Plan to March to the Capitol, Report Finds

Women for America First, which planned the rally on the Ellipse, knew of President Donald J. Trump’s plans to have his supporters march to the Capitol but repeatedly denied it to federal permitting officials."

"A pro-Trump group that organized the “Save America” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, lied to federal officials about President Donald J. Trump’s plans to call on the crowd to march to the Capitol, where the protest over his election loss turned into a violent riot, according to a new inspector general investigation.

Nearly three years after the mob laid siege to Congress, halting the certification of Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat and injuring more than 150 police officers, the Interior Department’s inspector general on Monday released a 47-page report examining the permitting process that allowed tens of thousands of Trump supporters to gather in Washington before the violence.

The report found that Women for America First, which organized a rally at the Ellipse about two miles from the Capitol on Jan. 6, “intentionally failed to disclose information” to the National Park Service “during the permitting process regarding a march to the U.S. Capitol.”

According to the investigation, Women for America First, which is run by Amy and Kylie Jane Kremer, a conservative mother-and-daughter team, repeatedly told Park Service officials there would be no march to the Capitol while privately planning for one.
If this is correct, we can be pretty sure Jack Smith has it.

There's a pretty good chance that he hasn't let the cat completely out of the bag.

How is this any more relevant to Trump than much of the information we have on Hunter is to his predicament? Oh yeah, this involves Trump.
NBC News this morning:

"Group that planned Jan. 6 rally lied about Capitol march plans, government report says

Leaders from the pro-Trump group Women For America First told the National Park Service that they did not intend to march from the Ellipse to the Capitol, the report said
Representatives for the pro-Trump organization that applied for a Jan. 6 demonstration permit purposely misled authorities about their intentions that day, according to a new report from a government watchdog.....according to the 47-page report from the Interior Department's Office of Inspector General.

The group "intentionally failed to disclose information to the NPS regarding its knowledge of a post-demonstration march," the report said.
"How is this any more relevant to Trump than much of the information we have on...."

Context: Jack Smith


"Here Are the Charges Trump Faces in the Jan. 6 Case

The former president is charged with three conspiracy counts and the corrupt obstruction of an official proceeding."

That impromptu 'march' on January 6th wasn't impromptu.
It was a set-up.
Not by Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell or the FBI.
It was planned and organized by a close-knit group of White House operatives, Trump allies and enablers.

And as we all witnessed live on our TV's on January 6th, those thousands and thousands of marchers overwhelmed the few dozen Capitol guards who were not informed of a planned march, were not prepared for a march that had not been publicized or approved of by authorities beforehand.

Why was it kept secret by Trump and his enablers?
Did they truly want those guards to be trampled over and largely ineffective?
Why would they want that?
Did they truly want those thousands and thousands to get to our elected representatives and force them away from the Constitutionally mandated EC vote?

Yes, there was a 'set-up'. And it was under the knowledge and acquiescence of Don Trump, and Don Trump's enablers in the White House and his cabal of sycophant lawyers, aides and MAGA activists.

Just yesterday, another report came out about the subterfuge of a planned march...secret planned march.

"Interior Watchdog Confirms J6 Organizers Lied About Planned March On Capitol"

"The group that organized the pro-Donald Trump rally in front of the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, knowingly misled government officials about plans for attendees to march on the U.S. Capitol, according to a new investigation from the Interior Department’s internal watchdog.

The report, published Monday by Interior’s Official of Inspector General, includes text messages from Kylie Kremer ― the rally’s organizer, and a representative of the group Women for America First ― and one potential event speaker. The Interior report does not name the individuals, but the exchange between Kremer and Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO and Trump ally, was previously made public by the House Jan. 6 select committee.

“This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kremer wrote to Lindell on Jan. 4. “It cannot get out about the second stage because people will try and set up another and Sabotage it. It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but the POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”

“If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s not accurate info,” she continued. “Only myself and [White House liaison] know full story of what is actually happenin
g and we are having to appease many people by saying certain things.”

Officials with the National Park Service who were involved in permitting and preparing for the rally expressed shock when Interior investigators showed them the text exchange.

“One official stated it ‘bl[ew her] mind’ because the NPS repeatedly asked WFAF whether there would be a march and, according to the NPS official, the WFAF representative ‘was just adamant there was gonna be no march,’” the report states. “Another NPS official with whom we spoke similarly stated, ‘we asked [the WFAF representative] repeatedly if she was going to do a march ... So, um, basically she lied to all of us.’”
These messages indicate that this was all done with coordination with the White House.

There was nothing spontaneous about Jan 6
Indeed, we can hope that they are always looking for...and fearing...the big black SUV will roll into their trailer-park, or employer's parking lot.

We can also hope that reports such as yesterday's, renews the spirit of duty and resolve of that admirable group of amateur detectives and internet sleuths, Sedition Hunters.
Motivate them to continue in their righteous work of identifying and locating those J6 Jackasses that were involved in that horrible day for America.

Sedition Hunters

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