Environmentalists!!! Why do you want to increase CO2 emissions equal to nearly 500,000 cars?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Report: Cancelling Keystone Will Boost Carbon Emissions Equal to Nearly 500K More Cars on Road​

According to his campaign website, Biden’s climate change planwould, “Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050.”
“According to the Association of American Railroads, it requires 433 gallons of locomotive diesel fuel to pull one loaded crude oil tank car from the Canadian Oil Sands to the U.S. Gulf Coast, about 2,200 miles. It takes another 144 gallons to bring the empty tank car back for a refill. That's 577 gallons total.

“It takes 645 loaded tank cars per day to transport the amount of oil that Keystone XL might have carried - about 400,000 barrels per day. That's 235,425 tank car loads per year. Multiplied by 577 gallons each, that amounts to about 136 million gallons of diesel burned per year.

Since each gallon of diesel emits 22.44 pounds of CO2, that means the locomotives pulling those trains will emit over 1.5 million tons of CO2. That's all net addition to CO2 emissions since Keystone XL would have been powered entirely by renewable energy.

1.5 million tons of CO2 is equivalent to emissions of 490,000 more cars on the road.”

Report: Cancelling Keystone Will Boost Carbon Emissions Equal to Nearly 500K More Cars on Road​

According to his campaign website, Biden’s climate change planwould, “Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050.”
“According to the Association of American Railroads, it requires 433 gallons of locomotive diesel fuel to pull one loaded crude oil tank car from the Canadian Oil Sands to the U.S. Gulf Coast, about 2,200 miles. It takes another 144 gallons to bring the empty tank car back for a refill. That's 577 gallons total.

“It takes 645 loaded tank cars per day to transport the amount of oil that Keystone XL might have carried - about 400,000 barrels per day. That's 235,425 tank car loads per year. Multiplied by 577 gallons each, that amounts to about 136 million gallons of diesel burned per year.

Since each gallon of diesel emits 22.44 pounds of CO2, that means the locomotives pulling those trains will emit over 1.5 million tons of CO2. That's all net addition to CO2 emissions since Keystone XL would have been powered entirely by renewable energy.

1.5 million tons of CO2 is equivalent to emissions of 490,000 more cars on the road.”
While train transport is more eco friendly than trucking it obviously cannot compete with a pipeline. But these pipelines along with fracking have created energy independence for the first time in decades. And the globalist will not have that! How would they justify the coming war in the ME if we weren't over there shipping ourselves oil? Following my first point I wonder how much of the pie in the sky infrastructure plan address our rail systems?
As for CO 2 did you know that plants, including crops, love the stuff. Raise the level of CO 2 in your greenhouse and get measureably better growth. Not a fact that they seem to talk about on MSM

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