Enemy armies now attacking the US/Trump strikes back with Rex 84


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Breaking: Enemy Armies Now Attacking The US / Trump Strikes Back With Rex 84
President Trump is fighting off obstructionists and a Deep State coup, while battling the fake news media and an infestation.

Breaking: Enemy Armies Now Attacking The US / Trump Strikes Back With Rex 84


Yes Rex 84 existed but to those who live in another world nothing exist except what MSM tells them exist. With the internet as the world Library to lack knowledge is ones own stupidity.
It's a world of information yet people are dumber now then years past.

REX 84


Rex 84 - Wikipedia



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Conspiracy my fkn ass, Conspiracies are in the eyes of dumbasses who don't know history . Neither Political, Scientific, etc. Must suck to be such a stupid ass.
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Obama was supposed to do that, too. :rolleyes-41:

Problme is HE DID.. because of the way MSM words it all and then the stupid asses who think Gov. past history is cospiracy the idiots fall victim to thinking it's a conspiracy.

WTF do peopel call it when the Japanse was held in a camp

WTF is it called where the illegals being held in those alleged cages called " OBAMA" etc..

we do it all the time.

WTF do you call it fo the little prison called GUATANOMO BAY .......... is that the Motel 8
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REX 84 - Suspension of American Constitution in case of National Emergency

Rex84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a secretive "scenario and drill" developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who are deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declares a "[[National Emergencies Act|State of National Emergency". The plan states events causing such a declaration would be widespread U.S. opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America.To combat what the government perceived as "subversive activities", the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels

Rex 84 was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of "national preparedness" programs for the FEMA. They patterned the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million "American Negroes", if there were a black militant uprising in the United States. Existence of a master military contingency plan (of which REX-84 was a part), "Garden Plot" and a similar earlier exercise, "Lantern Spike", were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in an article in CounterSpy.

When TARDS don't know history.
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Rex 84 H.R. 645 National Emergency Centers Establishment Act.pdf (PDFy mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive




https://ia801403.us.archive.org/24/...ional Emergency Centers Establishment Act.pdf


Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

There was Youtube during the Bush Administration? :eek:

I thought it was Napster then.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

A timeline can't always be given because when the public being to actually pay attention to it the Elites/ Deep state change up the plans to either somethingg else, or a different date.

It's all still on going and we are in a civil war which will get worse they wnat Trump out and want him out bad.

Just like JFK.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

Desperate Dems Ready To Kick Off American Civil War

As the Democrats lose control of America, they will stop at nothing to retain their power and many experts say a massive conflict could be on the horizon.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

that raises a red flag right there that he is not allowed on youtube anymore.Our wonderful free speech you tube there at work.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

A timeline can't always be given because when the public being to actually pay attention to it the Elites/ Deep state change up the plans to either somethingg else, or a different date.

It's all still on going and we are in a civil war which will get worse they wnat Trump out and want him out bad.

Just like JFK.

I knew that JFK made a speech at this university that riled the feathers of the deep state but i never knew THESE were the actual words he spoke.wow,its not any wonder he was killed soon after that so shortly after uttering these true words. It so much appiles today still sadly.

The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I
must inform the citizens of this plight."
-President Kennedy was assassinated on the
22nd of November, 1963 ten days after he
made this speech to Columbia University
on Nov 12, 1963.
He knew what you are finding out now.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

that raises a red flag right there that he is not allowed on youtube anymore.Our wonderful free speech you tube there at work.

Perhaps, but maybe not necessarily.

There are folks that choose to consciously not to do business with Google. I don't know if his not being on YouTube is a choice, or if it is b/c he is blocked from doing business there. For instance, I know that Corbett intentionally chooses not to be on Facebook b/c of how FB tracks you, and how they use your data, even when you are not using their service.

If you watch the video posted by Mindwars, Mike Adams is going to start his own video hosting service in the next few months. I'm not sure how successful it will be. There is so much competition among other video hosting services outside of YouTube, so who knows?
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

A timeline can't always be given because when the public being to actually pay attention to it the Elites/ Deep state change up the plans to either somethingg else, or a different date.

It's all still on going and we are in a civil war which will get worse they wnat Trump out and want him out bad.

Just like JFK.

I knew that JFK made a speech at this university that riled the feathers of the deep state but i never knew THESE were the actual words he spoke.wow,its not any wonder he was killed soon after that so shortly after uttering these true words. It so much appiles today still sadly.

The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I
must inform the citizens of this plight."
-President Kennedy was assassinated on the
22nd of November, 1963 ten days after he
made this speech to Columbia University
on Nov 12, 1963.
He knew what you are finding out now.

Jones has told his listeners that July 4th is the day.

He is pretty bold.

He's going to look awfully foolish, once again, if nothing happens. His detractors love to crucify him over this stuff.
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

A timeline can't always be given because when the public being to actually pay attention to it the Elites/ Deep state change up the plans to either somethingg else, or a different date.

It's all still on going and we are in a civil war which will get worse they wnat Trump out and want him out bad.

Just like JFK.

I knew that JFK made a speech at this university that riled the feathers of the deep state but i never knew THESE were the actual words he spoke.wow,its not any wonder he was killed soon after that so shortly after uttering these true words. It so much appiles today still sadly.

The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I
must inform the citizens of this plight."
-President Kennedy was assassinated on the
22nd of November, 1963 ten days after he
made this speech to Columbia University
on Nov 12, 1963.
He knew what you are finding out now.

Jones has told his listeners that July 4th is the day.

He is pretty bold.

He's going to look awfully foolish, once again, if nothing happens. His detractors love to crucify him over this stuff.

It's also USED to FEND Them off, this is how many things are VOIDED because the public becomes aware of it so LOGIC here think with LOGIC, by doing so it blows their plot to attack........
Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

A timeline can't always be given because when the public being to actually pay attention to it the Elites/ Deep state change up the plans to either somethingg else, or a different date.

It's all still on going and we are in a civil war which will get worse they wnat Trump out and want him out bad.

Just like JFK.

I knew that JFK made a speech at this university that riled the feathers of the deep state but i never knew THESE were the actual words he spoke.wow,its not any wonder he was killed soon after that so shortly after uttering these true words. It so much appiles today still sadly.

The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I
must inform the citizens of this plight."
-President Kennedy was assassinated on the
22nd of November, 1963 ten days after he
made this speech to Columbia University
on Nov 12, 1963.
He knew what you are finding out now.

Jones has told his listeners that July 4th is the day.

He is pretty bold.

He's going to look awfully foolish, once again, if nothing happens. His detractors love to crucify him over this stuff.

Just like this they were RIGHT

old articlves and the dates prove it.

Not sure anything that is in these videos will become a reality, none of them gives a timeline, but here ya are, here is the next one.

Curious he isn't allowed on YouTube.

He used to be during the Bush administration.

There was Youtube during the Bush Administration? :eek:

I thought it was Napster then.

2005, during the second term of the Bush administration was when it was started.

I remember it was a godsend when they incorporated it into MySpace. It made everything more interesting.

Also Facebook started around the same time as YouTube. Back then Facebook was even more pathetic then it is now, then only thing it was good for is poking people. :21: You needed to have a School ID to join. I had one through my University, by we all just used Myspace because it was far superior. In fact, it really still is. IT allowed folks to customize their profiles with music, graphics, promote their home-based businesses and blogs, embed YouTube videos, and on top of that, anyone could use it, not just University connected students.

Then something sinister happened.

The corporate press made a big deal of accounts on MySpace that were phony or ones used to bully people.

Remember, the CIA is embedded in not only the corporate press, but they also it was instrumental in the funding and development of Facebook, so the first task was destroying the competition, MySpace.

Suicide of Megan Meier - Wikipedia

If you go to MySpace, you will find, it is still superior in the ability of users to create content, share, etc. It is a blog, music platform, IM, etc. everything. The one thing it isn't? No one is there, no one uses it. Thus, as social media platform, it remains largely useless unless you can get all your family and friends to use it.

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