Emasculating the male

American conservatives have a tendency to conflate bravado with strength.

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This kind of thing only bothers a man who isn't comfortable in his own masculinity.

Ain't that the truth! Anyone concerned about someone elses masculinity is insecure about their own.

The attacks on homosexuals were easy targets to validate their own masculinity, whereas the anti-women rhetoric is a way to act out their troubled histories of being dominated by women.
This kind of thing only bothers a man who isn't comfortable in his own masculinity.

Horse shit.

This is an old ruse used by the Left. Ain't working with me, pal.

What ruse. That dude being feminine doesn't have any bearing on anyone else's masculinity.

You're clueless on 2 counts there, cowboy.

You aren't making sense.

That's because you're not reading the thread. I'm not interested in spelling it out for you.
I am not one for gender stereotypes or gender roles, but I do take issue with attention whores.

The guy in the OP is going out of his way to put glitter and makeup on his face. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

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