The Guardian Accuses Trump of Remasculinizing Boys

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

The Guardian Accuses Trump of Remasculinizing Boys

Trumpā€™s decisive victory has caused weeping and gnashing of teeth among media moonbats all the way across the Atlantic. The Guardian has offered its staff counseling to deal with the trauma; it is unclear whether crayons and Legos are involved as at elite American universities. Now it complains that Trump has caused boys to act like boys again.

A Hudson Valley, New York high school girl relates her terror on the day after the election:

When we walked into school on the morning of 6 November, we exchanged quick glances with the other girls in our social circle ā€“ looks filled with uncertainty and dread about the future. ā€¦
[W]e noticed a very different attitude among our male peers. Subtle high-fives were exchanged and remarks about the impending success of the next four years were whispered around.

Boys are accused of ā€œincreased interest in pursuing the ideal masculine appearance by going to the gym,ā€ engaging in ā€œmale-dominated social activities,ā€ and in general failing to adopt the preferred cringing soy boy persona. Trump is blamed for this toxic masculinity.

As an older [actually only 3 years older], frail individual, Biden was an easy target for Trumpā€™s aggression. While Trumpā€™s comments seemed like an attack on Bidenā€™s age and mental competence, they also incorporated indirect attacks on his masculinity that influenced this impressionable demographic of young men. And when contrasted with Trumpā€™s pumping fist after the assassination attempt in July, Biden was appearing weaker and weaker while Trump was solidifying his representation of traditional male heroism.

Courage under fire is a classic male virtue and therefore an affront to wokeness.

Similarly, when Kamala Harris replaced Biden as Trumpā€™s opponent, his goal of making his adversary seem ā€œweakā€ was much more straightforward, exacerbated further by Harrisā€™s prioritization of womenā€™s rights in her campaign.

By ā€œwomenā€™s rights,ā€ the author means abortion, a key issue for advocates of moral degeneracy.
While these are just observations within our own high school, we believe that this is happening across the country. Young, well-off white boys from liberal families are being tempted by conservatism simply to protect an archaic idea of masculinity that guarantees them inherent power. It is not as if they are against abortion, or care much about the economy or immigration, or even feel remotely attracted to the rest of conservative dogma. But clearly, a shift back toward traditional gender roles is resonating with them now as progression toward female empowerment threatens their already delicate self esteem.

Despite the liberal establishmentā€™s best efforts, the campaign to demasculinize men and instill self-hatred in boys is floundering. No wonder moonbats have succumbed to panic

All links are highlighted

I don't think it will spread to wales

We'll need young toxic men to carry out project 2025 trans genocide

Annnnn i don't wanna hear any guff from some dopey "progressive "broad
You just shut it
Go make yourself pretty and your man a sandwich


The Guardian Accuses Trump of Remasculinizing Boys

Trumpā€™s decisive victory has caused weeping and gnashing of teeth among media moonbats all the way across the Atlantic. The Guardian has offered its staff counseling to deal with the trauma; it is unclear whether crayons and Legos are involved as at elite American universities. Now it complains that Trump has caused boys to act like boys again.

A Hudson Valley, New York high school girl relates her terror on the day after the election:

Boys are accused of ā€œincreased interest in pursuing the ideal masculine appearance by going to the gym,ā€ engaging in ā€œmale-dominated social activities,ā€ and in general failing to adopt the preferred cringing soy boy persona. Trump is blamed for this toxic masculinity.

Courage under fire is a classic male virtue and therefore an affront to wokeness.

By ā€œwomenā€™s rights,ā€ the author means abortion, a key issue for advocates of moral degeneracy.

Despite the liberal establishmentā€™s best efforts, the campaign to demasculinize men and instill self-hatred in boys is floundering. No wonder moonbats have succumbed to panic

All links are highlighted

I don't think it will spread to wales

We'll need young toxic men to carry out project 2025 trans genocide

Annnnn i don't wanna hear any guff from some dopey "progressive "broad
You just shut it
Go make yourself pretty and your man a sandwich

Stop stop STOP already stop

I'm getting lightheaded from all the winning šŸ¤£

The Guardian Accuses Trump of Remasculinizing Boys

Trumpā€™s decisive victory has caused weeping and gnashing of teeth among media moonbats all the way across the Atlantic. The Guardian has offered its staff counseling to deal with the trauma; it is unclear whether crayons and Legos are involved as at elite American universities. Now it complains that Trump has caused boys to act like boys again.

A Hudson Valley, New York high school girl relates her terror on the day after the election:

Boys are accused of ā€œincreased interest in pursuing the ideal masculine appearance by going to the gym,ā€ engaging in ā€œmale-dominated social activities,ā€ and in general failing to adopt the preferred cringing soy boy persona. Trump is blamed for this toxic masculinity.

Courage under fire is a classic male virtue and therefore an affront to wokeness.

By ā€œwomenā€™s rights,ā€ the author means abortion, a key issue for advocates of moral degeneracy.

Despite the liberal establishmentā€™s best efforts, the campaign to demasculinize men and instill self-hatred in boys is floundering. No wonder moonbats have succumbed to panic

All links are highlighted

I don't think it will spread to wales

We'll need young toxic men to carry out project 2025 trans genocide

Annnnn i don't wanna hear any guff from some dopey "progressive "broad
You just shut it
Go make yourself pretty and your man a sandwich

Meanwhile the Bucks & Does @ the Pelorian Hacienda are having the time of their lives doing what Bucks & Does are supposed to be doing, like no gender equality issues with the crew below!

Check out the action @ 1:16 into the vid as she starts her pogo-sticking(technically it's called stotting). At 1:31 she gets a double shot of her baby's love, then @ 1:34 she goes into her patented pogo sticking(cute as it gets)!

Notice how these TESTOSTERONE fueled bucks are so violently dangerous to be around(NOT!) as Marlis & her mate risk their lives(NOT!) to get the footage. It's all LEFTY PROPAGANDA like TESTOSTERONE LOADED VIOLENT(?) bucks(pure propaganda) = TESTOSTERONE LOADED VIOLENT human males. The statist left not only created their own bogus propaganda they actually have come to BELIEVE it!

The statist left; don't leave sanity without them!
Typical Porn Rag , The Guardian , insidious propaganda .
MI5 picks up clever Lefty university students , pushes them into first base learning posts and later filters the most useful into Intel and the Diplomatic Service. The kids are paid to push rubbish like this .

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