early voting


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I'm tired of the leftists controlled mainstream media propaganda about early voting and great for the democrats. I voted last night stood in a line with many more voters. While these people are standing in line you listen to what everybody is talking about.The main topic was drumroll..............................
Waking up on November 4 will be great
Your local area != experiences across the country.

This is even more pertinent now since we, as a nation, have been increasing the propensity of self segregating politically.
No need to vocalize it unless your worried about something
Not so liar, they were saying it to tell others how proud they were to vote for this country and not the filthy lying scumbag biden. But why are you worried?
The lying polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. F--k them!
No need to vocalize it unless your worried about something
Not so liar, they were saying it to tell others how proud they were to vote for this country and not the filthy lying scumbag biden. But why are you worried?
The lying polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. F--k them!
We didn't have that problem where I voted some had Trump masks on so did I it was great.
I did have a lady ask me as I approached the line if I was voting Republican I said Hell yes and Roy Cooper must go. I got a cheer out of that one.
Your local area != experiences across the country.

This is even more pertinent now since we, as a nation, have been increasing the propensity of self segregating politically.
I'm not moving left to be like other failed Americans ain't happening
I'm not a Trump supporter but have similar feelings that based on the enthusiasm of his backers why would one assume the majority these votes are going to Biden?
No need to vocalize it unless your worried about something
Not so liar, they were saying it to tell others how proud they were to vote for this country and not the filthy lying scumbag biden. But why are you worried?
The lying polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. F--k them!

well the question is was she right or wrong? I assume you are in Texas. I don't see if you wear clothing to support your candidate a problem. I heard that they do allow concealed weapons carry so unless it is prohibited in that situation then obviously you were wrong. If is not prohibited then what does it matter.

No one believes that 99 percent of the vote will be democratic.

The question will be turnout. It will be interesting to see the voter turnout and compare it to previous elections.

A interesting topic that will probably be discussed by the winning side.

I still stand by my impression that voting is a private affair. Getting loud about it is disrespectful to those who are taking it a bit more seriously and do not feel the need to get loud about it.
No need to vocalize it unless your worried about something
Not so liar, they were saying it to tell others how proud they were to vote for this country and not the filthy lying scumbag biden. But why are you worried?
The lying polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. F--k them!

well the question is was she right or wrong? I assume you are in Texas. I don't see if you wear clothing to support your candidate a problem. I heard that they do allow concealed weapons carry so unless it is prohibited in that situation then obviously you were wrong. If is not prohibited then what does it matter.

No one believes that 99 percent of the vote will be democratic.

The question will be turnout. It will be interesting to see the voter turnout and compare it to previous elections.

A interesting topic that will probably be discussed by the winning side.

I still stand by my impression that voting is a private affair. Getting loud about it is disrespectful to those who are taking it a bit more seriously and do not feel the need to get loud about it.
You heard wrong.

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