Harvard Students Walk Out Of Graduation In Protest To Support THIS

Your common core at work perhaps?

What a decline we have seen in Western education. When they protested Vietnam it was primarily because schoolmates wanted their friends back and were protesting on their behalf. Whether you agree with them or not, it was a noble cause in support of the good guys, their fellow brothers and sisters.

People protesting terrorists? When did this become normal or fashionable?

Sick kids who genuinely don't know why they do what they do. It's like Canadian police who like them young, dumb and poor. So do many in education or the far left.
Your common core at work perhaps?

What a decline we have seen in Western education. When they protested Vietnam it was primarily because schoolmates wanted their friends back and were protesting on their behalf. Whether you agree with them or not, it was a noble cause in support of the good guys, their fellow brothers and sisters.

People protesting terrorists? When did this become normal or fashionable?

Sick kids who genuinely don't know why they do what they do. It's like Canadian police who like them young, dumb and poor. So do many in education or the far left.
One thing that seems to be a common theme is that most kids these days know nothing about American history.

Some of them have no clue about anything that happened before they were born.
Years of brainwashing

Note the difference between how Hamas treats the innocent and the way the IDF treats them:

This is critical.

If there is a Jewish nation for us to respect, it must follow the tenets of Judaism.

If there are genuine accidents, not based on poor decision or sloppiness; people can understand. You must not purposely harm that who isn't your enemy.

I watch, almost nightly, the Israeli spokespersons who give updates on the war and they run down the names of those IDF who perished. It's always difficult but we hear the names of the fallen. There is a woman who last night or the night prior I forget who was asked by a person of Faith, something to the effect, "how important is it that we pray to the Creator"? She acknowledged this and said "all prayers are helpful".


Be a Mensch, not a mouse. Israel must win and maintain that beckon of light for all those nations in the region especially.
One thing that seems to be a common theme is that most kids these days know nothing about American history.

Some of them have no clue about anything that happened before they were born.
The irony of it is that there are so many sources now and it is literally at the click a few buttons. Video, audio, endless text and websites.

Yet, kids prefer to watch A-holes being A-holes for some views. It's a sad world, one that will be difficult to reclaim if kids don't learn what's at stake.
If they were supporting the Palestinian people they would be protesting Hamas, not Israel.

Hamas has been killing Palestinians and stealing their food.

You have zero clue of what Israel has done.
Hippies started all of this. The hippies supported communism when they protested against the Vietnam War. I doubt our Founding Fathers wanted this.
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We let the liberal hippies protest against Vietnam. It should be no surprise they are still doing this crap.

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