Dropping Nike

Fools and their funny are soon departed....people want to waste 100$ on cheap Asian slave labor made shoes have at it! Won't be allowed in this home.

I was correct, it broke you heart. BTW, why did you reference Ivanka Trump's clothing line?

Fools and their funny are soon departed....people want to waste 100$ on cheap Asian slave labor made shoes have at it! Won't be allowed in this home.

I was correct, it broke you heart. BTW, why did you reference Ivanka Trump's clothing line?
Why would idiots wasting money on slave labor made shoes that fall apart after 6 months bother me? I buy decent shoes that last for years AND I pay a lot less than Nike charges AND I don't support Anti American Cop haters.

Fools and their funny are soon departed....people want to waste 100$ on cheap Asian slave labor made shoes have at it! Won't be allowed in this home.

I was correct, it broke you heart. BTW, why did you reference Ivanka Trump's clothing line?
Why would idiots wasting money on slave labor made shoes that fall apart after 6 months bother me? I buy decent shoes that last for years AND I pay a lot less than Nike charges AND I don't support Anti American Cop haters.

Really? It seems to me that most shoes for sale here come from Asia, where do you buy yours?

BTW, I looked at my oldest pair of Sketcher's, purchased in 2000 for a conference in Brooklyn, NY. It was my first visit to to NY and knew I would do a lot of walking. They are still serviceable, even though I've worn them off and on for 18 years. I've only replaced the laces one time. Did I mention they were made in China?
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And in the mean time, NIke sales are up over 60% with 6 billion added to their market cap and stock is near an all time high.

But damn. A college volleyball team, huh? That's like dozens of shoes.

And in the mean time, NIke sales are up over 60% with 6 billion added to their market cap and stock is near an all time high.

But damn. A college volleyball team, huh? That's like dozens of shoes.
Fools and their money are soon departed. They are dumb enough to buy shoes made with child slave labor and that fall apart within 6 months be my guest. Not in this house they won't be though.
Nike is doing just fine; sales are currently to da moon & so is the stock.

Fuck Trump & his racist, Nazi azz.

Fluck you Nazis....

george soros is going to get tired of buying tennis shoes.....
I see the ACLU has joined the Nike team.

And in the mean time, NIke sales are up over 60% with 6 billion added to their market cap and stock is near an all time high.

But damn. A college volleyball team, huh? That's like dozens of shoes.
Fools and their money are soon departed. They are dumb enough to buy shoes made with child slave labor and that fall apart within 6 months be my guest. Not in this house they won't be though.

Old angry white guys really aren't Nike's target demo.

Or....they could just do what they're doing, and increase sales by 60%.
Or lose revenue.

Hey, no one would ever accuse the left of being American.

Given the 60% increase in sales, losing revenue doens't seem likely.

But hey, explain to us how 60% increases in sales mean they lose revenue. And how 6 billion in increased market cap mean they are losing share price.

I mean, I just heard the white house insist that the president being laughed at by world leaders was a sign of respect. So I can only assume you and your ilk have officially embraced Doublespeak.

And in the mean time, NIke sales are up over 60% with 6 billion added to their market cap and stock is near an all time high.

But damn. A college volleyball team, huh? That's like dozens of shoes.
Fools and their money are soon departed. They are dumb enough to buy shoes made with child slave labor and that fall apart within 6 months be my guest. Not in this house they won't be though.

Old angry white guys really aren't Nike's target demo.
I'm not old sweetheart....JUST turned 34....I still by fashionable clothing and shoes but I tend to want shoes that don't fall apart after 6 months,are comfortable and don't cost 100$ when a pair of 30$ steel toed boots does the job! My other shoes are New Balance but I rarely wear tennis shoes....boots 90% of the time unless its date night with the wife,wearing shorts OR church or a funeral or some reason to dress up and then its my dress shoes.

And in the mean time, NIke sales are up over 60% with 6 billion added to their market cap and stock is near an all time high.

But damn. A college volleyball team, huh? That's like dozens of shoes.
Fools and their money are soon departed. They are dumb enough to buy shoes made with child slave labor and that fall apart within 6 months be my guest. Not in this house they won't be though.

Old angry white guys really aren't Nike's target demo.
I'm not old sweetheart....JUST turned 34....I still by fashionable clothing and shoes but I tend to want shoes that don't fall apart after 6 months,are comfortable and don't cost 100$ when a pair of 30$ steel toed boots does the job! My other shoes are New Balance but I rarely wear tennis shoes....boots 90% of the time unless its date night with the wife,wearing shorts OR church or a funeral or some reason to dress up and then its my dress shoes.

I didn't know Nike sold boots. Looks like you aren't one of their biggest customers anyway.
I have never owned a pair of Nikes. They are damned expensive. My observation
is---ie it SEEMS to me that NIKES are favored by oppressed people. I am not
recognized as oppressed and, therefore, do not seek status symbol sneakers.
The new NIKE commercial is AIMED at "oppressed people" who must wear
very expensive sneakers. JUST DO IT!!!! BLOW A FORTUNE ON A LOUSY
PAIR OF SNEAKERS. It is a very clever commercial

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