Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns

YOu are still trying to explain away the fact you don't like, ie the Ivy League Education.

You are NOT trying to actually answer how both can be true.

Which do you want?

The Truth?

Or what makes you feel good about yourself and how much better you are than your enemies?

I went to college with some kids who achieved their grades through nefarious makes it easier

And you found another excuse.

It is a small mind that cannot admit to itself that their enemy is intelligent.

What grade level do you think Obama speaks at?
1st post
That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.
That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.
HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?
Kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Engage in torture?

Deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Those were the issues that supercharged his campaign back when people like you were saying he could never win the nomination.

Round up and deport 11 million people.....a plan a child would come up with
Bring back manufacturing jobs......coming from a man who has his Trump products manufactured overseas
Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns

YOu are still trying to explain away the fact you don't like, ie the Ivy League Education.

You are NOT trying to actually answer how both can be true.

Which do you want?

The Truth?

Or what makes you feel good about yourself and how much better you are than your enemies?

I went to college with some kids who achieved their grades through nefarious makes it easier

And you found another excuse.

It is a small mind that cannot admit to itself that their enemy is intelligent.

What grade level do you think Obama speaks at?

Obama generally speaks at about a tenth grade level but is capable of kicking it up for advanced audiences
Trump problem is not his physical health.

Nor his mental health.

It is his personality. That's what you all shocked.
Narcissism is personality disorder but not considered a mental health issue.

Yeah I think it is.
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

His own sister calls him "P.T. Barnum".
5th post
All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.
HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?
Kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Engage in torture?

Deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Those were the issues that supercharged his campaign back when people like you were saying he could never win the nomination.

Round up and deport 11 million people.....a plan a child would come up with
Bring back manufacturing jobs......coming from a man who has his Trump products manufactured overseas

1. Actually, it is the LAW. That you consider enforcing the law to be "childish" is a sign on how detached from reality YOU are.

2. One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

Regardless, it is a good policy that would greatly benefit the American Working and Middle Classes.

His understanding of the issues is good enough for him to have FAR BETTER proposed policies than Hillary, or any of the other candidates that were.
I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

Why is the Trump campaign practicing what you call, "fear mongering?"

Oh, wait... you already offered an explanation why people do that. Never mind.
him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns

YOu are still trying to explain away the fact you don't like, ie the Ivy League Education.

You are NOT trying to actually answer how both can be true.

Which do you want?

The Truth?

Or what makes you feel good about yourself and how much better you are than your enemies?

I went to college with some kids who achieved their grades through nefarious makes it easier

And you found another excuse.

It is a small mind that cannot admit to itself that their enemy is intelligent.

What grade level do you think Obama speaks at?

Obama generally speaks at about a tenth grade level but is capable of kicking it up for advanced audiences

So, Obama, not only an Ivy League Graduate, but some one who has taught Constitutional Law at a College level, generally speaks at the level of a high school drop out.

Why do you think that Obama speaks well below his educational level?
Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
10th post
he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
And the Trump campaign is making unfounded personal attacks on Hillary. What you called, "fear mongering." Which you described as an action resulting from not being able to win on the issues.
There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
And the Trump campaign is making unfounded personal attacks on Hillary. What you called, "fear mongering." Which you described as an action resulting from not being able to win on the issues.

Indeed, the polls show that Panic Mongering is more effective than having strong issues.

Raising concerns that Hillary is unhealthy is not a good counter to "Trump is Hitler and going to kill you with nuclear war".

Hillary has already taken the Panic mongering to Eleven.

What can Trump do to Trump that?

History may very well be decided based on the most moronic hatefilled, partisan bullshit of the decade instead of the Contest of Ideas.
yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
And the Trump campaign is making unfounded personal attacks on Hillary. What you called, "fear mongering." Which you described as an action resulting from not being able to win on the issues.

Indeed, the polls show that Panic Mongering is more effective than having strong issues.

Raising concerns that Hillary is unhealthy is not a good counter to "Trump is Hitler and going to kill you with nuclear war".

Hillary has already taken the Panic mongering to Eleven.

What can Trump do to Trump that?

History may very well be decided based on the most moronic hatefilled, partisan bullshit of the decade instead of the Contest of Ideas.
Sounds like you're defending the Trump campaign's fear mongering. But as you alluded to, such is the action of those who feel they can't win on the issues.
It's kind of hard to have a debate about the issues, when your opponent is stuck on screaming that you are "HItler" and going to start a nuclear war.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.
I am not screaming Crazy Donald is Hitler or starting a nuclear war.

It's a pity you can't debate what people actually say.

What I actually said was, "yeah, that must explain why the Trump campaign is making accusations that Hillary suffers from a disease of the brain ... because they believe they can win on the issues.

As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
And the Trump campaign is making unfounded personal attacks on Hillary. What you called, "fear mongering." Which you described as an action resulting from not being able to win on the issues.

Indeed, the polls show that Panic Mongering is more effective than having strong issues.

Raising concerns that Hillary is unhealthy is not a good counter to "Trump is Hitler and going to kill you with nuclear war".

Hillary has already taken the Panic mongering to Eleven.

What can Trump do to Trump that?

History may very well be decided based on the most moronic hatefilled, partisan bullshit of the decade instead of the Contest of Ideas.
Sounds like you're defending the Trump campaign's fear mongering. But as you alluded to, such is the action of those who feel they can't win on the issues.

Defending? Alluded to?

I generally try very hard to keep my points very simple because you dishonest libs like to pretend to misunderstand in order to dodge and run away from real debate.

Trump's issues fueled his campaign though the Primary, and initially the Hillary campaign tried to attack his policies based on their merits and/or demerits.

That failed miserable.

THey have since giving up on that, and gone to full bore panic mongering and personal attacks ie "Trump is Hitler and will get you killed in a nuclear war".

Which is bullshit and tearing this nation apart. Do you need me to explain why?

Trump needs to find a strong response.

Raising doubts about Hillary's health is NOT going to do it. Better a dead president than a Live "Hitler".

It sounds to me like YOU are defending HIllary's panic mongering.
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

YOu are desperate to find anything to talk about other than the issues.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and DON'T fuck with Russia.

1. Didn't you noticed he has not mentioned walls or banning Muslims for awhile.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs..... What make you sure he can really do that? Did he tell you his plan? He said if they don't go his way...... Will back off. Then what issue an EO to bring all those company back? Maybe you didn't notice.... Independent Economists and Republicans are blasting Trump economic plan. Did you see anyone blasting Hillary economic plan?
I mentioned several times that my consumables are made in China. If I bring those products back to US. Price increase across the board is about 230% that is just the labor. That doesn't even include new facilities, new toolings, equipments, labs, regulatory requirements etc etc etc......... You think medical bills are high right now..... Think real hard. And you better pray you don't get sick.

3. Russia. Trump adore and kissing Putin ass. Why don't you tell Putin not to fuck with us?
We have allies that is very important to US vital interest? Are you just going to hand them to Russia? Putin is a thug but he is not that stupid to use nuclear. Like Syria...... Are you just going to sit there and watch while Assad and Putin killing civilians? Putin is the main supplier of arms to Iran and Syria.
Trump talk tough but he is displaying his weakness.

Talking about nuclear bomb...

1. So? Last I looked it was still his web site as part of his platform.

2. I don't know that he can do that. I know that no one else will even TRY.

3. It is not strong to look for trouble. We have no conflict of interest with Russia. Stop fucking with Russia. Cold War is OVER.

1. Sorry to disappoint you.
3. We do have conflict with Russia. One example Syria. Tell Putin thug to stop fucking with America.

New Cold War.

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started
DPA/The Local · 13 Feb 2016, 11:29

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Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that strains between Russia and the West have plunged the world into a "new Cold War".
France and Russia blast Merkel's refugee policy
With tensions high over the lingering Ukraine conflict and Russia's backing of the Syrian regime, Medvedev said: "All that's left is an unfriendly policy of NATO against Russia".
"We can say it even more clearly: We have slid into a new period of Cold War," he said, speaking at the Munich Security Conference.
"Almost every day we are accused of making new horrible threats either against NATO as a whole, against Europe or against the US or other countries."

1. Just checked his web site. NO change. I'm not disappointed.

3. Syria? Where the RUssian are bombing the shit out of ISIS? We have no conflict of interest with Russia. The Ukraine? THe US has no interests in the Ukraine, certainly not any worth fighting a global nuclear war over.

BTW, thanks for actually discussing some issues with me. For a lefty, you are not half bad.

1. Self denial is not good for tour help. Haven't you noticed he has not mentioned those for awhile.
2. If your comrades are doing that good in Syria so......... why in the world that ISIS still producing oil by the millions of gallons then sell them to Syria? Russia is killing civilians in Syria. Both Putin and Assad should be charge of genocide purposely bombing hospitals, schools and market. Ukraine..... Someone has to stand up against Russian aggressions. Trump as pussy will just hand Ukraine or Syria to Putin because he is weak like you.
Yes we have a big conflict with Russia. You may want to tell that to thousands of military personnel that are deployed all over the world.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months

Russian airstrikes in Syria have killed about 2,000 civilians in six months of attacks on markets, hospitals, schools and homes, rights groups and observers say, warning that plans for a military drawdown may not mean an end to the deaths.
Moscow has insisted it carried out only surgical strikes on “terrorists”, but victims and fighters say bombers strayed well behind frontlines in areas far from strongholds of Islamic State or al-Qaida fighters.
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.
YOu are desperate to find anything to talk about other than the issues.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and DON'T fuck with Russia.

1. Didn't you noticed he has not mentioned walls or banning Muslims for awhile.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs..... What make you sure he can really do that? Did he tell you his plan? He said if they don't go his way...... Will back off. Then what issue an EO to bring all those company back? Maybe you didn't notice.... Independent Economists and Republicans are blasting Trump economic plan. Did you see anyone blasting Hillary economic plan?
I mentioned several times that my consumables are made in China. If I bring those products back to US. Price increase across the board is about 230% that is just the labor. That doesn't even include new facilities, new toolings, equipments, labs, regulatory requirements etc etc etc......... You think medical bills are high right now..... Think real hard. And you better pray you don't get sick.

3. Russia. Trump adore and kissing Putin ass. Why don't you tell Putin not to fuck with us?
We have allies that is very important to US vital interest? Are you just going to hand them to Russia? Putin is a thug but he is not that stupid to use nuclear. Like Syria...... Are you just going to sit there and watch while Assad and Putin killing civilians? Putin is the main supplier of arms to Iran and Syria.
Trump talk tough but he is displaying his weakness.

Talking about nuclear bomb...

1. So? Last I looked it was still his web site as part of his platform.

2. I don't know that he can do that. I know that no one else will even TRY.

3. It is not strong to look for trouble. We have no conflict of interest with Russia. Stop fucking with Russia. Cold War is OVER.

1. Sorry to disappoint you.
3. We do have conflict with Russia. One example Syria. Tell Putin thug to stop fucking with America.

New Cold War.

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started
DPA/The Local · 13 Feb 2016, 11:29

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Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that strains between Russia and the West have plunged the world into a "new Cold War".
France and Russia blast Merkel's refugee policy
With tensions high over the lingering Ukraine conflict and Russia's backing of the Syrian regime, Medvedev said: "All that's left is an unfriendly policy of NATO against Russia".
"We can say it even more clearly: We have slid into a new period of Cold War," he said, speaking at the Munich Security Conference.
"Almost every day we are accused of making new horrible threats either against NATO as a whole, against Europe or against the US or other countries."

1. Just checked his web site. NO change. I'm not disappointed.

3. Syria? Where the RUssian are bombing the shit out of ISIS? We have no conflict of interest with Russia. The Ukraine? THe US has no interests in the Ukraine, certainly not any worth fighting a global nuclear war over.

BTW, thanks for actually discussing some issues with me. For a lefty, you are not half bad.

1. Self denial is not good for tour help. Haven't you noticed he has not mentioned those for awhile.
2. If your comrades are doing that good in Syria so......... why in the world that ISIS still producing oil by the millions of gallons then sell them to Syria? Russia is killing civilians in Syria. Both Putin and Assad should be charge of genocide purposely bombing hospitals, schools and market. Ukraine..... Someone has to stand up against Russian aggressions. Trump as pussy will just hand Ukraine or Syria to Putin because he is weak like you.
Yes we have a big conflict with Russia. You may want to tell that to thousands of military personnel that are deployed all over the world.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months

Russian airstrikes in Syria have killed about 2,000 civilians in six months of attacks on markets, hospitals, schools and homes, rights groups and observers say, warning that plans for a military drawdown may not mean an end to the deaths.
Moscow has insisted it carried out only surgical strikes on “terrorists”, but victims and fighters say bombers strayed well behind frontlines in areas far from strongholds of Islamic State or al-Qaida fighters.
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Jets appear to have intentionally bombed civilian areas, in a c

1. Hasn't he? I don't follow the minutia of everything each candidate says. And regardless, his publicly posted platform is the same.

2. a. The fact that not the oil is still pumping does not mean that bombing has not been ongoing.

B. We don't have to do shit about the Russians in Syria. It is not a problem for US.

c. Not fighting a global nuclear war over the Ukraine is hardly being a "pussy".
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

You are lost and gone forever. Dreadful sorry clementine.
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.

What about 368#? Tell me in WORDS, cause I look at it and I don't care.

And calling PUtin a thug doesn't explain why we should fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.

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