Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

It's pretty weird when Trump tweeted out his notice initially --

I am proud to share this health report, written by the highly respected Dr. Jacob Bornstein of Lenox Hill Hospital.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2015

And then posted this Facebook page:


He didn't know his own doctor, well, the guy he referred to -- twice - had been dead for five years, and he had not been a patient of the highly respected Dr. Jacob Bornstein since 1980?

How do we know he's not on drugs?
"Mr Trump has had recent complete medical tests and has shown only positive results"

Great to hear


Narcissistic Personality Disorder --- appearing in the textbook as the definition...

Actually what Rump doesn't get is that such a glowing medical report, if it were real, would be a reason to NOT vote for him.

Trump has a definite personality disorder that affects his judgment or lack of. His ego must be constantly stroked, if not by others, by Trump himself. He must constantly remind people that he is "the best"

Worse, is his inability to accept any criticism or ridicule. He must respond with some type of return insult which tends to be childish in nature

Hillary said it best......You can bait Trump with a tweet......are you going to trust him with nuclear weapons?

Trump has crafted a platform of issues that is obviously in the best interests of America and Americans.

Deport illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

Naturally, the dems will do anything to avoid discussing the issues.
You want a definition of insanity?

Someone who can look at a reality tv star running for President of the United States and call him "reclusive".

That is insane.

Howard Hughes got out in public and frequented the hot clubs with a starlet on each arm (sounds like Trump)
But Hughes private life was reclusive.
Trumps people are very protective of him and stick to the official line. Donald is super rich and the "best" at everything
Ever seen his spokeswoman Baghdad Betty?
We know very little about the real Trump and his past.

Not to mention HH went bat shit crazy in the end. Drumpf is spiraling out of control & is heading straight into a brick wall.


Howard Hughes was looked at as a respected businessman. Millionaire playboy. The wealthiest man in the world

Those are the same credentials Trump supporters are offering. Trump must be smart, must be a great leader....if he could make all that money

So did Howard Hughes


Got any pictures of him when he was 70?

Trump is an old man. He is not going to change. He will be the same reasonable executive that we have seen in the public spotlight for decades, just on a bigger scale with vastly more support.

reasonable? REASONABLE????????????? :cuckoo:

Yes, reasonable. Stop being hysterical.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.
The doctor who signed Trump's letter, this guy -->

(for realz) - cites these as his specialties:

Dr. Harold Bornstein, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.

  • He has special expertise in 7 areas:
  • Acid Reflux Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux / GERD)
  • Constipation
  • Hepatitis C
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Weight Loss
  • Weight loss (non-surgical)
Not to mention HH went bat shit crazy in the end. Drumpf is spiraling out of control & is heading straight into a brick wall.


Howard Hughes was looked at as a respected businessman. Millionaire playboy. The wealthiest man in the world

Those are the same credentials Trump supporters are offering. Trump must be smart, must be a great leader....if he could make all that money

So did Howard Hughes


Got any pictures of him when he was 70?

Trump is an old man. He is not going to change. He will be the same reasonable executive that we have seen in the public spotlight for decades, just on a bigger scale with vastly more support.

The only qualification Trump offers is he is exceedingly wealthy. His backers offer this as proof that he can handle any task put before him

Trump offers nothing that Howard Hughes did not possess. Nobody suggests Hughes would have made a good president

NOthing in your post addressed my point.

My point stands. Huges looked good early and degenerated with time.

Trump is already old. He is not going to change in the next 8 years.

Your constantly lying that he has nothing to offer shows that you know that the Truth is not on your side.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

Howard Hughes medical condition was a guarded secret. Only his closest aides knew he was batshit crazy
Trumps mental condition is unknown. He does have an obvious personality disorder that is impacting his candidacy. Combined with his intellectual limitations, it makes him unelectable

You dishonestly posted a picture of Hughes when he was a young man to compare his to Trump at 70.

SO, I asked for a picture of Hughes when he was 70.

YOu have been unable to give me one.

You are unable to support your comparison and your point is invalid.

Stop you fear mongering and your personal attacks, you troll.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

YOu are desperate to find anything to talk about other than the issues.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and DON'T fuck with Russia.

1. Didn't you noticed he has not mentioned walls or banning Muslims for awhile.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs..... What make you sure he can really do that? Did he tell you his plan? He said if they don't go his way...... Will back off. Then what issue an EO to bring all those company back? Maybe you didn't notice.... Independent Economists and Republicans are blasting Trump economic plan. Did you see anyone blasting Hillary economic plan?
I mentioned several times that my consumables are made in China. If I bring those products back to US. Price increase across the board is about 230% that is just the labor. That doesn't even include new facilities, new toolings, equipments, labs, regulatory requirements etc etc etc......... You think medical bills are high right now..... Think real hard. And you better pray you don't get sick.

3. Russia. Trump adore and kissing Putin ass. Why don't you tell Putin not to fuck with us?
We have allies that is very important to US vital interest? Are you just going to hand them to Russia? Putin is a thug but he is not that stupid to use nuclear. Like Syria...... Are you just going to sit there and watch while Assad and Putin killing civilians? Putin is the main supplier of arms to Iran and Syria.
Trump talk tough but he is displaying his weakness.

Talking about nuclear bomb...

1. So? Last I looked it was still his web site as part of his platform.

2. I don't know that he can do that. I know that no one else will even TRY.

3. It is not strong to look for trouble. We have no conflict of interest with Russia. Stop fucking with Russia. Cold War is OVER.
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

YOu are desperate to find anything to talk about other than the issues.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and DON'T fuck with Russia.

1. Didn't you noticed he has not mentioned walls or banning Muslims for awhile.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs..... What make you sure he can really do that? Did he tell you his plan? He said if they don't go his way...... Will back off. Then what issue an EO to bring all those company back? Maybe you didn't notice.... Independent Economists and Republicans are blasting Trump economic plan. Did you see anyone blasting Hillary economic plan?
I mentioned several times that my consumables are made in China. If I bring those products back to US. Price increase across the board is about 230% that is just the labor. That doesn't even include new facilities, new toolings, equipments, labs, regulatory requirements etc etc etc......... You think medical bills are high right now..... Think real hard. And you better pray you don't get sick.

3. Russia. Trump adore and kissing Putin ass. Why don't you tell Putin not to fuck with us?
We have allies that is very important to US vital interest? Are you just going to hand them to Russia? Putin is a thug but he is not that stupid to use nuclear. Like Syria...... Are you just going to sit there and watch while Assad and Putin killing civilians? Putin is the main supplier of arms to Iran and Syria.
Trump talk tough but he is displaying his weakness.

Talking about nuclear bomb...

1. So? Last I looked it was still his web site as part of his platform.

2. I don't know that he can do that. I know that no one else will even TRY.

3. It is not strong to look for trouble. We have no conflict of interest with Russia. Stop fucking with Russia. Cold War is OVER.

1. Sorry to disappoint you.
3. We do have conflict with Russia. One example Syria. Tell Putin thug to stop fucking with America.

New Cold War.

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started
DPA/The Local · 13 Feb 2016, 11:29

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Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that strains between Russia and the West have plunged the world into a "new Cold War".
France and Russia blast Merkel's refugee policy
With tensions high over the lingering Ukraine conflict and Russia's backing of the Syrian regime, Medvedev said: "All that's left is an unfriendly policy of NATO against Russia".
"We can say it even more clearly: We have slid into a new period of Cold War," he said, speaking at the Munich Security Conference.
"Almost every day we are accused of making new horrible threats either against NATO as a whole, against Europe or against the US or other countries."
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.
Trump problem is not his physical health.

Nor his mental health.

It is his personality. That's what you all shocked.
Narcissism is personality disorder but not considered a mental health issue.
It's pretty weird when Trump tweeted out his notice initially --

I am proud to share this health report, written by the highly respected Dr. Jacob Bornstein of Lenox Hill Hospital.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2015

And then posted this Facebook page:


He didn't know his own doctor, well, the guy he referred to -- twice - had been dead for five years, and he had not been a patient of the highly respected Dr. Jacob Bornstein since 1980?

How do we know he's not on drugs?
Yeah, he's not all there.
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

YOu are desperate to find anything to talk about other than the issues.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and DON'T fuck with Russia.

1. Didn't you noticed he has not mentioned walls or banning Muslims for awhile.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs..... What make you sure he can really do that? Did he tell you his plan? He said if they don't go his way...... Will back off. Then what issue an EO to bring all those company back? Maybe you didn't notice.... Independent Economists and Republicans are blasting Trump economic plan. Did you see anyone blasting Hillary economic plan?
I mentioned several times that my consumables are made in China. If I bring those products back to US. Price increase across the board is about 230% that is just the labor. That doesn't even include new facilities, new toolings, equipments, labs, regulatory requirements etc etc etc......... You think medical bills are high right now..... Think real hard. And you better pray you don't get sick.

3. Russia. Trump adore and kissing Putin ass. Why don't you tell Putin not to fuck with us?
We have allies that is very important to US vital interest? Are you just going to hand them to Russia? Putin is a thug but he is not that stupid to use nuclear. Like Syria...... Are you just going to sit there and watch while Assad and Putin killing civilians? Putin is the main supplier of arms to Iran and Syria.
Trump talk tough but he is displaying his weakness.

Talking about nuclear bomb...

1. So? Last I looked it was still his web site as part of his platform.

2. I don't know that he can do that. I know that no one else will even TRY.

3. It is not strong to look for trouble. We have no conflict of interest with Russia. Stop fucking with Russia. Cold War is OVER.

1. Sorry to disappoint you.
3. We do have conflict with Russia. One example Syria. Tell Putin thug to stop fucking with America.

New Cold War.

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started

Russian PM in Munich: New Cold War has started
DPA/The Local · 13 Feb 2016, 11:29

Facebook Twitter Google+ reddit
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that strains between Russia and the West have plunged the world into a "new Cold War".
France and Russia blast Merkel's refugee policy
With tensions high over the lingering Ukraine conflict and Russia's backing of the Syrian regime, Medvedev said: "All that's left is an unfriendly policy of NATO against Russia".
"We can say it even more clearly: We have slid into a new period of Cold War," he said, speaking at the Munich Security Conference.
"Almost every day we are accused of making new horrible threats either against NATO as a whole, against Europe or against the US or other countries."

1. Just checked his web site. NO change. I'm not disappointed.

3. Syria? Where the RUssian are bombing the shit out of ISIS? We have no conflict of interest with Russia. The Ukraine? THe US has no interests in the Ukraine, certainly not any worth fighting a global nuclear war over.

BTW, thanks for actually discussing some issues with me. For a lefty, you are not half bad.
Funny how the questions about hilary's health.....and all of a sudden...Trump is accused too....I wonder who is making those allegations....?

1. This topic is about Trump mental health.
2. Hillary health was a conspiracy brought up by Steve Bannon of Breifart fueled by Hannity from Faux news. This kind of BS only stick with trump followers but not to smart and educated Americans.

#1 is nothing but a form of propaganda.

Fearmongering and personal attacks rolled into one.

Because the left knows they cannot win on the issues.

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.
Trump problem is not his physical health.

Nor his mental health.

It is his personality. That's what you all shocked.
Narcissism is personality disorder but not considered a mental health issue.

Trump's problem is that he is an outsider and that the Elite have launched an all out smear campaign to destroy him.

Trump has a brash, even vulgar public persona.

It is certainly not in keeping with the Traditional Dignity of the Oval Office. That is a valid point against Trump.

But policies are far more important than his presentation.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.
Howard Hughes was looked at as a respected businessman. Millionaire playboy. The wealthiest man in the world

Those are the same credentials Trump supporters are offering. Trump must be smart, must be a great leader....if he could make all that money

So did Howard Hughes


Got any pictures of him when he was 70?

Trump is an old man. He is not going to change. He will be the same reasonable executive that we have seen in the public spotlight for decades, just on a bigger scale with vastly more support.

The only qualification Trump offers is he is exceedingly wealthy. His backers offer this as proof that he can handle any task put before him

Trump offers nothing that Howard Hughes did not possess. Nobody suggests Hughes would have made a good president

NOthing in your post addressed my point.

My point stands. Huges looked good early and degenerated with time.

Trump is already old. He is not going to change in the next 8 years.

Your constantly lying that he has nothing to offer shows that you know that the Truth is not on your side.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

Howard Hughes medical condition was a guarded secret. Only his closest aides knew he was batshit crazy
Trumps mental condition is unknown. He does have an obvious personality disorder that is impacting his candidacy. Combined with his intellectual limitations, it makes him unelectable

You dishonestly posted a picture of Hughes when he was a young man to compare his to Trump at 70.

SO, I asked for a picture of Hughes when he was 70.

YOu have been unable to give me one.

You are unable to support your comparison and your point is invalid.

Stop you fear mongering and your personal attacks, you troll.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

The picture is to equate Hughes and Trumps desire to be photographed with arm candy
Trump has a history of dumping wives for younger models

The point is not that Trump and Hughes are the same at 70, but that both have equal qualifications to be president. The only difference is that I respected Howard Hughes intellectual capabilities. Hughes was a respected engineer and aviator, Trump has limited intellectual capabilities
Got any pictures of him when he was 70?

Trump is an old man. He is not going to change. He will be the same reasonable executive that we have seen in the public spotlight for decades, just on a bigger scale with vastly more support.

The only qualification Trump offers is he is exceedingly wealthy. His backers offer this as proof that he can handle any task put before him

Trump offers nothing that Howard Hughes did not possess. Nobody suggests Hughes would have made a good president

NOthing in your post addressed my point.

My point stands. Huges looked good early and degenerated with time.

Trump is already old. He is not going to change in the next 8 years.

Your constantly lying that he has nothing to offer shows that you know that the Truth is not on your side.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

Howard Hughes medical condition was a guarded secret. Only his closest aides knew he was batshit crazy
Trumps mental condition is unknown. He does have an obvious personality disorder that is impacting his candidacy. Combined with his intellectual limitations, it makes him unelectable

You dishonestly posted a picture of Hughes when he was a young man to compare his to Trump at 70.

SO, I asked for a picture of Hughes when he was 70.

YOu have been unable to give me one.

You are unable to support your comparison and your point is invalid.

Stop you fear mongering and your personal attacks, you troll.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.

The picture is to equate Hughes and Trumps desire to be photographed with arm candy
Trump has a history of dumping wives for younger models

The point is not that Trump and Hughes are the same at 70, but that both have equal qualifications to be president. The only difference is that I respected Howard Hughes intellectual capabilities. Hughes was a respected engineer and aviator, Trump has limited intellectual capabilities

The picture was to support your argument that Trump and Hughes are much alike and to suggest that Hughes, managed to be out on the town, despite being a "Recluse".

But your point was a lie. That picture was from WAY before Hughes degenerated into a recluse.

Trump is an old man. He has lived his life in the spotlight and has not retreated from it as he has aged, if anything, he has been moving in the OPPOSITE direction from Hughes.

Your claim that he is a recluse is a moronic lie.

Your constant attempts to pretend that Trump's personality or mental health is a valid issue, if a form of dishonest propaganda, and a desperate attempt to avoid the issues, because you know that you cannot win on the issues.

You are tearing this nation apart for partisan gain.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking around with Russia.
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

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