Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Ha ha.

One more thing about the letter from his Doc.

The doc signed it with the initials .F.A.C.G.

Those are credentials to being a member of the Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterologists.

But! Bornstein's membership in the organization lapsed in 1995.

"When asked by MSNBC about using the title in his signature without maintaining membership, Bornstein said that the title "has no value" but that he will continue to use it."

Yikes. What a cad. Just like his patient.
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.
There is a world of difference between managing a government and managing a company as CEO.

If you're CEO, then your word is law, because it's your company and you can do anything you want to with it.

If you're president, then you have to work with both sides of the aisle to get some kind of consensus.

And if you think Obama has put out too many executive orders, what do you think Trump is going to do if he doesn't get his way?
Trump has shown he is unable to get along with others

As a businessman, he can bully weaker businesses and get away with it

Applying those tactics to global politics is doomed to fail

Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.
There is a world of difference between managing a government and managing a company as CEO.

If you're CEO, then your word is law, because it's your company and you can do anything you want to with it.

If you're president, then you have to work with both sides of the aisle to get some kind of consensus.

And if you think Obama has put out too many executive orders, what do you think Trump is going to do if he doesn't get his way?
Trump has shown he is unable to get along with others

As a businessman, he can bully weaker businesses and get away with it

Applying those tactics to global politics is doomed to fail

Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.

Perhaps. But the claim was that Trump can't get along with people.

The US has a long history of trying to buy friends.

IF you are correct, then Trump has the experience of actually succeeding at it.

Do you even realize that you have agreed with me?
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?
His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.
There is a world of difference between managing a government and managing a company as CEO.

If you're CEO, then your word is law, because it's your company and you can do anything you want to with it.

If you're president, then you have to work with both sides of the aisle to get some kind of consensus.

And if you think Obama has put out too many executive orders, what do you think Trump is going to do if he doesn't get his way?
Trump has shown he is unable to get along with others

As a businessman, he can bully weaker businesses and get away with it

Applying those tactics to global politics is doomed to fail

Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.

Perhaps. But the claim was that Trump can't get along with people.

The US has a long history of trying to buy friends.

IF you are correct, then Trump has the experience of actually succeeding at it.

Do you even realize that you have agreed with me?

the 'claim' is that he can't get along with people? only those he can buy.

most aren't for sale. the polls indicate that.
There is a world of difference between managing a government and managing a company as CEO.

If you're CEO, then your word is law, because it's your company and you can do anything you want to with it.

If you're president, then you have to work with both sides of the aisle to get some kind of consensus.

And if you think Obama has put out too many executive orders, what do you think Trump is going to do if he doesn't get his way?
Trump has shown he is unable to get along with others

As a businessman, he can bully weaker businesses and get away with it

Applying those tactics to global politics is doomed to fail

Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.

Perhaps. But the claim was that Trump can't get along with people.

The US has a long history of trying to buy friends.

IF you are correct, then Trump has the experience of actually succeeding at it.

Do you even realize that you have agreed with me?

the 'claim' is that he can't get along with people? only those he can buy.

most aren't for sale. the polls indicate that.

Now you are moving the goal posts.

THe point was that he could not be a good president because he could not get along with people.

You have admitted that he can, as demonstrated by his ex wives.

Thus, as President we can expect that he "could get along with people".

We are in agreement on this specific point.

YOu, of course are welcome to be against him for EVERY OTHER reason.

But not this one. For you have admitted he can do it.
I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....
Trump has shown he is unable to get along with others

As a businessman, he can bully weaker businesses and get away with it

Applying those tactics to global politics is doomed to fail

Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.

Perhaps. But the claim was that Trump can't get along with people.

The US has a long history of trying to buy friends.

IF you are correct, then Trump has the experience of actually succeeding at it.

Do you even realize that you have agreed with me?

the 'claim' is that he can't get along with people? only those he can buy.

most aren't for sale. the polls indicate that.

Now you are moving the goal posts.

THe point was that he could not be a good president because he could not get along with people.

You have admitted that he can, as demonstrated by his ex wives.

Thus, as President we can expect that he "could get along with people".

We are in agreement on this specific point.

YOu, of course are welcome to be against him for EVERY OTHER reason.

But not this one. For you have admitted he can do it.

I said that his ex wives can be bought off. that means nothing in the way of the citizens of this country or anybody else. trump does not get along with anybody that he cannot buy off. equating his ex wives to most demographics in this country & leaders of other nations & their peoples is ridiculous.
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns
I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.
HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?
Kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Engage in torture?
Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

he understands the deep rooted bigotry & fear that most of his supporters hold near & dear to their hearts....

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed policies.

That is you being a fear monger and a race baiter.

And fear, is the rational response to random death, you moron.

The fact that you have to lie about his policies is just further evidence that not only can't you win based on the issues, but that YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T WIN BASED ON THE ISSUES.
Trump's ex wife says they are the best of friends.

Trump has shown that he is able to get along very, very well with others.

both of trump's ex wives are best friends with his money.

Perhaps. But the claim was that Trump can't get along with people.

The US has a long history of trying to buy friends.

IF you are correct, then Trump has the experience of actually succeeding at it.

Do you even realize that you have agreed with me?

the 'claim' is that he can't get along with people? only those he can buy.

most aren't for sale. the polls indicate that.

Now you are moving the goal posts.

THe point was that he could not be a good president because he could not get along with people.

You have admitted that he can, as demonstrated by his ex wives.

Thus, as President we can expect that he "could get along with people".

We are in agreement on this specific point.

YOu, of course are welcome to be against him for EVERY OTHER reason.

But not this one. For you have admitted he can do it.

I said that his ex wives can be bought off. that means nothing in the way of the citizens of this country or anybody else. trump does not get along with anybody that he cannot buy off. equating his ex wives to most demographics in this country & leaders of other nations & their peoples is ridiculous.

"Bought off" is your opinion on how he got them to keep liking him, despite their divorces.

The point is that it demonstrates a skill set that RW claimed he did not have.

Quibbling over details and methods does not change that.

You have agreed with me.

Trump can "Get along with other people".

Your "point" about the voters is moving the goal post from "being president" to "getting elected". That you keep trying to change the subject is an admission on your part that you know you have lost this point.

And being experienced in buying people off is certainly a valuable skill in international relations.

It is the opposite of ridiculous.
Yet another example of Trumps limited intellectual capabilities

More Trump word salad

His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns

YOu are still trying to explain away the fact you don't like, ie the Ivy League Education.

You are NOT trying to actually answer how both can be true.

Which do you want?

The Truth?

Or what makes you feel good about yourself and how much better you are than your enemies?
His speaking style is an annoying patter.

Only a moron would think that an annoying speaking style demonstrates a limited intellectual capability.

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

I have encountered some very intelligent people in my life. None of them have seen the need to start a sentence with "I am very smart". In fact, people I have seen declare themselves as very smart, generally aren't

Trumps "patter" as you call it rarely rises above a fourth grade level in vocabulary or context. Whether speaking to his batshit crazy minions, leaders in industry, reporters or politicians, Trump rarely raises the level of his vocabulary. When speaking extemporaneously, Trumps mind wanders from thought to thought, unable to stay on topic

But most importantly, I find Trump to be intellectually lazy. When he entered the race a year ago, he, as would be expected did not have a strong knowledge of global politics, history, economics or social issues
In the year since, he has demonstrated little effort in bringing himself up to speed. He substitutes bully and bluster for logical discussion and creates "facts" out of thin air and the latest conspiracy theory

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

him speaking on a 4th grade level is either him being himself or he's choosing to pander to those that operate on a 4th grade level ie his supporters.

which is it?

Yet even in speaking to those with obvious skills above 4th grade comprehension (business leaders, politicians, journalists) Trump does not stray from his 4th grade vocabulary and speech patterns

YOu are still trying to explain away the fact you don't like, ie the Ivy League Education.

You are NOT trying to actually answer how both can be true.

Which do you want?

The Truth?

Or what makes you feel good about yourself and how much better you are than your enemies?

I went to college with some kids who achieved their grades through nefarious makes it easier
Trump is an Ivy League Graduate, if he is speaking on a 4th grade level, it is because he chooses to.

That you can't understand that, shows YOUR mental limitations.

And you have lost all credibility to complain about lack of logical discussion, with your fear mongering and personal attacks, as a primary discussion template.

Deport the Illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and Stop fucking with Russia.

That he is an Ivy League graduate is puzzling. Very little of what he says or writes reveal an advanced education, let alone from a prestigious school. I would be interested in how he was admitted and what he actually accomplished. Very few people from his class remember Trump in those days.

But even if Trump did legitimately graduate Wharton. There is very little in his speaking or writing that indicate complex thought

I am smart....I went to Wharton
Is a sentence very few legitimate Wharton grads would use

All you just did there was admit that you don't understand what he is doing.

We already covered that.

I can understand Trump playing a role.... eccentric billionaire playboy

But there is little evidence to indicate he has intellectual capabilities beyond that

But even if he does, Trumps biggest problem is he is intellectually lazy. He has no desire to learn. That takes effort. He demonstrates little understanding of critical issues. That is why his staff has to continually explain...."this is what he really means"

Eccentric billionaire playboy does not require 4th grade communication.

He is not intellectually lazy. That is just your partisanship running your mouth.

You know that he is an Ivy League Graduate, and yet is speaking publicly on a 4th grade level.

You cannot understand how these facts can both be true.

THe answer is actually PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and only hidden from you by your Confirmation Bias, because you are looking for an excuse to dismiss Trump as stupid.

HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.
HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?
Kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Engage in torture?

Deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Those were the issues that supercharged his campaign back when people like you were saying he could never win the nomination.

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