Does "It's a wonderful life" still resonate?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's corny and it's in B&W but it still seems relevant in the 21st century. Lionel Barrymore was in a wheelchair for the role of the curmudgeon and it struck me that I saw him in a wheelchair in at least two other movies, Key Largo and another one I can't remember the name. Does he hold the record for wheelchair characters?
It's corny and it's in B&W but it still seems relevant in the 21st century. Lionel Barrymore was in a wheelchair for the role of the curmudgeon and it struck me that I saw him in a wheelchair in at least two other movies, Key Largo and another one I can't remember the name. Does he hold the record for wheelchair characters?
The movie perseveres because it's good triumphing over evil, Christianity triumphing over irreligion, love triumphing over hate. These truths will always resonate.
It's corny and it's in B&W but it still seems relevant in the 21st century. Lionel Barrymore was in a wheelchair for the role of the curmudgeon and it struck me that I saw him in a wheelchair in at least two other movies, Key Largo and another one I can't remember the name. Does he hold the record for wheelchair characters?
It is the quintessential struggle of the common good versus those who intend and do evil for their own benefit. And it is the illustration of what true charity is both on the part of George Bailey and as the recipient of it when he needed it. It teaches us that the choices we make dictate not only the life that we lead but is much more far reaching than that.

The ultimate feel good Christmas movie that should inspire all of us to do good and not evil.
The angel showed George Bailey what the world would be like if he never existed.
It about being thankful for what you have.
Critics were upset that Potter didn't get punished in the end, as that was the accepted formula at the time.
Donald Trump is George Bailey. Idealistic, hard-working optimistic, generous to a fault. (Stories of Trump's generosity are legendary and numerous). He gives the poor real oppportunity to rise above their circumstances. Has the sweet wife (Melania) at home. His town is filled with wholesome businesses. Family is of critical importance to him.

Potter is a agglomeration of leftwing politicians who keep the poor living in slums, unable to rise above their poverty.
Leftwing legalization of prositution and pot is sybolized by the raunchy downtown of Pottersville, filled with x-rated movies and brothels.

Pottersville is a dark, depressing hopeless place, not unlike the godless countries who have put atheism in their constitution (North Korea, China, USSR)
It's corny and it's in B&W but it still seems relevant in the 21st century. Lionel Barrymore was in a wheelchair for the role of the curmudgeon and it struck me that I saw him in a wheelchair in at least two other movies, Key Largo and another one I can't remember the name. Does he hold the record for wheelchair characters?
It's way too long. They should have just cut it back to exclude all the see what things would have been like with outcha George scenes.
Donald Trump is George Bailey.
It's corny and it's in B&W but it still seems relevant in the 21st century. Lionel Barrymore was in a wheelchair for the role of the curmudgeon and it struck me that I saw him in a wheelchair in at least two other movies, Key Largo and another one I can't remember the name. Does he hold the record for wheelchair characters?
Clarence The Angel Takes Gavin Newsom To Florida To Show Him What California Would Look Like If He'd Never Been Born
U.S.·Dec 16, 2023 ·
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TAMPA, FL — Fresh off the case of George Bailey, Clarence the Angel embarked on a new mission over the weekend to show California Governor Gavin Newsom what California could be like if he'd never been born.
"I just picked him up and flew him over to Florida," Clarence explained. "Easiest job I've ever had."
Earlier in the day, residents had observed Newsom wandering the streets of San Francisco, muttering to himself about the futility of life. "I was supposed to be President! I was supposed to be the guy!" cried out Newsom. "Instead, I've spent my days toiling away in California -- and now, looking around at this crummy little state, what do I have to show for it? What has it all been for??"

It was then that Clarence the Angel descended to Gavin Newsom's side, arriving to visibly show Newsom the fruits of his life's work. "You're going to be given a great gift, Gavin - to see what California would look like if you had never been born!" exclaimed Clarence as they arrived in Florida. "Look at the unvarnished beauty of nature, walk the streets free of feces, see the livelihoods unruined, hear the laughter of children allowed to live! You see Gavin, each man's life touches so many other lives. See all the wonderful things that don't exist because of you? It really is a wonderful life here in Florida, isn't it?"
At publishing time, Newsom had reportedly taken the vision to heart, renewing his vow to become President so he could make Florida look just like California.
Next to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer...:)

It's a Wonderful life is the best Christmas movie of all time!

Along with Rudolph, I've watched it every Christmas season since I was born! Ok, maybe not that long...but for decades!

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