Do you seriously believe


Fred Phelps is just repeating what the Bible says about homos.

Why don't Christians back him and his message?

Fred Phelps left out

Judge not, lest ye be judged

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged

He that is without sin, cast the first stone

Phil 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Read Matthew 23 and get back to me.
I've already read it.

Phelps isn't stoning anyone.

He is just repeating what God says about homos.

Two gays packing each others fudge is not; noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent. or praiseworthy.

It's just nasty, stinky, disgusting, and perverted. :evil:

I'm going to assume this is your trolling persona.
I've said it before, and considering the pack of inbred, semi-functional monkeys that people this message board, I will likely be repeating it until the end of time: when you ask a question that requires the responder to accept your personal, biased worldview as correct, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't get an answer, or even taken seriously.
Why is it that the pro-homosexual lobby equates anyone who doesn't agree with their politics with homophobes, haters, religious zealots?

Because that's the way propaganda works.

I've said it before, and considering the pack of inbred, semi-functional monkeys that people this message board, I will likely be repeating it until the end of time: when you ask a question that requires the responder to accept your personal, biased worldview as correct, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't get an answer, or even taken seriously.

Are you a Christian?
So then I wonder how a person can mock, shame, belittle, slander, and insult people on a daily basis - that you also pray for every day. I don't get how that works.

Sticks and stones....

My faith tells me that I am to pray for my enemies and I do... I pray for Obama and his regime every day. :eusa_shifty:

And you have developed no empathy or compassion for him, through your prayers?

I dont need empathy for someone to pray for them.

When it comes to Obama... I pray he does not do any further destruction to America and that God will soften his heart, because I believe there is alot of malice in Obama's heart for America.

Im no saint, and just a mere human, so there are times when I do have hate in my heart... but those are the times when other folks praying for me comes into play.
Why is it that the pro-homosexual lobby equates anyone who doesn't agree with their politics with homophobes, haters, religious zealots?

Because that's the way propaganda works.


You didn't answer the question.

Because it's a "when did you stop beating your wife" question..which was my point.

Just because I don't want the nuclear family thrown out the window doesn't mean I hate gays.
Why is it that the pro-homosexual lobby equates anyone who doesn't agree with their politics with homophobes, haters, religious zealots?

Because that's the way propaganda works.


You didn't answer the question.

You are ASSuming that koshergrl hates homos... how can one answer that question?

Its like asking how long its been since you quit beating your wife kind of BS.

Its kind of a passive aggressive thread against christians if ya ask me.
What difference does it make, Infidel? Obviously I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, so who cares about my perceptions. I'm glad you all love the gays, and the fact that they are treated as second-class citizens is no skin off anybody's back, really.
Actually, it's logical fallacy and a carefully structured propaganda engine at work.

BDBoop doesn't know she's doing it; she's doing what she's been programmed to do by progressive masterminds who set up the system decades ago.
What difference does it make, Infidel? Obviously I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, so who cares about my perceptions. I'm glad you all love the gays, and the fact that they are treated as second-class citizens is no skin off anybody's back, really.

Oh brother... I just have to ask.

How are they treated like 2nd class citizens?

Really... how??

I mean OMG, it seems like they have been the center of attention for WAY TOO LONG.

But I guess the squeaky wheel gets lubed right??
What difference does it make, Infidel? Obviously I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, so who cares about my perceptions. I'm glad you all love the gays, and the fact that they are treated as second-class citizens is no skin off anybody's back, really.

Oh brother... I just have to ask.

How are they treated like 2nd class citizens?

Really... how??

I mean OMG, it seems like they have been the center of attention for WAY TOO LONG.

But I guess the squeaky wheel gets lubed right??

You already know all the questions and all the answers. This was my last ditch effort to get through - and I'm done.

That's a relief.

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