Zone1 Is The Bible In Favor Of The Death Penalty?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I was just curious because I was just reading about last night how God didn't want Cain to die even after killing Able. I thought that in other places that it talked about being for the death penalty though. 🤔
Does the Old Testament of the Bible approve of capital punishment?

The Old Testament of the Bible does indeed address capital punishment. However, it’s important to note that there is no clear mandate either for or against capital punishment in the Bible. Let’s explore this further:

  1. Old Testament Law and Capital Punishment:
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Jesus was not fond of the Death Penalty

God is addicted to death. He even thinks children deserve the death penalty for not listening to their parents.
God is addicted to death. He even thinks children deserve the death penalty for not listening to their parents.
God is in favor of children listening to their parents. How many children have died through not listening to their parents, how many fingers burnt by not listening to a parent?

Try picturing God, not as one who smites, but one who warns of possible impending consequences.
yeah, and if they dont, the town elderly should kill them.
Yes. The parents say, "Stay away from those old grumpy people. They are paranoid and think the young are out to get them, and they'll whack you if you step onto their property."
Republicans and rightwinges wouldn't want God's judgement if He were to enact it on earth at this time.

You think you do, but you really don't.

Hint: Republicans have been screaming about "social justice warriors" for years and years and years now, and justice is the most talked about subjet in the Bible. #LookItUp
Republicans and rightwinges wouldn't want God's judgement if He were to enact it on earth at this time.

You think you do, but you really don't.

Hint: Republicans have been screaming about "social justice warriors" for years and years and years now, and justice is the most talked about subjet in the Bible. #LookItUp
Yeah he would really appreciate you leftists chopping the dicks off the temples he created. Dumb ass.
Catholics go by Scripture AND Tradition, which is hitting the 2025- year mark

The RCC has always been in favor of capital punishment for murder and possibly treason (haven't checked that last one out...)

It just makes sense: Protect the law abiding from the law breaking. That doesn't mean that the Church approves of... say, Blacks being given the death penalty on a larger scale, percentage-wise, than Whites... If the system can't be fair, it should maybe not be utilized..

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