Do you feel that America is becoming a fascist State passing totalitarian laws ? I am totally disheartened that American people can view other Americans so callously and want to interfere with their sexual reproductive Rights. I think I found the answer. Most people agree Roe versus Wade should have stood. I do not agree with that, I believe any abortion law is an affront to what our nation stands for. People really need to mind their own business on this unfortunate and difficult situation that some women have to decide. I do not believe there is a so-called pro-life group, out of 12 posters on here that I've surveyed and studied who said they were pro-life, we're actually anti-abortion and / or anti woman. Some of the names names I heard them call women needing abortions were; whores, sluts, uninformed, bitches, ignorant, stupid. These people are definitely prejudiced / biased and are too emotionally involved in the issue and other people's business. The next step I believe is; The world’s platform for change>abortion. There are 92 petitions to sign, I haven't thoroughly reviewed it yet but now is the time to act. And hopefully they will get up a petition throughout the United States to get it on the national ballot to end all abortion regulations. Abortion is a medical issue best left between a woman and her doctor. Government and the courts have no right to interfere with that. That is my belief and I will make sure this happens because the majority of Americans are good and decent people that don't want to force people to do things that don't work for them. Calling me a murderer, and that's another name they kept calling these women murderers. There is no such thing as unborn baby, you've all been duped. That's an emotional hook to get you into their agenda. From that point on it defies rational thinking on the issue. It's like brainwashing. Physical life does start at conception but there is no such thing as an unborn child. It is correctly called a fetus to avoid that confusion. At any rate, now is the time to act. Please sign the petition to end this new nightmare for women in America before it begins again.