Zone1 Do JWs fit the Description of a Dangerous Cult?

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2018
These men speaking are members of the Governing Body of the Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses. They claim to be the only men on earth speaking for God. Take a listen.
Anyone who gives supreme power to a personality or organization put them above God.

That is idolatry. That is a cult.

The chilling thing is, any church can be subverted into one.

Just ask pastor Jim Jones who led his congregation to the jungles of Central America because he felt the church was not Marxist enough as he later convinced them all to drink cool aid.
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God speaks to us through his written word. Anybody who claims to literally "speak for God" is a liar and should be ignored.
The Catholic Church claims that only they can properly translate scripture. That's how we got paying churches to get out of Hell and serving Mary instead of God, among others.
I have a New King James Bible and I have the Holy Spirit. I fellowship with Bible believers who worship Jesus and the Father. I don't need anyone who claims to be the only ones who speak for God. Amen.
I have a New King James Bible and I have the Holy Spirit. I fellowship with Bible believers who worship Jesus and the Father. I don't need anyone who claims to be the only ones who speak for God. Amen.
I personally like the English Standard Version for its ease of reading, HOWEVER, I've discovered that there are a LOT of translation errors in most modern, English Bibles, including the King James Versions. I highly recommend that you double-check some scriptures against the Young's Literal Translation Bible, which was written in 1898 and is a MUCH better translation.
Anyone who gives supreme power to a personality or organization put them above God.

That is idolatry. That is a cult.

The chilling thing is, any church can be subverted into one.

Just ask pastor Jim Jones who led his congregation to the jungles of Central America because he felt the church was not Marxist enough as he later convinced them all to drink cool aid.
Yes, but a lot of people mistakenly say this kind of thing about the Church Christ actually founded and of course there is only ONE.

If Christ establishes a Church, it should be accepted by all professing Christians, rigth? Even if it looks like the always-hated "organization"
I personally like the English Standard Version for its ease of reading, HOWEVER, I've discovered that there are a LOT of translation errors in most modern, English Bibles, including the King James Versions. I highly recommend that you double-check some scriptures against the Young's Literal Translation Bible, which was written in 1898 and is a MUCH better translation.
No, the most reliable Bible is the Douay Rheims which is a non-interpretative version and probably the only one or one of the only ones that can be said about.

That's the only bible I myself trust and the only one the Catholic Church (not the Vatican) trusts and I believe it was canonized by the Council ofTrent in the 16th century
The Catholic Church claims that only they can properly translate scripture. That's how we got paying churches to get out of Hell and serving Mary instead of God, among others.

And the hated Catholic Church is the ONLY one I've ever found (but there's only one Church anyhow) that has the Real Presence of Christ in it 24/7. As stated b4, that Real Presence seems (to yours truly) to be "leaving the building" as it were.. (I mean: literally). Some novus ordo "churches" tht used to have the Real Presence of Christ despite their Mass irregularities and other post Vatican II issues are losing the Real Presence. That is just my opinion and I just don't have time to visit, say 100 Churches to see if I am correct. I have visited a few and some seem to have the Presence and some do not. And one I recall at this time seemed to have both the Real Presence and also an evil presence... I got the heck out of that one asap, even though I think the Real Presence really was there also.. kind of bizarre situation... but what is happening in the RCC these days is bizarre anyhow....
Church Organizations by definition are ALL cults....even the independent, individual ones.

The question that is relevant is "Are they a dangerous cult?"

By that are people unknowingly being harmed or unknowingly promoting things diametrically opposed to their wellbeing...

Tough call....
All want your money. Some even demand it like a bill or country club membership including assessments and 13th month dues.

But churches are notorious for mis allocating funds....spending on frivolous items....

I know a church that was having a building and grounds capitol improvement campaign....for their American campus and their hospital in Moldova. 27 million for America construction and one million for their hospital.

Yeah....golden pews complete with cushions and zone heating controls. Of course there was AV built into each of them as well....
Are they murdering people? Blowing up buildings? Making Scary Faces at Methodist kids?
Do you believe in God?
Well of course I do....but my belief isn't as relevant as God's belief in me...which for some inane reason He seems to hold just such a belief. I don't see it but....who am I to argue?
These men speaking are members of the Governing Body of the Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses. They claim to be the only men on earth speaking for God. Take a listen.

Cultish? Yes
Annoying? Yes
Dangerous? No.

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