Do African Americans Hate Israel???


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
With the recent cold shoulder the left has given Israel,and Islam being the fastest growing religion in the black community the question has to be asked ....DO BLACKS HATE ISRAEL??the reason I ask this question is because blacks overwhelmingly vote for dems,and Obama's relationship with Israel is poor at best!!while white conservatives and a few white left wingers cry out for the defense of Israel against the vile, filthy,murderous Islamic enemy Israel is surrounded by .....SILENCE FROM AFRICAN AMERICANS!!!the proof is the anti -Semetic message being spouted by many black leaders and hero's ...Malcolm X ,Farrakhan ,Rev Wright,Sharpton, Ect...
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I don't believe in the rapture so I don't have a problem with Israel or Jews, unlike Evangelical Christians who have a rancher/cattle mentality towards Israel and Jews. Just as the rancher has to care, provide and protect his cattle prior to their slaughter; so do the Evangelical Christians have to care, provide and protect their "cattle" to make it to market. The rancher and the Evangelical Christians will both be rewarded for the care of their herds, or so they think.
Many older black people dislike Israel and the Zionist Jews who run that apartheid nation.

Because they still remember the old racist apartheid South Africa that had an almost worldwide embargo against it.

Yet, the only nation that still continued to trade with apartheid South Africa and sell them weapons was Israel.
i don't believe in the rapture so i don't have a problem with israel or jews, unlike evangelical christians who have a rancher/cattle mentality towards israel and jews. Just as the rancher has to care, provide and protect his cattle prior to their slaughter; so do the evangelical christians have to care, provide and protect their "cattle" to make it to market. The rancher and the evangelical christians will both be rewarded for the care of their herds, or so they think.
what the hell are you talking about traitor???
Do African Americans Hate Israel???

I suspect most don't even think about Israel.
Many older black people dislike Israel and the Zionist Jews who run that apartheid nation.

Because they still remember the old racist apartheid South Africa that had an almost worldwide embargo against it.

Yet, the only nation that still continued to trade with apartheid South Africa and sell them weapons was Israel.
and are blacks in south africa doing better now???
Many older black people dislike Israel and the Zionist Jews who run that apartheid nation.

Because they still remember the old racist apartheid South Africa that had an almost worldwide embargo against it.

Yet, the only nation that still continued to trade with apartheid South Africa and sell them weapons was Israel.
and are blacks in south africa doing better now???

Yes, they are doing much better now that they are Free :cool:

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