Dismal Biden November Jobs Report less than half what was predicted.

Comedy gold tard...you and your excuses for Biden is a crack up....no argument needed....argue with a fool and onlookers won't be able to tell the difference....
Retardation is not a replacement for debate. Try another angle. Because your present angle is too boring and immature.

Now show us where he said he wanted to shut down the country, liar.

I just did. No worries, dumbfuck, no one expects you with your pre-K level intellect to understand.
jen psaki
vomit 2.gif
Not sure how the numbers are going to go in the future but lets hope we can get as many people as possible back to work.

I just did. No worries, dumbfuck, no one expects you with your pre-K level intellect to understand.
No, you didn’t. Nothing you listed was shutting down the economy and costing jobs, Dumbass.

Your ignorance cracks me up dumbfuck.
List the jobs lost due to the quote you posted. Please not the word "shutdown" does not appear in the quote.

Every day is filled with LIES for these RWI's.

Trump losses 4 million total jobs in 4 years........Best Economy Ever they say.
Biden Gains Jobs EVERY month...............Let's go Brandon

Nostra is my favorite retard on this message board.
Unemployment under Trump was 3.5% before China unleashed the Fauci Flu on us.

Let me know when Veggie Joe breaks even with that, Dipsqueeze.
That wasn't Biden's fault. That was scumbags fault for calling covid a hoax.

Well Trump had better death numbers than Dementia and he didn't have any vaccines or advanced therapeutics. Maybe Dementia should try calling it a hoax. :eusa_shhh:
List the jobs lost due to the quote you posted.

Restaurants and bars, ya dumbfuck. Waiters, cooks, hostesses, bartenders, everyone working in them. That alone lost 6 million jobs.

Your ignorance knows no boundaries.
Restaurants and bars, ya dumbfuck. Waiters, cooks, hostesses, bartenders, everyone working in them. That alone lost 6 million jobs.

Your ignorance knows no boundaries.
Ok. Show me where Trump shut them down.


You lose again, liar.
Trump has done no good, except keep Obama policies in place. He's also responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths from covid by calling it a hoax, and never taking it seriously. He is responsible for the attack on our country when he incited an insurrection over a lie. Trump has done no good for the American people. Period!
Seriously DUDE--you really think this? Are you in junior high.
Every day is filled with LIES for these RWI's.

Trump losses 4 million total jobs in 4 years........Best Economy Ever they say.
Biden Gains Jobs EVERY month...............Let's go Brandon

Nostra is my favorite retard on this message board.

You know a lot about lies when you say "Trump" loses 4 million jobs amid a worldwide pandemic sent here by Joe's buddies in China.
Unemployment under Trump was 3.5% before China unleashed the Fauci Flu on us.

Let me know when Veggie Joe breaks even with that, Dipsqueeze.
3.5% down from the 4.7% Obama handed him. A 1.2 point drop. And that too almost 3 years.

Meanwhile almost one year into Biden's term, the unemployment rate has dropped 2.1 points from 6.3% to 4.2%.

Won't be long until you yahoos revert to "real unemployment" figures again.

Ok. Show me where Trump shut them down.


You lose again, liar.

Dumbfuck, as I already stated -- he recommended people stop going to restaurants and bars. People stopped. Restaurants and bars shut down. 6 million jobs were lost.

Keep 'em coming, dumbfuck.


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